GTA IV Trailer Countdown!

By Chris | 1st Mar 2007 at 23:56 GMT in GTA IV | 429 Comments

Some exciting news for you here folks, Rockstar have updated the official site with a countdown to the first trailer! The URL has changed to end in "IV", and an improved logo is now in place with the time underneath counting down to the 29th March at 11pm GMT (you can work out from this what time it will be for you).


Could "IV" be something more significant than just '4'?

Check it out at and discuss this exciting news in our forums.

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd March, 2007 @ 00:38 - Permalink

It certainly sticks me odd that they have changed the URL from gta4 and gtaiv to just IV. There may be a more of a reason for it, and is it just me of does the style/font they have chosen for the IV text seem to have a "English" look and feel? Maybe a pointer to the location?

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 2nd March, 2007 @ 00:46 - Permalink

Man you're too fast with that spyware stuff or whatever. I just got this in an E-mail 5 minutes ago.

*sasquatch*'s photo
*sasquatch* 2nd March, 2007 @ 00:50 - Permalink

I was in a daze for a couple of minute's just staring at the counter...... :blink: Dont know why but i just bookmarked it!! :wacko: I still think it'll be Russia!! :)

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd March, 2007 @ 00:58 - Permalink
Man you're too fast with that spyware stuff or whatever. I just got this in an E-mail 5 minutes ago.

Chris has his ways of making sure he has the news first. He's very smart when it comes to that ;).

I didn't get any e-mail, goes to show you how popular I am.

Sorry my first post made no sense by the way.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 2nd March, 2007 @ 01:03 - Permalink
Man you're too fast with that spyware stuff or whatever. I just got this in an E-mail 5 minutes ago.

Chris has his ways of making sure he has the news first. He's very smart when it comes to that ;).

I didn't get any e-mail, goes to show you how popular I am.

Sorry my first post made no sense by the way.

Yeah, Chris has some sort of spy bot or something that he has over the official sites.

Why don't you just get on the Grand Theft Auto mailing list?

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd March, 2007 @ 01:07 - Permalink

I do get the mailing list, just took awhile to show up, just got it 5 minutes ago now.

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd March, 2007 @ 01:22 - Permalink

I received the email at exactly 23:20 from the mailing list. I was busy with something at the time so couldn't post until just before midnight, looks like most other GTA sites got it around the same time anyway. But as I always say, it's not that we're having some sort of race against each other, it's about getting news to the fans as soon as we can.

Regarding when you get the email: Remember there are tens of thousands of people subscribed to updates, they can't possibly send all at once, so they're sent a batch at a time at I would imagine 5 or 10 minute intervals, until all are sent.

I was also going to say that it looks like R* are taking the same stance as they did with LA Noire. That is to release a 30 second trailer just showing some views of a city, and possibly a few characters. Then some weeks later, a full 2+ minute trailer will be released. Then a couple of other sites noted this point and it looks like I'm copying, so there, we have it in the comments instead...

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 2nd March, 2007 @ 01:28 - Permalink

Well like I said on my site, we'll probably get some info before the first trailer is released. So we could possibly expect some little info before the trailer.

tilly's photo
tilly 2nd March, 2007 @ 01:50 - Permalink

wait jared.... how does the font look english???? i really dont see how two blank fonts could look more english than another (english languaged) American font.

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd March, 2007 @ 01:53 - Permalink

Like I said, ignore what I said, even I don't understand what I meant anymore. I think it just reminded me a lot of the text used in the GTA London games. Nevermind.

tilly's photo
tilly 2nd March, 2007 @ 01:57 - Permalink

lol okay i was confused and skipped the other posts. sorry. ^_^

2003's photo
2003 2nd March, 2007 @ 03:51 - Permalink

From the looks of it its gunna take place in 2007.

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd March, 2007 @ 03:57 - Permalink
From the looks of it its gunna take place in 2007.

How'd you come to that deduction?

tilly's photo
tilly 2nd March, 2007 @ 04:00 - Permalink

same way you came to the England deduction.

Coffee's photo
Coffee 2nd March, 2007 @ 04:52 - Permalink

YES!! I so can't wait! * I jumped off my chair when I first read the news. xD

Gycu's photo
Gycu 2nd March, 2007 @ 05:20 - Permalink

Amazing news!!!But that means that about next week we should get at least some info about location,time, OR maybe some screenshots.I`ve added GTA IV site to my favorites ,now that I can see the Trailer Countdown.All I hope it`s some info/pics this week-end `cuz I can`t wait anylonger.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 2nd March, 2007 @ 06:24 - Permalink
Amazing news!!!But that means that about next week we should get at least some info about location,time, OR maybe some screenshots.I`ve added GTA IV site to my favorites ,now that I can see the Trailer Countdown.All I hope it`s some info/pics this week-end `cuz I can`t wait anylonger.

Yeah that's what I was saying. So keep your eyes pealed for GTAIV news.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 07:20 - Permalink
From the looks of it its gunna take place in 2007.

and how did find that out.

Yeah, try to find out something more, and we would be very happy.

rav0001's photo
rav0001 2nd March, 2007 @ 07:42 - Permalink

lol imagine if the trailer is delayed :o

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd March, 2007 @ 08:08 - Permalink
lol imagine if the trailer is delayed :o

I can't see that happening myself.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 08:31 - Permalink

No...n-no...n-no that cant be true R* wouldn't do that to us, right.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 2nd March, 2007 @ 09:49 - Permalink

Woohooo. Just 27 days and we can get a quite clear view of how the game looks and stuff.

Surely great news.. A lot of news about gta IV last days. Hope they don't rush it though, rather have a delay then a game with lots of bugs.

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd March, 2007 @ 10:28 - Permalink
No...n-no...n-no that cant be true R* wouldn't do that to us, right.

It would be a stupid move and a possible sales killer if they did. Thats what way Business works.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 2nd March, 2007 @ 11:45 - Permalink

All I hope is that R* to release some pics/info before the trailer.What will happen if they wont,for not ruining the surprise?personally I think that`s a mistake.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 2nd March, 2007 @ 12:29 - Permalink

This is definitely some great news, I can't wait anymore you know... Damn, so damn excited about this. :)

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 12:33 - Permalink

I know that feeling, man, that stuff I could watch and I will watch it for 50-80 times. :cigar:

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:02 - Permalink

Delaying a trailer is something I've never heard of. I would imagine the trailer has already been made, and the countdown is there just to build hype. Which it is doing fantastically well, just look at this topic.

Also, it does look a lot like the way they went with L.A. Noire, so I don't think we'll be getting any screens or other info this month. You can bet your house on the fact that we, or more specifically myself, will analyse the hell out of the trailer on the 29th March when I post about it, trying to get as much info from it as possible. Which may be difficult if the trailer is just showing the city or something. We'll have to wait a couple of months for a proper trailer I think.

Like a few of us have pointed out, it's kinda strange how strongly R* are emphasising this IV part of the game. From 1999 onwards we always knew it as GTA4. Then last year when it was officially announced, it was printed as GTA IV, using the roman numeral as opposed to the number. At this time we were still accessing the official site at

Recently, R* acquired the domain off it's previous owner who was trying to earn money off it.

Now, they have even changed the URL we access the official site to be - it seems weird that this would just be to emphasise the fact it's the 4th game. I think there might be something more to it. Anyone else care to think what it could mean? Will there be 4 cities? 4 countries? Does IV stand for something?

