Vice City Stories Out Already?

By Chris | 27th Oct 2006 at 14:46 GMT in Vice City Stories | 4 Comments

You may have seen some photos flying around the interweb this morning, showing one lucky Frenchman's copy of Vice City Stories. The photos, which we can confirm are taken with a real camera (a HP Photosmart 735 to be precise) due to the file's properties, don't seem to have been photoshopped. Having said that, the owner clearly doesn't know how to use the camera as they're quite poor quality and he's used the flash on a reflective surface... typical 'leaked photos' if you will.

The images show exactly what you'd expect, the UMD, instruction manual, and Take 2 registration card. It seems he's managed to get this French copy before anyone else in Europe and indeed America, quite a lucky man, though it is not known how exactly he managed to obtain the game in the first place.

Have you got your copy early? Why not let your excitement known and tell us about it in our Vice City Stories forum? If you're not already a member, what are you waiting for? Join today!

Images: one, two, three and four

Note that the official release dates are still as follows: October 31st in North America, November 3rd in the UK and most European countries, and November 10th in Australia, plus Spain and other European countries. This French copy basically confirms the game is still on schedule, unlike previous GTA games which have been delayed at the last minute.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 27th October, 2006 @ 15:24 - Permalink
>.< I wanted to see the UMD. f***in' hell.
Chris's photo
Chris 27th October, 2006 @ 15:29 - Permalink

Clearly the child taking the pictures has no skill in photography. Shame really as better pictures would have caused a lot more excitement.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 28th October, 2006 @ 00:52 - Permalink

Maybe they have the flash on for a reason...or they're really just stupid.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 4th November, 2006 @ 04:29 - Permalink
>.< I wanted to see the UMD. f***in' hell.

Bump.Sorry.But same hear.Lol.You said that funny.But know it's out.So ya...Awesomo

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