Gamespot and IGN previews

By Chris | 9th Oct 2004 at 15:18 GMT in San Andreas | 3 Comments

We have just received an email from R* saying this:

keep an eye on GameSpot and IGN this weekend. They will both be running stories which I think you will want to see.

so do keep an eye on them, we will have the screens from their previews as soon as possible, probably Sunday/Monday, unwatermarked

Corporate_Nothing's photo
Corporate_Nothing 9th October, 2004 @ 21:05 - Permalink

One down... two to go... (two because Gamespy is also going to have an update, as your title says)

Chris's photo
Chris 9th October, 2004 @ 22:18 - Permalink

oops thats supposed to say Gamespot, i'll edit that now :blush:

Corporate_Nothing's photo
Corporate_Nothing 10th October, 2004 @ 23:09 - Permalink

Lol, that reminds me of when kept calling Gamespot "Gamedot".

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