Might be looking too far into it, but you never know with Rockstar. I'm loving the hype though. It's great to see the community so excited and full of life again.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:06 - Permalink

Dudes stop embarassing yourselves!!!Immediatly after R* changes the logo you all say where it`s set,time....If you have then use your paranormal powers to find out whne they`ll release the fist pic,or some game features.Stop saying "after seeing the new logo it`s gonna take place in 2007" "or in England" You 2003 do you have paranormal powers or something?If you don`t have then shut up.No offence.WE don`t know

2003's photo
2003 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:22 - Permalink
Dudes stop embarassing yourselves!!!Immediatly after R* changes the logo you all say where it`s set,time....If you have then use your paranormal powers to find out whne they`ll release the fist pic,or some game features.Stop saying "after seeing the new logo it`s gonna take place in 2007" "or in England" You 2003 do you have paranormal powers or something?If you don`t have then shut up.No offence.WE don`t know

No, You shut up, The logo looks nothing like its going to take place in 80'S or 90'S or something. I can just tell by the logos in which decade its going to take place, But Chris may have something there, I mean the UK does have IV countrys right? Though it may be Las Venturas.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:29 - Permalink

How can you tell by the logo where the game will be set?It`s ridiculous.The GTA III logos where the same only with a name added,eg.GTA Vice City & GTA San Andreas & the games wheren`t set in the same city/date.So how can you know by judging the new logo?

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:30 - Permalink
Dudes stop embarassing yourselves!!!Immediatly after R* changes the logo you all say where it`s set,time....If you have then use your paranormal powers to find out whne they`ll release the fist pic,or some game features.Stop saying "after seeing the new logo it`s gonna take place in 2007" "or in England" You 2003 do you have paranormal powers or something?If you don`t have then shut up.No offence.WE don`t know

No, You shut up, The logo looks nothing like its going to take place in 80'S or 90'S or something. I can just tell by the logos in which decade its going to take place, But Chris may have something there, I mean the UK does have IV countrys right? Though it may be Las Venturas.

I'll have to agree with Gycu, and truly stop acting like some kind of fool, got it. Good.

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:32 - Permalink

Just to clarify I wasn't talking about the logo in my post. I agree that you can't ascertain anything from it. It's just two letters in Pricedown font with a gradient and some embossing. This has no ties with any particular time period or location. My point was to do with R*'s emphasis on the IV.

Arguing on the Internet is like.... yeah we all know the ending but seriously guys, this is exciting news, discuss it. No need to argue about it. You're the ones looking like noobs now. Calm down children. Stop arguing and going off topic, instead, post your thoughts.

2003's photo
2003 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:37 - Permalink

Ugh... I'm excited about this trailer. I hope the best for Rockstar.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 2nd March, 2007 @ 13:59 - Permalink

2003 started he said :judging by the logo it`s gonna take place in 2007.No one knowes,& I asked him to stop this afirmations after seeing 2 lettres.Nothing personal with you 2003 just an advice.

Only the first Screenshot will be better than theese news.

FamousGTA's photo
FamousGTA 2nd March, 2007 @ 14:36 - Permalink

dude i cant wait to see it...wooooooo :D

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 2nd March, 2007 @ 17:10 - Permalink

This is the biggest thing since sliced bread! lol I always wanted to say that.

I can't wait, plus the 27th is on a Tuesday right?

Pandora's photo
Pandora 2nd March, 2007 @ 17:15 - Permalink
2003 started

That sounded extreemly childish... Just drop it.

I don't really think there's anything special to the 4, it's just a new serie in my eyes. A full new story.

And I truly hope there will be more then 4 city's. 4 would be a waste of the potential for the 360 and ps3.

DareDevilX's photo
DareDevilX 2nd March, 2007 @ 17:45 - Permalink I MUST have this game...I just can't wait...

ceedj's photo
ceedj 2nd March, 2007 @ 17:48 - Permalink
It's just two letters in Pricedown font

Pricedown it is NOT (I use it all the time ;) ). Looks like something from the Helvetica family, personally.

It makes sense that it would be different, since the "III/3" series of games (III/VC/SA) was always intended to be trilogy. So I agree the the IV is significant somehow, if only to mean it's the start of a new series.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 2nd March, 2007 @ 17:59 - Permalink

this is gonna be such a legendary game, I hope it won't ever get boring. It shouldn't do, if there is further content downloadable in the future, which is almost guaranteed to happen.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 2nd March, 2007 @ 18:13 - Permalink

WellI was sure omething was going to happen in March my prediction was right, I cant wait for it

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 18:37 - Permalink

27 04 24 30, 27 04 24 29, 27 04 24 28, 27 04 24 27...

Man I can't wait, just a second I already write that down

Pandora's photo
Pandora 2nd March, 2007 @ 18:57 - Permalink

GTA III had 3 main games (LC, Vice and SA) maybe GTA IV will have 4 main games.. Just a little sugestion.

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd March, 2007 @ 19:00 - Permalink
This is the biggest thing since sliced bread! lol I always wanted to say that.

I can't wait, plus the 27th is on a Tuesday right?

You mean the 29th, but yes it is a Tuesday.

It's just two letters in Pricedown font

Pricedown it is NOT (I use it all the time ;) ). Looks like something from the Helvetica family, personally.

It makes sense that it would be different, since the "III/3" series of games (III/VC/SA) was always intended to be trilogy. So I agree the the IV is significant somehow, if only to mean it's the start of a new series.

Yes, it is Pricedown, always has been. The 'I' and 'V' do have slight modifications, the I's in GTAIII were also modified... There's a few different versions of Pricedown I believe, the one we all have is the free one.


"I use it all the time" as well ;)

ceedj's photo
ceedj 2nd March, 2007 @ 19:31 - Permalink

Well, if it's modified, then it's not really Pricedown, is it? :lol:

Anyway, my point was that Pricedown is a Sans-Serif font, and the IV obviously has Serifs on it, so there ya go.

Not a big deal. I'd be more than happy to agree to disagree. :blush:

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd March, 2007 @ 19:35 - Permalink

Haha yeah I meant to add at the end of my post that it doesn't really matter if it's Pricedown or not, I see your point anyway. But meh... who cares at the end of the day. The most important thing is that we're getting a trailer for a game we've been waiting nearly 3 years for :)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:02 - Permalink
GTA III had 3 main games (LC, Vice and SA) maybe GTA IV will have 4 main games.. Just a little sugestion.

I would agree with you 100% if London was released after GTA 2 making it part of the GTA 2 sequel...but GTA 2 didn't have a sequel...the first GTA did...and then that had its own little expansion pack sequel...I think. My topdown GTA history is a little rusty.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:10 - Permalink
2003 started

That sounded extreemly childish... Just drop it.

I don't really think there's anything special to the 4, it's just a new serie in my eyes. A full new story.

And I truly hope there will be more then 4 city's. 4 would be a waste of the potential for the 360 and ps3.

I was sarcastic because Chris sad "Calm down children" So I made it sound like that since he called us children :) I agree with him & I had fun when I read what he said .

I think it`ll be more than 10 million peolple when the countdown ends.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:18 - Permalink

Maybe GTAs server crushes when the first trailer of new GTA is released. Why? Because it's overloaded. He he.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:22 - Permalink

LOL.Hopefully they have a good server :)

blindklb's photo
blindklb 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:26 - Permalink

Hey, I just looked at the gta4 trailer countdown page and it was set for in 15 hours so i was just trying to find out what was going on.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:29 - Permalink
LOL.Hopefully they have a good server :)

It's better for them that they have.

