Amazing Fake GTA IV Box Art

By Chris | 11th Feb 2007 at 22:50 GMT in GTA IV | 16 Comments

Posting fake screenshots is something normally limited to times of slow news, but this fake box art for Grand Theft Auto IV, made by SlimTrashman, is so good even sites like IGN decided to post it. Although made 3 weeks ago, it wasn't until QJ posted it this weekend more or less thinking it was real that it became big news on gaming sites. Others realised it was fake, and earlier today QJ posted again, confirming what everyone already knew.

The box art itself is shown below, along with the Xbox 360 version. You can read more about how Slim made these by visiting his DeviantArt page, where he claims it took him between 6 - 7 hours to complete. But then it is probably the best fake box art you'll ever see.

GTA_IV_Box_Art__PlayStation_3_by_SlimTrashman_th.png GTA_IV_Box_Art__Xbox_360_by_SlimTrashman_th.png

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 13th February, 2007 @ 18:02 - Permalink

That is one hell of a Box Art, I'm not surprised that it took him around 6 - 7 hours.

Jared's photo
Jared 13th February, 2007 @ 21:26 - Permalink

Nice, he would have used real people and images and vectorized them. Nice, not easy, but for someone with experience like him, it wouldn't have taken that long. The women on there for example is from TV show 24 I believe. Not sure about the rest, never the less, very nice and pretty darn amazing. Nice find Chris.

Noru's photo
Noru 13th February, 2007 @ 22:04 - Permalink

Ya, I seen this on gtaforums the other day in the gta 4 forum. Looks awesome :o

gta-connor's photo
gta-connor 13th February, 2007 @ 23:26 - Permalink

Wow at first I thought that was GTA IV but then I looked at the topic name. Its really good though.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 14th February, 2007 @ 00:15 - Permalink

Yeah, pretty impressive...not saying he used my ideas, but some of the stuff he used is what I used in mine.

Mike356's photo
Mike356 14th February, 2007 @ 00:37 - Permalink

thats a excellent box art i thought it was real deal to

tilly's photo
tilly 14th February, 2007 @ 00:55 - Permalink

wow thats really good. did he make the 16 bit pictures himself?

tilly's photo
tilly 14th February, 2007 @ 01:02 - Permalink

although those arent really 16 bit. there more like trying to be.

sorry for the double post, the speed post didnt work again...

Airashii's photo
Airashii 14th February, 2007 @ 02:23 - Permalink

Wow, really rather impressive.

I think that the Black dividing lines are a little thick though. :P


Who knows though? Could be a whole new theme and not Pic in box.

Jared's photo
Jared 14th February, 2007 @ 06:07 - Permalink
I think that the Black dividing lines are a little thick though. :P

Yeah, nobody has ever been able to get those black lines 100% correct.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 14th February, 2007 @ 08:31 - Permalink

WOW, that is cool, one thing that, wait i cant thing of anything, that is really awesome

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 14th February, 2007 @ 10:47 - Permalink

that is amazing but not trying to be negative the black man with afro at the top it is pretty dark

Jared's photo
Jared 14th February, 2007 @ 11:20 - Permalink

Yeah, that section is a little dark, but I think thats intentional.

Also, did Slim Trashman actually make this himself? It's just, on the page on dA he lists the creators of the sections of the image, he must of just placed them together I think. Still neat, but yeah, thought I might point that out.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 14th February, 2007 @ 11:30 - Permalink

The boxart looks realy sweet, It looks like the real GTA IV, especially with the cartoons on it.

Jared's photo
Jared 14th February, 2007 @ 11:34 - Permalink
The boxart looks realy sweet, It looks like the real GTA IV, especially with the cartoons on it. can it look like the REAL GTA IV if we don't have any screenshots nor a trailer yet? :P. I think you mean it's what you imagine it would be like, right?

TM™'s photo
TM™ 14th February, 2007 @ 11:40 - Permalink
The boxart looks realy sweet, It looks like the real GTA IV, especially with the cartoons on it. can it look like the REAL GTA IV if we don't have any screenshots nor a trailer yet? :P. I think you mean it's what you imagine it would be like, right?

Yeah, Thats what I meant. :mellow:

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