Granite Maul

By Switch Designs | 23rd Jan 2007 at 10:06 GMT in San Andreas | 12 Comments

Well it's been a while since I have made any mods for GTA and lately I have not been too sure that there would ever be any more. I have been working as tech support for a major car and home audio company, playing a lot of Runescape, FFXI online and I also like messing around in Second Life as well as everyday family life with my wife and my 2 kids. Even with all these things that tend to come before my modding and modelling I still think about you all everyday. So finally I have put away a little time and made all of you a nice little mod that I like to call The Granite Maul. The idea for the granite maul came from Runescape and the lame model of an ugly granite maul which is in that game. I decided that since I could not modify the one in Runescape to make it better that I would just make one from scratch for San Andreas. To all the staff at TGTAP and to fans all over the world sorry for just disappearing.

This mod will replace your bat in GTA San Andreas with a Granite Maul.


Download the mod here.

Here is also a better 3ds rendered picture of the gmaul


This version of the model can be purchased from here for use in other applications.

I can't sell my mods but my models are fair game.

Chalk's photo
Chalk 23rd January, 2007 @ 10:17 - Permalink

Pretty nice. If I still had SA on this computer I'd get it and see what its like.

Is it just me or does CJ look a little skinny in that picture?

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 23rd January, 2007 @ 11:11 - Permalink

Yeah no meat on his bones I started a new game to test the mod and just took the screens as is but if you or anyone else can take a better shot of the maul in action I personally would love to see it.... My screen was lacking but it's been a while and i'm still a bit rusty. Also check out the post I made at the gta forums here.

Jared's photo
Jared 23rd January, 2007 @ 13:08 - Permalink

Wow, long time no see Switch Designs, I think a welcome back is in order. Welcome back.

Nice mod, looks good. It looks like a pretty deadly weapon.

Chris's photo
Chris 23rd January, 2007 @ 16:11 - Permalink

Bloody hell Switch, spell check your post before actually posting it! Or get Firefox 2 or something with built in spell check. I fixed them all for you anyway ;)

So welcome back! You planning on staying around or still busy with life?

Pandora's photo
Pandora 23rd January, 2007 @ 16:14 - Permalink

Nice mod, does it actually do more damage, that would be cool.


Red_91's photo
Red_91 23rd January, 2007 @ 17:35 - Permalink

I like th emod it is different and unique, I might tell my friend to download it.

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 23rd January, 2007 @ 22:21 - Permalink
Bloody hell Switch, spell check your post before actually posting it! Or get Firefox 2 or something with built in spell check. I fixed them all for you anyway ;)

So welcome back! You planning on staying around or still busy with life?

Yeah sorry about any spelling mistakes I made, I like to mod when i'm drunk lmao and I just found a way to model while i'm at work so you all might see few more mods from me but life is super busy so we'll see.

Dave1's photo
Dave1 23rd January, 2007 @ 22:28 - Permalink

Nice mod switch, ill be sure to get it when I get my gta reinstalled .

RunNGun's photo
RunNGun 23rd January, 2007 @ 22:50 - Permalink

This'll be fun to whack heads with :D Killer dude.

Stojko's photo
Stojko 23rd January, 2007 @ 23:22 - Permalink

Definitely will be trying that, but since I've never modded before, does it work with v2?

Switch Designs's photo
Switch Designs 23rd January, 2007 @ 23:29 - Permalink
Definitely will be trying that, but since I've never modded before, does it work with v2?

Yes it will work with any pc version of GTA San Andreas!

Stojko's photo
Stojko 24th January, 2007 @ 16:49 - Permalink

Cool. ;)

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