BBFC and OFLC Give Vice City Stories Rating

By Chris | 7th Feb 2007 at 17:53 GMT in Vice City Stories | 1 Comment

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) have today published a listing for Vice City Stories, in which it seems to have kept the 18 rating which it received for the PSP version - presumably this re-rating must be for a PS2 version.

In addition to this the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) in Australia have given their rating of the PS2 version of Vice City Stories, the game received an MA15+ rating.

We're assuming that Take Two will make an official announcement on the game when the time is right for them, stay tuned for more updates soon.

Link: BBFC and OFLC

Jared's photo
Jared 7th February, 2007 @ 20:49 - Permalink

Interesting, there has to be something going on. Nice fine Chris. Also, with the OFLC, they still don't have a PSP version, so whether there Playstation 2 version can be trusted as being the actual PS2 version, or just a typo in the PSP version, who knows.

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