Vice City Stories Mobile Goodies Available

By Chris | 9th Feb 2007 at 19:59 GMT in Vice City Stories | 4 Comments

Rockstar have updated the official site for Vice City Stories recently with a small but surprising piece of news regarding mobile phone content now available for your cellular device. A mobile site has now been set up where you can purchase a variety of Vice City Stories artwork to adorn your phone's background with, as well as a few sound clips from the game, including the theme tune. All the items are priced between .99 and .99, and are unfortunately for those who are interested, only available to those of you living in America.

For those of you who don't want to shell out any money, or who don't live in America, then we can offer you the GTA3 Pager beep as a ringtone. A nice bit of nostalgia for you there.

Link: VCS mobile site

Thanks GTAReactor

The French's photo
The French 9th February, 2007 @ 20:22 - Permalink

What a swindle ! You can put pictures on your phone by USB, and it's free...

Chris's photo
Chris 9th February, 2007 @ 20:28 - Permalink

Yeah, but remember the type of people, well, majority who do this I'd imagine aren't tech-minded and wouldn't know they could do that. That's how mobile ringtone/pics/games businesses are still in business ;)

The French's photo
The French 9th February, 2007 @ 20:49 - Permalink

Yeah you're right, but I know I won't spend 2$ for a little picture on my phone...

Dazza's photo
Dazza 10th February, 2007 @ 06:49 - Permalink

I allreafy have these on my phone, FOR FREE

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