Trailer Coming Tomorrow

By Cryptecks | 20th Aug 2004 at 01:29 GMT in San Andreas | 11 Comments

On tonights "On the Spot," Gamespot's weekly live gaming show, Nancy Bueller announced that Rockstar has set the date for the Official Trailer to be released. That day is tomorrow, and we all will be waiting on the web for this priceless gem. So, stay tuned and we'll let everyone know when the trailer is released.

illitrate23's photo
illitrate23 20th August, 2004 @ 07:44 - Permalink

is that friday or saturday?

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 20th August, 2004 @ 08:11 - Permalink

It's released 1hour ago. I just got the link . Enjoy : .

illitrate23's photo
illitrate23 20th August, 2004 @ 09:10 - Permalink

thanks for the link

looks awesome!!

dj gaz's photo
dj gaz 20th August, 2004 @ 13:06 - Permalink

:dribble: the trailer was cool but i think r* could of shown a bit more of the game though but it still looks good.

2 months too go!!!!!!! :coolthumbup::thumbsup:

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 20th August, 2004 @ 13:22 - Permalink

Yeah and we'll see who's the first person to get the game on the forum :D We'll discuss together then .

dj gaz's photo
dj gaz 20th August, 2004 @ 13:42 - Permalink

yeah that would be cool i live in da uk so i get it later than da u.s but before oz so it wil. be cool to discuss and find out others opinians etc. etc. :coolthumbup:

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 20th August, 2004 @ 13:49 - Permalink

And what about me, lol this is the most southern east asia .. but i guess we'll all get it on 23rd too :D

Righty's photo
Righty 20th August, 2004 @ 16:38 - Permalink

Can we play basketball?

Chris's photo
Chris 20th August, 2004 @ 19:09 - Permalink

yes i believe we can

smartboy we get it on the 22nd not the 23rd, and they havent said a release date for Asia, but if its the same as Australia you'll get it on the 28th

Precision's photo
Precision 20th August, 2004 @ 20:55 - Permalink
It's released 1hour ago. I just got the link . Enjoy : .

The link doesn't work for me, what is it about?

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 21st August, 2004 @ 01:20 - Permalink

It's the trailer lol . Go to the post Chris posted. And Chris, my retailer says the date we'll get it will be 23rd. Ha i hope so then.

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