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:48 - Permalink

The date that the game trailer is released were going on holidays for two weeks with No internet connection. So im glad were going in the night or id be glad to get back from holidays. but i still have to live through 6 hours of school knowing the trailers out :o ................unless i use there computers but id have to try not get caught :lol::lol:

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 2nd March, 2007 @ 21:52 - Permalink

One down 399 999 999 999 left. He-he :lol:

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd March, 2007 @ 23:08 - Permalink

I wouldn't be surprised if Rockstar's servers went down. They went down for San Andreas stuff a couple of times I remember, and I think possibly once or twice with LCS/VCS.

The amount of sites linking to it though is going to be immense.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 2nd March, 2007 @ 23:17 - Permalink

So how many people do you actually think will be watching that Trailer at the exact same time? Thousands, Millions? I will be on it, clicking the refresh button until it comes on.

The trailer could also give us hints of the next location, any famous landmarks? A billboard saying "Welcome to ...". There is so many possibilities :s

Chris's photo
Chris 2nd March, 2007 @ 23:39 - Permalink

There will definitely be thousands of people trying to view it soon after its up. Not an exaggeration.

But yeah hopefully it'll give us some clues to what we need to know, mainly location, time period etc.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 3rd March, 2007 @ 00:17 - Permalink

Do you think it's going to be 12:00 AM on the 29th that they'll release it? I have school the next day...maybe missing a Friday won’t be that bad. I would have had off on that Friday, but my school has had too many snow days.... son of a bitch school district.

EDIT: Hmmm, totally forgot about the time zones...shit.

tilly's photo
tilly 3rd March, 2007 @ 03:47 - Permalink

they usually do it at like 1 oclock. and your NOT going to get it at 1 oclock im sure. theres gunna be huge lines!

EDIT: ok now i feel like an idiot. i just realized you were talking about the trailer!


CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 06:46 - Permalink

Actually, there will be lines but on internet waiting for the viewing the trailer.

tilly's photo
tilly 3rd March, 2007 @ 06:49 - Permalink

couldnt you just torrent? the first person will no doubt piratebay it.

Jared's photo
Jared 3rd March, 2007 @ 06:50 - Permalink

They say it's usually late at night, but thats American time I believe...? Which puts it at daytime here in Australia, I think.

tilly's photo
tilly 3rd March, 2007 @ 06:52 - Permalink

yeah its east america i think. they usually do it by the west, but there closer east.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 3rd March, 2007 @ 07:05 - Permalink

I checked the countdown and it's gonna be released 6:00 PM (USA) Eastern Standard Time...on the 29th... :D

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 07:13 - Permalink

I checked the countdown and it's gonna be released at 00:00 in my area.

gamerzworld's photo
gamerzworld 3rd March, 2007 @ 07:27 - Permalink

Here are some videos I made.

GameSpot wants the GTA:IV trailer early:

Peter Moore (Xbox 360 guy) wants the trailer early:

Neil asks Mr. Houser for a real exclusive:

A fan isn't too happy about the trailer. It just said coming soon and faded to back. A crazed fan grabs Mr. Houser and sings for him!:

More to come soon?

If you want to make your own videos, go to

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 07:36 - Permalink

Pretty nice, man.

tilly's photo
tilly 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:10 - Permalink

croscorpion. it countsdown to your location. it WILL be at 00:00 o clock.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:12 - Permalink

I know thats what I'm talking about.

tilly's photo
tilly 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:26 - Permalink

well then why say it if its gunna be realeased at 0:00 for everyone?

Dazza's photo
Dazza 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:34 - Permalink

00:00 is Midnight right, wheres that though?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:44 - Permalink

There will certainly be hints in the trailer, if it has music we can maybe associate the music with a time period and the clothes aswell. Also the buildings roads-

Sort of off topic this but how long do you think the trailer will last (I mean in seconds)

Dazza's photo
Dazza 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:48 - Permalink

Dunno 30 seconds, but yeah it will tell us a lot bout the game

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:52 - Permalink

40-50 seconds, something like that, not much, maybe the trailer gonna tell as the year and city and that's not much.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 3rd March, 2007 @ 08:58 - Permalink
40-50 seconds, something like that, not much, maybe the trailer gonna tell as the year and city and that's not much.

I am surpirsed no on ehas mentioned graphics on here. Will it be a trailer for the 360 or PS3. So many questions....................

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 09:06 - Permalink

We hope that the graphic is gonna be the same at the XBOX 360, PS 3 and PC.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 3rd March, 2007 @ 10:23 - Permalink

Yeah... PS3 or Xbox 360, good question man, I got no idea. Maybe PS3, I don't know man, first of all, no PC-version has been announced, but I hope it will come out someday. And I don't think the graphics will be identical on both PS3 and Xbox 360, PS3 has more power so my guess is PS3.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 11:20 - Permalink

No' I think that XBOX 360 has more power.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 3rd March, 2007 @ 11:27 - Permalink

From what I've heard the PS3 is twice as powerful as the Xbox 360.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 3rd March, 2007 @ 12:00 - Permalink

Maybe 1:00 minutes

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 12:03 - Permalink

Where did you hear that because from graphic you can't say that.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 3rd March, 2007 @ 12:21 - Permalink

I don't know man, somewhere on the internet I guess. I mean, the PS3 has more power if we're talking about specs you know, but I don't know man, some of the Xbox 360 games really looks great you know, but I still think the PS3-version is going to look better you know.

Chris's photo
Chris 3rd March, 2007 @ 12:34 - Permalink
40-50 seconds, something like that, not much, maybe the trailer gonna tell as the year and city and that's not much.

I am surpirsed no on ehas mentioned graphics on here. Will it be a trailer for the 360 or PS3. So many questions....................

I would imagine the PS3, they've always favoured the PlayStation in the past.

We hope that the graphic is gonna be the same at the XBOX 360, PS 3 and PC.

Well of course they won't be the same, they never have been.

Previously it's been like this in order of graphical goodness:

1. PC

2. Xbox

3. PS2

No' I think that XBOX 360 has more power.

I think you need to a little research, PS3 is more powerful mate.

From what I've heard the PS3 is twice as powerful as the Xbox 360.

Yes well, depends on what sort of stuff you're looking at to say it's "twice as powerful"

Anyway after reading all your comments I thought I better explain something that was on my mind, regarding graphics comparisons between the 2 consoles and also the PC.

First of all, if for the PC, that will of course have far far superior graphics, and will be the best platform to play the game on. Now, here are the considerations for the console formats. You may want to read this. Before you do, for those of us who have a PS3 AND a 360, I should tell you that later in the year I will be writing an article comparing the two, and that should help you make a choice. Here's a tidbit from it concerning graphics. If you don't wanna read it all then the answer is PS3 is better... here's why.

One of the limitations game developers have is the amount of physical space available to them. The PS3 uses Blu-Ray discs, these have a huge 25GB available (50GB if dual layer). This is a LOT of storage. It is likely that Rockstar are developing GTA IV primarily on the PS3, and then optimising for the 360....

The Xbox 360 uses DVD's, and a DVD gives developers 4.7GB of storage to fill with game files and textures and what-not, or 8.5GB if dual layer (you may get different capacities from different sites but the point is this isn't much space).

With this in mind, say if R* filled up a 50GB Blu-Ray disc... what about the 360? How will they fit all this data on? Compress the textures and have worse graphics? Yeah, that is one way. It's likely this is going to be the case if the game is going to be as big as we think it is. Additionally, the 360 doesn't have HDMI output, and instead the "HD" comes from component cables, the PS3 does have HDMI output, so from that you get true high definition.

