IGN - Welcome to San Fierro

By Chris | 9th Oct 2004 at 19:45 GMT in San Andreas | 2 Comments

IGN have posted a huge preview on San Fierro after a long absense of any new information. It contains a whole load of new info and lots of new screenshots so check it out.

Links: Welcome to San Fierro, Screenshots

Corporate_Nothing's photo
Corporate_Nothing 9th October, 2004 @ 21:01 - Permalink

Well, the review wasn't all that extensive, but I still enjoyed reading it, and it had some cool screenshots, although only 4 i believe were new.

Chris's photo
Chris 9th October, 2004 @ 22:21 - Permalink

well they were kinda new screenshots, we had only seen them as scanned images before, so on monday or whenever we will have the proper unwatermarked ones from R*

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