Electronic Gaming Monthly

By Chris | 11th Sep 2004 at 01:48 GMT in San Andreas | 2 Comments

Thanks to ChaD4212 for this info, we finally get a glimpse of Las Venturas.

There are loads of casinos to gamble in such as the V-Rock Casino which resembles the Hard Rock Cafe. Others include "The Visage", "Pirates in Men's Pants", "Caligula's Palace" and "The Pink Swan".

While in a casino, there are a lot ofgames available to play, these include Blackjack, Video Poker, Wheel of Fortune, Slots and Craps.

Elvis Presley impersonators are present.

The famous Las Vegas cowboy sign is there but features Avery Carrington (of Vice City Fame) instead.

A huge Candy Suxx statue is on one of Las Venturas' buildings

Precision's photo
Precision 11th September, 2004 @ 11:21 - Permalink

There are no screenshots? But anyway, it's nice to see those Elvis impersonators come back. They were a lot of fun in GTA 2.

Chris's photo
Chris 11th September, 2004 @ 12:44 - Permalink

hmm, there were earlier, they must have removed them now

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