Having said all that, unless you own an HD ready TV, you aren't really going to notice much difference in graphics, as they won't look as good in the first place.

But does what I just said make sense? And can you understand why the PS3 is probably going to have slightly better graphics?

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 3rd March, 2007 @ 12:50 - Permalink

Brilliant... So I made the right choice.

But on the topic of the GTA:IV Trailer, Do you think it will show any of the main characters? Plus I just realised this topic may become more popular than the actual game release. :lol:

Chris's photo
Chris 3rd March, 2007 @ 13:28 - Permalink

There are other factors to consider though. There are a couple of points which are massively in favour of the 360 version. Personally, I still haven't decided which version I'll go for, knowing me, I'll end up buying both! But yes, wait until I've written my article which will cover a lot more factors than just graphics.

I think it may show the main character, however, when I was thinking about previous games, I remembered the first Vice City trailer, which showed a bit of gameplay, some scenes with Tommy in. Mix this up with how little was revealed in the first LA Noire trailer, (this was a very small teaser).

The full trailer for LA Noire obviously had what looked to be a whole action sequence, I'm not sure if this countdown is counting to a small teaser or a full trailer, we'll have to wait and see.

Oh and yes I actually laughed at the news stats, in under 24 hours this topic became the most commented on news topic in the history of TGTAP. Now after 2 days it is nearing 100 comments.

2003's photo
2003 3rd March, 2007 @ 13:38 - Permalink

Jeeze i woulden't be suprised if gta 4 ended up being more expensive then past gta games. its probably going to be the top game of 2007.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 13:45 - Permalink

Most expensive game I ever played cost me 90$

About the top, it's going to be atlast on 4th place.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 3rd March, 2007 @ 14:25 - Permalink

Well there are coming alot of good games this year, so we'll see, but GTA IV has a big chance of becoming the top game of this year.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd March, 2007 @ 14:30 - Permalink

We didn't see even the first trailer so we can't guess anything maybe it will be worst game of the year, he he. Just kidding.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 3rd March, 2007 @ 17:18 - Permalink

I hope this sunday or monday we`ll recieve some info/first pic `cuz this countdown slowes donw when I watchit & I`m soo anxiuos.R* give me a pic ,it`s my last hope......I`m falling......

Red_91's photo
Red_91 3rd March, 2007 @ 19:25 - Permalink

Does anyone think like it will be a waste of time ( I mean the trailer) and it won't show much just some good graphics. After all Chris said it could just be a teaser trailer.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 3rd March, 2007 @ 19:52 - Permalink

What?Anything about GTA 4 is very important.Even a single pic,a small trailer is still IMPORTANT.Even though the trailer will last 10 seconds we will still have some ideas about how the game will be,

Pandora's photo
Pandora 3rd March, 2007 @ 19:56 - Permalink
Jeeze i woulden't be suprised if gta 4 ended up being more expensive then past gta games. its probably going to be the top game of 2007.

Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc!

How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is.

gamerzworld's photo
gamerzworld 3rd March, 2007 @ 20:06 - Permalink
Jeeze i woulden't be suprised if gta 4 ended up being more expensive then past gta games. its probably going to be the top game of 2007.

Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc!

How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is.

Can you say bulk deals and discounts from Sony?

Pandora's photo
Pandora 3rd March, 2007 @ 20:22 - Permalink

I know, but look how expensive! That's more then the price of a PC game ATM.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 4th March, 2007 @ 00:42 - Permalink

Yeah well I'm really happy that a trailer is coming out, and whatever it is, teaser or something, five secs long, I will be very thankful. As someone else said, anything that has to do with GTA IV is important and much appreciated.

2003's photo
2003 4th March, 2007 @ 00:48 - Permalink

Its gotta show something we have been wondering for the past year since they are making all this commotion for just a trailer.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 4th March, 2007 @ 01:42 - Permalink
croscorpion. it countsdown to your location. it WILL be at 00:00 o clock.

The countdown is saying it'll be out at 6:00 PM for my time zone...Rockstar isn't gonna release the trailer every hour after another time zone reaches midnight. That would be ridiculous.

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 4th March, 2007 @ 02:22 - Permalink
Jeeze i woulden't be suprised if gta 4 ended up being more expensive then past gta games. its probably going to be the top game of 2007.

Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc!

How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is.

Is that the cost in stores. Because I doubt that whatever company that makes them would charge retail price for Rockstar.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 4th March, 2007 @ 13:31 - Permalink

I think when the countdown reaches 00:00:00 I`ll be ready with a champaign (or some wine/beer ) to celebrate.Who will do the same ???

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 4th March, 2007 @ 13:33 - Permalink

I will, maybe better party then one I have 4 New Year.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 4th March, 2007 @ 13:56 - Permalink

hell, i'm in, it would be a perfect celebration in a perfect day! :lol:

Red_91's photo
Red_91 4th March, 2007 @ 14:31 - Permalink
Jeeze i woulden't be suprised if gta 4 ended up being more expensive then past gta games. its probably going to be the top game of 2007.

Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc!

How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is.

Sorry to interupt but your totally wrong I think in the UK it will be £40 because I havel alread spoke to GAME and GAME STATION and they said that would be the price at first but some games could be £35 anyway it is cheaper than the 360 games which are £50 here - what a rip off!!!!

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 4th March, 2007 @ 15:04 - Permalink

Well I don't think alcohol so no champagne for me... But I'll probably celebrate with some fresh water you know :)

Gycu's photo
Gycu 4th March, 2007 @ 15:41 - Permalink

Well I wont drink champagne but at least a Tutti Frutti(:)) or a Pepsi :) ,or any juice.But most likely a beer :)

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 4th March, 2007 @ 17:08 - Permalink

Maybe put a tattoo on my chests like GTA in hart

Pandora's photo
Pandora 4th March, 2007 @ 17:40 - Permalink
Jeeze i woulden't be suprised if gta 4 ended up being more expensive then past gta games. its probably going to be the top game of 2007.

Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc!

How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is.

Sorry to interupt but your totally wrong I think in the UK it will be £40 because I havel alread spoke to GAME and GAME STATION and they said that would be the price at first but some games could be £35 anyway it is cheaper than the 360 games which are £50 here - what a rip off!!!!

Well I'm not totally wrong, cause those ARE the RETAIL prices HERE.

IN THE SHOP'S. Surely not the price R* is paying for it, but it's extreemly expensive never the less.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 4th March, 2007 @ 19:40 - Permalink
Jeeze i woulden't be suprised if gta 4 ended up being more expensive then past gta games. its probably going to be the top game of 2007.

Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc!

How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is.

Sorry to interupt but your totally wrong I think in the UK it will be £40 because I havel alread spoke to GAME and GAME STATION and they said that would be the price at first but some games could be £35 anyway it is cheaper than the 360 games which are £50 here - what a rip off!!!!

Well I'm not totally wrong, cause those ARE the RETAIL prices HERE.

IN THE SHOP'S. Surely not the price R* is paying for it, but it's extreemly expensive never the less.

Are you talking about the retail prices for the 360 or PS3 anyway I think GTAIV will be £40 for the PS3 and £50 for the 360

Pandora's photo
Pandora 4th March, 2007 @ 20:02 - Permalink

The retail prices in shops for a double layer Blu-Ray disc. That's 50 Gig.

This is kindda, major off-topic... :|

Red_91's photo
Red_91 4th March, 2007 @ 20:07 - Permalink
The retail prices in shops for a double layer Blu-Ray disc. That's 50 Gig.

