The map in PSM2 is tnk's fake one?

By Chris | 24th Sep 2004 at 19:16 GMT in San Andreas | 0 Comments

Now I know this isn't much of a news story but there's nothing much to post about as we've had no new info from Rockstar for over 2 weeks now, and the official site still hasn't had its update yet.

Anyway when I read the latest issue of PSM2 UK (# 54) I was rather dissapointed by the fact they said "San Andreas Map Revealed!". Naturally I assumed that Rockstar had given them the first preview of the whole map. But when I looked at the map (which was for some reason printed in grayscale) I thought it looked incredibly similar to one that was submitted to this website.

Now you may realise i'm talking about that fantastic map that tnk made (look here if you haven't seen it) and if you compare it you will see it is exactly the same, now PSM2 have not given any credit to tnk which I thinks kinda rude. They just say "San Andreas will look exactly as you see above, providing you believe the work of bloody talented internet tricksters."

They basically just point out the same inaccuracies we found last month. Anyway its worth the read if you don't mind not getting any new info.

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