VC-MP 0.3 Released

By Chris | 28th Oct 2006 at 15:45 GMT in Vice City | 11 Comments

The Vice City Multiplayer team have been busy recently, and last week released version 0.3 of their fantastic mutliplayer mod. Version 0.1 has already proved to be the most popular multiplayer mod in our database (for Vice City), so I expect you'll be pleased to see this update, which contains the following upgrades and new features:


  • netcode(allows 50 players now)
  • sync(smoother sync overall)
  • browser(SA:MP browser interface)
  • admin(in-game commands added)

New features:

  • synced pickups(defined thru ini)
  • maximum flight height raised
  • tires popping is synced
  • added chat commands /msg and /me
  • armour bars added above health bars
  • bugs fixed


Download VC-MP 0.3

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 28th October, 2006 @ 22:18 - Permalink

Doesnt even work, pink bar doesnt load fully. Some guy on the boards says you need to download a file to replace the exe, im not sure thats 100% legal

Chris's photo
Chris 28th October, 2006 @ 22:37 - Permalink

I heard about that, I'll check it out and see what's up with it.

Dave1's photo
Dave1 28th October, 2006 @ 22:38 - Permalink

Now that the vice city updates are done they can start work on the next version of =D.

quite a few syncing issues XD.

Chris's photo
Chris 28th October, 2006 @ 23:18 - Permalink
Doesnt even work, pink bar doesnt load fully. Some guy on the boards says you need to download a file to replace the exe, im not sure thats 100% legal

Just tried it and got exactly the same problem, and I also found that you need to download an .exe which more than likely fucks up things for the normal game.

Urban Legend's photo
Urban Legend 30th October, 2006 @ 03:22 - Permalink

Yeah I found there to be alot of problems with this but still fun. If you are having problems getting started get that .exe fix and replace it whenever you want to play VCMP, that's what I do...

And also if you cant select a character... Your fire button has to be on the mouse, at least one.

Chris's photo
Chris 30th October, 2006 @ 13:43 - Permalink
If you are having problems getting started get that .exe fix and replace it whenever you want to play VCMP, that's what I do...

That's such a pain in the ass though and I don't think it's fair users should be forced to download this crack/patch or whatever it is, I can't understand why it would be so hard to make it work on a legal copy of the game.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 30th October, 2006 @ 15:46 - Permalink

They should have it ready.

Urban Legend's photo
Urban Legend 30th October, 2006 @ 20:27 - Permalink

I know what your sayin Chris, I dont like it either but what can ya do? Well not play it for one, but then your missin out :P

I wanna try out MTA though since I really havent played that for over a year and I know thats probably good, not to mention I had dial up last time.

gtavicecitybacktothefuture's photo
gtavicecitybacktothefuture 20th January, 2012 @ 00:57 - Permalink
Artur's photo
Artur 22nd January, 2012 @ 04:57 - Permalink

^ I know that you're new, but this news is more than 5 years old man. Don't post on such old threads.

jenci's photo
jenci 20th December, 2014 @ 16:48 - Permalink

”Im not sure thats legal„What are you,Jack Thompson?

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