This is kindda, major off-topic... :|

Thats wrong, I have already asked the guys in GAME and GAME STATION and they said PS3 games would be £40 when they come out first so GTAIV would be £40 whereas 360 games be £50 when they come out so I expect the 360 version to be more expensive than the PS3 version

Sorry for going off topic

BTW will the trailer be shown the same time for everyone or different times according to the timezones?

Chris's photo
Chris 4th March, 2007 @ 22:29 - Permalink

Yes of course it's going to be at the same time for everyone. The countdown is counting down to a time which is on R*'s server, it's not going by your computer clock. So as I gave the time 11pm GMT in the first post, from that you could all work out what it was for your timezone, which some people have done, some people are still confused, but hopefully that clears it up.

Also, please take your retail price talk elsewhere in the forums, it does not in this topic, which is for discussion of the trailer. Clearly this is quite popular, and I hope you guys are all gonna be as talkative on the 29th March :)

Jared's photo
Jared 5th March, 2007 @ 06:17 - Permalink

Depends, if it's JavaScript (which the Flash (.swf) framework runs on) then it will by the users computer. But if not, and they have coded it different, which I think they probably have, then it will be by the server time. Either way, turning your computer to that day won't show you a trailer, they wouldn't put it on the server yet. Not until 2 minutes before or so. The code for it probably isn't even done yet.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 5th March, 2007 @ 08:42 - Permalink

The time here is 9:30am, on a Thursday, i'll be at school waiting

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 5th March, 2007 @ 08:46 - Permalink

it is thursday in in adelaide i did'nt know that

Dazza's photo
Dazza 5th March, 2007 @ 08:55 - Permalink

not today, on the day the tralier comes out, and guess what it will be a thursday for you too.

Im shitting myself thinking bout this game, i'll brb need to go to the toliet lol

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 5th March, 2007 @ 13:40 - Permalink
Depends, if it's JavaScript (which the Flash (.swf) framework runs on) then it will by the users computer. But if not, and they have coded it different, which I think they probably have, then it will be by the server time. Either way, turning your computer to that day won't show you a trailer, they wouldn't put it on the server yet. Not until 2 minutes before or so. The code for it probably isn't even done yet.

That would be extremely stupid. Certain people would get to see it before others.

Chris's photo
Chris 5th March, 2007 @ 16:44 - Permalink
Depends, if it's javascript (which the Flash (.swf) framework runs on) then it will by the users computer. But if not, and they have coded it different, which I think they probably have, then it will be by the server time. Either way, turning your computer to that day won't show you a trailer, they wouldn't put it on the server yet. Not until 2 minutes before or so. The code for it probably isn't even done yet.

That would be extremely stupid. Certain people would get to see it before others.

Yeah that was the entire point of my post. Of course they aren't stupid enough to base the countdown on the USER'S computer time. It's coded in Flash, and it uses Rockstar's server time, therefore it's counting down to the same time for everyone. If you're in a different timezone to Rockstar's server, the time shown on your clocks will be +/- a few hours, that's the only difference. It's not a particularly difficult concept to grasp. Let's stop talking about it now before we lower the average IQ here even more.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 5th March, 2007 @ 17:36 - Permalink

The countdown will end at the same time all-over-the-globe.Only that when it reaches 00:00:00 it will be almost midnight in London(23:00 or 11 ),1:00 in the morning in my country Romania,2:00 in Moscow,7:00 morning in Beijing,8:00 in Tokyo,15:00 in Los Angeles (29 march)& in New York and Washington about 18:00 -29 March.So in some countries it will be 30th March while in other 29th March.I hope I wrote them correct,if not sorry.Theese cities are only some EG.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 5th March, 2007 @ 18:38 - Permalink

I'm confused because countdown of trailer is seated up in my timezone exactly on midnight, it just to my timezone or it's for every zone.

Chris's photo
Chris 5th March, 2007 @ 18:42 - Permalink

Jesus Fucking Christ. Yes. Just yours. Learn to read. We just cleared up the confusion, don't go starting it again.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 5th March, 2007 @ 18:46 - Permalink

Just read my or Chris`s post .

Red_91's photo
Red_91 5th March, 2007 @ 20:32 - Permalink

Does anyone actually know if this is for the playstation version or 360 version?

Chris's photo
Chris 5th March, 2007 @ 20:48 - Permalink

No, but as I mentioned in an earlier post it's likely for the PS3. Truth is, we aren't really going to notice much difference anyway.

Bear's photo
Bear 5th March, 2007 @ 20:56 - Permalink

>.< Garrr I will be out most likely when this comes out. All day at college then going to London to see Harry Potter getting naked on stage (Equas)

Damn damn damn :bashhead:

I think the trailor will be very short and wont give us much information. I hope Im wrong

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 5th March, 2007 @ 22:06 - Permalink
>.< Garrr I will be out most likely when this comes out. All day at college then going to London to see Harry Potter getting naked on stage (Equas)

Damn damn damn :bashhead:

I think the trailor will be very short and wont give us much information. I hope Im wrong

It's at least gonna give us clues as to what location it's using. We'll just have to analyze the hell out of it to fine key landmarks and shit.

2003's photo
2003 5th March, 2007 @ 22:56 - Permalink
>.< Garrr I will be out most likely when this comes out. All day at college then going to London to see Harry Potter getting naked on stage (Equas)

Damn damn damn :bashhead:

I think the trailor will be very short and wont give us much information. I hope Im wrong

It's at least gonna give us clues as to what location it's using. We'll just have to analyze the hell out of it to fine key landmarks and shit.

That or it will tell us what city its going to take place in. And post 200.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 5th March, 2007 @ 23:26 - Permalink

Well yeah man, hopefully we will know where GTA IV will take place when watching the trailer, or it might just be a teaser trailer, which I hope not.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 5th March, 2007 @ 23:58 - Permalink
Well yeah man, hopefully we will know where GTA IV will take place when watching the trailer, or it might just be a teaser trailer, which I hope not.

What the hell kind of teaser trailer could they have?

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 6th March, 2007 @ 00:28 - Permalink

How in the hell should I know? Just some teaser trailer, I don't know, anything.

Chris's photo
Chris 6th March, 2007 @ 00:52 - Permalink
...we will analyse the hell out of the trailer...
We'll just have to analyze the hell out of it to fine key landmarks and shit.

Yes! We agree on something. Or were you just copying me? Either way, good to have someone other than myself also "analysing the hell" out of the trailer, we can hopefully find everything we need to. Location and time period should be most obvious. Not sure if we'll see characters.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 6th March, 2007 @ 01:28 - Permalink
...we will analyse the hell out of the trailer...
We'll just have to analyze the hell out of it to fine key landmarks and shit.

Yes! We agree on something. Or were you just copying me? Either way, good to have someone other than myself also "analysing the hell" out of the trailer, we can hopefully find everything we need to. Location and time period should be most obvious. Not sure if we'll see characters.

Well that last 24 hours, I'm gonna have the countdown up and I'll be waiting until that last second where it changes allowing us to view it...although I might have to refresh once it hits (0,00,00,00). Anyways, I'll probably scan it for a good 1-4 hours and post what I found and what not. I'm guessing you'll be doing the same...maybe for not as long though.

