New Previews From Maxim and C&VG

By Chris | 27th Oct 2006 at 13:12 GMT in Vice City Stories | 0 Comments

An article on Computer and Video Games earlier this week claims that Phil Collins, whom we saw making a prominent appearance in the new trailer also released this week, will actually be a playable character in Vice City Stories. The English rock (and pop) star formerly of Genesis fame will be able to be taken into the Deathmatch arena, just one of the 10 multiplayer modes available in the game.

Meanwhile, men's magazine Maxim have a Things to look out for in Vice City Stories article. There are two points in the article of interest. One is that when 'busted' or 'wasted', instead of losing your weapons for good, they'll now be held outside the hospital or police station, where you'll be able to buy them back for a price. A nice improvement on previous iterations.

The other is that Maxim are saying that the Malibu Club and Ocean View Hotel are not being included in the game, this is contrary to a magazine article a couple of months ago in which the editors claim they flew over the club. Seems Rockstar may have taken it out of the final game for some reason.

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