Fansite Exclusive Screens

By Chris | 1st Oct 2004 at 15:34 GMT in San Andreas | 8 Comments

R* have sent us our September batch of exclusive fansite screens, they look great and there is now less than a month to wait til we can play it. Thanks R*

fansite_exclusive_september_1.jpg fansite_exclusive_september_2.jpg

fansite_exclusive_september_3.jpg fansite_exclusive_september_4.jpg

Also on the official San Andreas website there is some new artwork most likely of Salvatore Leone, you should remember him from GTA3. Now I added this artwork to the artwork page when it was first on the site but didn't post about it because I didn't think it was that significant but I see most sites have now posted it so, here it is if you haven't seen it already...


SpiderJay's photo
SpiderJay 1st October, 2004 @ 18:38 - Permalink

Those four pictures all have one thing in common; New vehicles. A new helicopter, a new bike, a new car and a new boat. Very nice. Veeery nice indeed!


Chris's photo
Chris 1st October, 2004 @ 20:09 - Permalink

hey maybe we can fish from that boat, we gotta eat remember so I wouldn't rule that possibility out

Airashii's photo
Airashii 1st October, 2004 @ 21:04 - Permalink

hey,those screenshots are really impressive,thanks chris

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 2nd October, 2004 @ 01:59 - Permalink

Fishing should be good :D And we probably can cook it :D ?

Chris's photo
Chris 3rd October, 2004 @ 20:50 - Permalink

yeah maybe we can cook what we catch too

person123's photo
person123 3rd October, 2004 @ 22:27 - Permalink

that heli pic looks cool i cant wait

Sherman's photo
Sherman 4th October, 2004 @ 01:36 - Permalink

that car kinda reminds me of a Hermes :mellow:

Corporate_Nothing's photo
Corporate_Nothing 4th October, 2004 @ 02:55 - Permalink

Yeah, I thought the same thing. Gosh, this game is turning into a RPG isn't it....

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