2003's photo
2003 6th March, 2007 @ 01:52 - Permalink

Acually i'm also going to analyse it myself.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 6th March, 2007 @ 09:42 - Permalink

Who isnt, this is like the biggest game im gonna wait for, ever

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 6th March, 2007 @ 12:07 - Permalink

Yeah, you not the only one I can barely sleep.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th March, 2007 @ 14:10 - Permalink

23 days left,almost a week since we heard about this trailer.BTW It doesn`t matter for what platform will the trailer be ,at least it`s a trailer.Will Microsoft release an XBOX 720 or something that can compete with PS 3 (even though XBOX 360 it`s a good competitor yet)?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 6th March, 2007 @ 16:45 - Permalink
...we will analyse the hell out of the trailer...
We'll just have to analyze the hell out of it to fine key landmarks and shit.

Yes! We agree on something. Or were you just copying me? Either way, good to have someone other than myself also "analysing the hell" out of the trailer, we can hopefully find everything we need to. Location and time period should be most obvious. Not sure if we'll see characters.

I remember when the y san andreas one came out and people though that the fat GTF member was the main charachter but it turned out to be false. I think the main charachter won't be in it probably just some pedestrians.

Lau's photo
Lau 9th March, 2007 @ 10:04 - Permalink

I have a ? Gta IV can't be played on PC ?:(

Jared's photo
Jared 9th March, 2007 @ 10:06 - Permalink

Not yet no.

Lau's photo
Lau 9th March, 2007 @ 10:13 - Permalink

why not?:((:((:(( i only have a PC ....i don't have a ps3 or 360:(( I want to play Gta IV on PC like the rest of GTA SERIES:(:((:P

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 9th March, 2007 @ 10:27 - Permalink

Lau, I really understand what you're saying and all, but GTA IV is right now only announced for the PS3 and Xbox 360, yeah I know. But you should know that GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas came out for PC a year after it's PS2 release, so there is a big chance we will see a PC-version in 2008. And if you ask me, yeah I think it's going to come out a PC-version of GTA IV, but I can't say when it will come, probably 2008 or 2009, we'll see. :)

Lau's photo
Lau 9th March, 2007 @ 11:01 - Permalink

Thanks.....i will wait for the PC version of Gta IV.And i will watch the videos end images of the ps3 end 360 :) end hope to finish Gta IV to on PC like the Gta III,VC,SA.) :D

Sorry i don't speech very weel ENGLISH i'm from Romania.:D

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 9th March, 2007 @ 11:05 - Permalink

Hey man, your english is just fine man :) Yeah the trailer is out soon, only twenty days left you know.

Lau's photo
Lau 9th March, 2007 @ 11:10 - Permalink

I know and i will wait ;) end when the trailer is out i will watch it:D;) :thumbsup:

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 9th March, 2007 @ 11:19 - Permalink

You will then have to wait til next year, man.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 9th March, 2007 @ 11:47 - Permalink

Lau I`m from Romania too :) 20 days and about 11 hours `till GTA 4 Trailer

Sunt din Romania :)

I`m expecting the PC version too `cuz I don`t have an XBOX360 or an PS3,I can`t afford it .In one month we have eniugh money to buy a PS3,but that means that one month we`ll not eat,drink,watch TV .......

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 9th March, 2007 @ 13:50 - Permalink

Yeah the PS3 is pretty damn expensive you know, but you get what you pay for. Anyway man, it's always good to wait a while until the price drops a bit.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 9th March, 2007 @ 13:59 - Permalink

If i want it that badly (which i do) i will go out and get a PS3 and go get GTA IV, which i will do

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 9th March, 2007 @ 14:04 - Permalink
Yeah the PS3 is pretty damn expensive you know, but you get what you pay for. Anyway man, it's always good to wait a while until the price drops a bit.

Yeah, I agree, it's (he's) expensive, but it is always good to have first in your niberhood, men.


Pandora's photo
Pandora 10th March, 2007 @ 21:08 - Permalink

I can't be bothered to read all the pages, but I'm sorry if this has already been said but:

WHY DOES THE SITE SUDDENLY SAY STILL 47 DAYS!!! Am I stupid, cause I thought it was just 27 days when this first started. Or am I blind...

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 10th March, 2007 @ 21:14 - Permalink

Your blind or you didn't saw the countdown good right now it's 19 days left and you can see that under my avater, men

Pandora's photo
Pandora 10th March, 2007 @ 22:12 - Permalink

I saw it perfectly well Miss.

But my computer time is way back somehow. And because the application read your PC's time it's showing 46 days.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 10th March, 2007 @ 22:21 - Permalink

Wow, try upload your windows, man.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 10th March, 2007 @ 22:29 - Permalink

WTF! Uploading Windows... Are you stupid.....

Obviously you wanted to say update. Well, I can't. For I only have a users acount :( I'll have to ask my dad to put the date back.

Slyde's photo
Slyde 14th March, 2007 @ 09:27 - Permalink

Damn i can't wait!!! SHEET!!!

This is going to be bigger that ninja turtles movie!

Dazza's photo
Dazza 14th March, 2007 @ 11:57 - Permalink

This is going to be bigger then San Andreas, gfx and hipe

Putt's photo
Putt 14th March, 2007 @ 13:25 - Permalink

I wish it's not 20 second long..

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 14th March, 2007 @ 13:35 - Permalink

Yeah man, GTA IV is going to be huge man. Yeah I'm looking forward to see the trailer man, really looking forward to it.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 14th March, 2007 @ 14:17 - Permalink

15 days left.I just hope this trailer isn`t similary with Manhunt 2 `s trailer `cuz you can`t really see how the game looks,only for about 2-4 seconds.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 14th March, 2007 @ 14:26 - Permalink

The trailer will probably be no longer then 30 se. max. 35 sec.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 14th March, 2007 @ 16:22 - Permalink
>.< Garrr I will be out most likely when this comes out. All day at college then going to London to see Harry Potter getting naked on stage (Equas)

Damn damn damn :bashhead:

I think the trailor will be very short and wont give us much information. I hope Im wrong

Please do post in our private board and tell me about this naked Harry Potter.

23 days left,almost a week since we heard about this trailer.BTW It doesn`t matter for what platform will the trailer be ,at least it`s a trailer.Will Microsoft release an XBOX 720 or something that can compete with PS 3 (even though XBOX 360 it`s a good competitor yet)?

Dude, the 360 is something that can compete. They aren't going to release ANOTHER console. They haven't even had time to create another console yet. Well, nothing all that great.

Man, they need to just release the trailer >.< I want to see it!

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 14th March, 2007 @ 16:56 - Permalink

Well we'll see about that Cro, we'll see about that... Right now all we can do is to wait and speculate, oh yeah.

Edit: Oh, and from what I've heard, Microsoft is already planning/working on a brand new console.

Vicehog's photo
Vicehog 14th March, 2007 @ 19:16 - Permalink

GTA4 won't be maxing out the PS3 or the X360. There is no need for Microsoft to make a new console so that the Xbox platform will be able to support Grand Theft Auto 4, the 360 will do just fine. The PS3 isn't as powerful as some think, I don't know why some constantly think it's the "superior" console just because it has a BluRay player.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 15th March, 2007 @ 03:57 - Permalink

Well that could actually be on opinion, people might like the BluRay player and that'd be the reason for getting a PS3. I got it because I hate Xbox and I need a consol for GTAIV.

