San Andreas PC version for preorder?

By Chris | 25th Aug 2004 at 09:45 GMT in San Andreas | 10 Comments

Whilst shopping around online I was pleasantly suprised when I found one shop having GTA San Andreas PC version for sale, with a release date.

According to SpecialReserve the PC version is due for release on February 1st 2005 which I myself think is wrong because the PC version usually comes out later than that.

Anyway here is the link, they're selling it for £24.99 (About ) which is usual for a decent PC game.

I assume this is just a presumption of when they think it will arrive but its interesting they have a release date.

GTA SA FREAK's photo
GTA SA FREAK 27th August, 2004 @ 09:25 - Permalink

oh my god. that is so cool. i cant wait for it on pc, because i havnt got a ps2. i just hope that release date is true.

Dennis's photo
Dennis 27th August, 2004 @ 13:25 - Permalink

GTA SA Freak, why did u email me about this :wacko:

Precision's photo
Precision 28th August, 2004 @ 12:52 - Permalink
GTA SA Freak, why did u email me about this :wacko:

Did he e-mail you? Maybe you should e-mail him back to ask him, then?

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 28th August, 2004 @ 13:00 - Permalink

Just ask R*.

Precision's photo
Precision 28th August, 2004 @ 20:06 - Permalink

Anyway, was it already confirmed that it was going to be released on the PC, I thought they said it'll be Ps2 only?

Chef Chenko's photo
Chef Chenko 6th September, 2004 @ 10:43 - Permalink
:pissed: Yeah you would like that wouldn't you...
smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 6th September, 2004 @ 14:12 - Permalink

I would :D

Precision's photo
Precision 6th September, 2004 @ 18:37 - Permalink
:pissed: Yeah you would like that wouldn't you...

What are you talking about? They said Ps2 only, so I'm not wanting anything, I was just upset because they didn't kept their promise.

Chris's photo
Chris 11th September, 2004 @ 21:58 - Permalink

actually I think its weird they are still calling it a PS2 exclusive when they have already said it will be for PC as well

Precision's photo
Precision 12th September, 2004 @ 11:29 - Permalink
actually I think its weird they are still calling it a PS2 exclusive when they have already said it will be for PC as well

Yeah, I think they should focus more on the Ps2 version, than on the GBA Advance version, which I guess nobody's really waiting for.

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