Vice City Stories Radio Stations

By Chris | 3rd Nov 2006 at 17:22 GMT in Vice City Stories | 7 Comments

Today Vice City Stories is officially out in Europe, although some people have been getting their hands on the game early. I now have a copy myself which means I can start getting a lot more content up on the site.

The first page I've made is currently the only page on the web right now where you'll find the complete playlists for each radio station in Vice City Stories, and includes the logos of each station. You can check out the radio stations page for all the info you need on the soundtrack, which of course is currently available on, and will be coming to iTunes later this month.

Stay tuned for more Vice City Stories content coming soon!

TG187's photo
TG187 3rd November, 2006 @ 17:37 - Permalink

Cool game without a PSP for me. :nope::down:

TM™'s photo
TM™ 3rd November, 2006 @ 18:20 - Permalink

I can't wiat, getting mines tommorow, i can't believe they have Flash FM still, there still going...

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 3rd November, 2006 @ 22:53 - Permalink

I like Wave103 the best :coolthumbup:

Nate10's photo
Nate10 4th November, 2006 @ 04:27 - Permalink

Thank you Thank you Thank you Chris.I've been lookni for this type of topic.

K_P's photo
K_P 5th November, 2006 @ 12:33 - Permalink

Damn, I want this game. Ive been persuading my mates who have a PSP to get this.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 5th November, 2006 @ 15:33 - Permalink

Man, I need this game

Nate10's photo
Nate10 5th November, 2006 @ 23:56 - Permalink

Ya.I need it too.I'm getting it for Christmas though <_< Well, least I know i'lll get it.

Some of our affiliates (view all):

Rockstar Network GTAPSP GTA Jucatori G-Unleashed