EDIT: Woohoo almost just 2 weeks left! :dribble:

Vicehog's photo
Vicehog 15th March, 2007 @ 05:30 - Permalink

Sure, an opinion it may be, but that's not what I'm getting at. People actually believe and have said, as if they are pointing out a real fact, that the PS3 is the superior console, which is wrong. There is no way, at this time, we can tell which console is more superior. I know some people may hate the Xbox and some people may hate the PS3, but fact is fact. People can like the PS3 more, but I hate people that say it's better, as a fact, because they think it is. Same goes for the Xbox fanboys/girls. I don't know, it just bothers me. /endsrant

Two weeks and 16 hours until our first real source of info on this game. I can't wait.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th March, 2007 @ 05:58 - Permalink
Well we'll see about that Cro, we'll see about that... Right now all we can do is to wait and speculate, oh yeah.

Edit: Oh, and from what I've heard, Microsoft is already planning/working on a brand new console.

Yeah, people spread BS daily. They might be working on a new console, possibly, but it would probably be R&D currently. There is no need for a new console yet, as stated.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 15th March, 2007 @ 18:07 - Permalink

JUst to clear some queries. X box currently release a console every 4 years and Ps release exactly 6/7 years depending where you live.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 15th March, 2007 @ 19:58 - Permalink
Well we'll see about that Cro, we'll see about that... Right now all we can do is to wait and speculate, oh yeah.

Edit: Oh, and from what I've heard, Microsoft is already planning/working on a brand new console.

Yeah, people spread BS daily. They might be working on a new console, possibly, but it would probably be R&D currently. There is no need for a new console yet, as stated.

They're always working on something, they don't just sit around and wait. They test the newest things out at the time and if there is some new technology they'll switch their tactics or whatever. Microsoft is probably working with BluRay right now.

EDIT: Only 2 hours until the 2 week countdown mark! :thumbsup:

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th March, 2007 @ 20:01 - Permalink
Well we'll see about that Cro, we'll see about that... Right now all we can do is to wait and speculate, oh yeah.

Edit: Oh, and from what I've heard, Microsoft is already planning/working on a brand new console.

Yeah, people spread BS daily. They might be working on a new console, possibly, but it would probably be R&D currently. There is no need for a new console yet, as stated.

They're always working on something, they don't just sit around and wait. They test the newest things out at the time and if there is some new technology they'll switch their tactics or whatever. Microsoft is probably working with BluRay right now.

EDIT: Only 2 hours until the 2 week countdown mark! :thumbsup:

I can't see them working with Blu-ray, personally. And if they do, they're stupid. First off, they'd get a lot of shit about "copying". Second off, it's an expensive medium as it is that isn't even needed yet. Besides, Blu-ray is about to eat it's own shit.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 15th March, 2007 @ 20:40 - Permalink
Well we'll see about that Cro, we'll see about that... Right now all we can do is to wait and speculate, oh yeah.

Edit: Oh, and from what I've heard, Microsoft is already planning/working on a brand new console.

Yeah, people spread BS daily. They might be working on a new console, possibly, but it would probably be R&D currently. There is no need for a new console yet, as stated.

They're always working on something, they don't just sit around and wait. They test the newest things out at the time and if there is some new technology they'll switch their tactics or whatever. Microsoft is probably working with BluRay right now.

EDIT: Only 2 hours until the 2 week countdown mark! :thumbsup:

I can't see them working with Blu-ray, personally. And if they do, they're stupid. First off, they'd get a lot of shit about "copying". Second off, it's an expensive medium as it is that isn't even needed yet. Besides, Blu-ray is about to eat it's own shit.

Spaz why do you hate blu ray and Sony its obvious you love Microsoft. Face the facts the PS3 is the tomoorows console but the 360 is yesterdays console.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 15th March, 2007 @ 20:43 - Permalink
I can't see them working with Blu-ray, personally. And if they do, they're stupid. First off, they'd get a lot of shit about "copying". Second off, it's an expensive medium as it is that isn't even needed yet. Besides, Blu-ray is about to eat it's own shit.

Well...the BluRay is much like when they started to use CDs instead of those huge chips. All the systems will eventually use BluRay unless something else comes along.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th March, 2007 @ 21:11 - Permalink
Spaz why do you hate blu ray and Sony its obvious you love Microsoft. Face the facts the PS3 is the tomoorows console but the 360 is yesterdays console.

I never said I hate Sony. It's funny how I'm accused of being some MS fan-boy when the ONLY consoles I own are a PS2 and PSP. Odd, eh? I'm saying the PS3 is not a God of a console. The 360 isn't bad. It isn't even super inferior to the PS3 like you guys like to believe. On top of that, I personally despise Microsoft. How's that for making you look stupid? On top of all of this, I didn't say I hated Bluray. I said, and I quote, "Second off, it's an expensive medium as it is that isn't even needed yet."... I said it was expensive and not yet needed. And when it comes to disks, there are higher-capacity disks being made. Ones like make Bluray look like a floppy disk.

I can't see them working with Blu-ray, personally. And if they do, they're stupid. First off, they'd get a lot of shit about "copying". Second off, it's an expensive medium as it is that isn't even needed yet. Besides, Blu-ray is about to eat it's own shit.

Well...the BluRay is much like when they started to use CDs instead of those huge chips. All the systems will eventually use BluRay unless something else comes along.

They are working on DVDS that can be played in standard DVD players that are higher capacity than Bluray. No need to upgrade your player.

Chris's photo
Chris 15th March, 2007 @ 21:16 - Permalink

And that was the end of that.

Seriously folks, stop accusing others of being fanboys when you yourself are a fanboy of the other console in question. You guys really are pricks sometimes. What has any of this got to do with the GTA IV trailer eh?

Empty the sand from your vagina, stop talking about consoles, and look forward to the trailer.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 15th March, 2007 @ 21:36 - Permalink

Is it just for me or the clock is now ticking faster on R* official page.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th March, 2007 @ 21:37 - Permalink

-picks the last few particles of sand- I was wondering what that irritation was o.o

Anyways. Can anyone say 2 weeks and 22 hours? I actually usually forget it's going to be released until I visit this topic. :lol:

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 16th March, 2007 @ 12:36 - Permalink

Only 13 days left you know! Oh man, it's going to be REALLY exciting watching the trailer.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 16th March, 2007 @ 12:41 - Permalink

I know that talking about, man I can not wait!!! :drool:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 16th March, 2007 @ 12:48 - Permalink

I dunno but last 3 days I looked at the countdown only 1-2 times per day...Las week about 15-20 times per day....Maybe the time will fly this way faster.....:)

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 16th March, 2007 @ 17:08 - Permalink

I wouldn't get too excited, I bet they'll show next to nothing gameplay-wise.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 16th March, 2007 @ 18:22 - Permalink
I wouldn't get too excited, I bet they'll show next to nothing gameplay-wise.

They will probably show part of teh cutscene and have maybe some music form that time period.

Anyway sorry for going off topic earlier.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 16th March, 2007 @ 19:46 - Permalink
JUst to clear some queries. X box currently release a console every 4 years and Ps release exactly 6/7 years depending where you live.

And on wich facts is that based? Just because they did that once doesn't mean they'll always do that.

I might have to make a ps3 topic in the warzone actually...

Just 13 days and 2 hours more... YEAH

There server is going to be raped, no way they can stand that load.

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 17th March, 2007 @ 07:46 - Permalink

Time flying for me fortunatly. I remember it being 29 days like it was yesterday now theres only 12 days and 14 hours :rolleyes:

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 17th March, 2007 @ 13:35 - Permalink

Twelve-fckn days man... Shit, soon there will only be one week left until the trailer is out...

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 17th March, 2007 @ 14:07 - Permalink

10 days, damn this is a looooong weeeeeek :mellow::(:cry:

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 18th March, 2007 @ 01:03 - Permalink

Cro, you can make the week shorter if you play VCS or something. :)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 18th March, 2007 @ 03:17 - Permalink
Time flying for me fortunatly. I remember it being 29 days like it was yesterday now theres only 12 days and 14 hours :rolleyes:
Cro, you can make the week shorter if you play VCS or something. :)

Sorta funny, remember when we're all excited about Vice City Stories? Well look now, it's been months since its release and it's out for the PS2 now. Time f***ing flies. Before you know it we'll have GTAIV in our hands.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 18th March, 2007 @ 17:01 - Permalink

Time is a funny thing, when your having fun it flies by but when your waiting for something it takes years.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 18th March, 2007 @ 22:34 - Permalink

Yeah but sometimes I feel like time is going really really slow when I'm having fun... Weird huh... And I suppose that's a good thing. And when I'm bored time goes fast as hell. But hey, most of the time I think time flies by really fast when having a good time, yeah man. :) Well... Not long until the trailer is out :lolbounce:

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 19th March, 2007 @ 06:18 - Permalink

Only 10 days and 15 hours left yeah. And its only 10 days till i go to new zealand and get an extra week off then the others at school mwahahaha

rav0001's photo
rav0001 19th March, 2007 @ 07:16 - Permalink

man,i hope the count-down doesnt finish when i'm at school...I wanna watch the last ten seconds of the count-down..

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 19th March, 2007 @ 07:20 - Permalink
man,i hope the count-down doesnt finish when i'm at school...I wanna watch the last ten seconds of the count-down..

As soon as i get to school the trailer will be revealed it will be 8am for me.

jack_bauer's photo
jack_bauer 19th March, 2007 @ 07:52 - Permalink

how much longer???

i can't wait to see this thing man!

the coolest game on earth

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 19th March, 2007 @ 07:56 - Permalink

^ Go to the offical site they have a countdwon there.

jack_bauer's photo
jack_bauer 19th March, 2007 @ 08:31 - Permalink



i'm looking forward to play GTA IV

everybody looking forward to it

Jared's photo
Jared 19th March, 2007 @ 08:32 - Permalink

Something someone just brought to my attention, flip it and you get this:


"AI" - Could mean something, could mean nothing.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 19th March, 2007 @ 08:53 - Permalink

WOW, that really does look like Ai so i wonder if it true maybe it was a coincidence

jack_bauer's photo
jack_bauer 19th March, 2007 @ 08:58 - Permalink

as far as i know

AI is Artificial Intellegence

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 19th March, 2007 @ 09:00 - Permalink

what would Artifficial Intelligence have to do with anything

jack_bauer's photo
jack_bauer 19th March, 2007 @ 09:06 - Permalink
what would Artifficial Intelligence have to do with anything

cos it's the abbreviation for AI

it's in the dictionary

AI means:

1. artificial insemination; or

2. artificial intelligence

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 19th March, 2007 @ 11:00 - Permalink

Well you never know, might be a coinsidence or not. But only 10 days left... 10 days man, it's nothing.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 19th March, 2007 @ 11:14 - Permalink

Maybe the peds in game will be smarter, well, f*** that, 10 10 44 30 left yuhuu!!! :lol:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 19th March, 2007 @ 15:22 - Permalink

Lol rememeber that Euphoria has "Bio-Mechanical AI" maybe it`s a clue but also maybe it`s nothing.We entered in the final 10 days to the countdown (Top 10 :) )

jack_bauer's photo
jack_bauer 19th March, 2007 @ 16:25 - Permalink


ten more days, and we'll be able to see the brand new GTA IV!

can't wait can you??

Pandora's photo
Pandora 19th March, 2007 @ 16:38 - Permalink

Funny how people try to find as much as posible info out of small things. Probably means nothing, but nice anyway :)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 19th March, 2007 @ 19:23 - Permalink

This trailer better show something, I don't care if it's 10 seconds. It just better not be the release date with a guy say "Grand Theft Auto IV, coming soon." The closer it gets, the more I think that's gonna happen.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 19th March, 2007 @ 19:53 - Permalink

WTF is wrong with my countdown,it shows 10 02 08 00- and the trailer will be released when is 1 in the morning but now is 9:52 so it should show another hour 10 03 08 00?My date/time is correct I`ve checked out...

CHEW-GUN's photo
CHEW-GUN 20th March, 2007 @ 03:34 - Permalink
I was in a daze for a couple of minute's just staring at the counter...... :blink: Dont know why but i just bookmarked it!! :wacko: I still think it'll be Russia!! :)

Do you have any connections with Russia or something??

WTF is wrong with my countdown,it shows 10 02 08 00- and the trailer will be released when is 1 in the morning but now is 9:52 so it should show another hour 10 03 08 00?My date/time is correct I`ve checked out...

I think its just best if you stick with the site. Personaly, I'll stay around the GTAIV site some 2 or so hour before the Launch. :clapping:

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 20th March, 2007 @ 03:35 - Permalink
WTF is wrong with my countdown,it shows 10 02 08 00- and the trailer will be released when is 1 in the morning but now is 9:52 so it should show another hour 10 03 08 00?My date/time is correct I`ve checked out...

Do you live in the United States by any chance? Because that could be because of Day Light Savings Time. I'm not sure if any other places use that, but if your area does...then that's why.

CHEW-GUN's photo
CHEW-GUN 20th March, 2007 @ 03:36 - Permalink
This trailer better show something, I don't care if it's 10 seconds. It just better not be the release date with a guy say "Grand Theft Auto IV, coming soon." The closer it gets, the more I think that's gonna happen.

But don't you just hope that it'll be more than just that??? I mean have you seen the Manhunt 2 trailer? I seriously don't want GTAIV trailer to end up that way. NO nono, they need to reveal some good stuff, like some landmarks so we could start guessing the location.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 20th March, 2007 @ 04:38 - Permalink
This trailer better show something, I don't care if it's 10 seconds. It just better not be the release date with a guy say "Grand Theft Auto IV, coming soon." The closer it gets, the more I think that's gonna happen.

But don't you just hope that it'll be more than just that??? I mean have you seen the Manhunt 2 trailer? I seriously don't want GTAIV trailer to end up that way. NO nono, they need to reveal some good stuff, like some landmarks so we could start guessing the location.

Yeah I definitely want more, I want the f***ing game now. I'm just saying I at least want a little bit instead of a guy just saying that it's coming out in October.

CHEW-GUN's photo
CHEW-GUN 20th March, 2007 @ 04:46 - Permalink
This trailer better show something, I don't care if it's 10 seconds. It just better not be the release date with a guy say "Grand Theft Auto IV, coming soon." The closer it gets, the more I think that's gonna happen.

But don't you just hope that it'll be more than just that??? I mean have you seen the Manhunt 2 trailer? I seriously don't want GTAIV trailer to end up that way. NO nono, they need to reveal some good stuff, like some landmarks so we could start guessing the location.

Yeah I definitely want more, I want the f***ing game now. I'm just saying I at least want a little bit instead of a guy just saying that it's coming out in October.

Point taken. But I don't think R* will be that poor on revealing the content. Its just not like them.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 20th March, 2007 @ 04:49 - Permalink
This trailer better show something, I don't care if it's 10 seconds. It just better not be the release date with a guy say "Grand Theft Auto IV, coming soon." The closer it gets, the more I think that's gonna happen.

But don't you just hope that it'll be more than just that??? I mean have you seen the Manhunt 2 trailer? I seriously don't want GTAIV trailer to end up that way. NO nono, they need to reveal some good stuff, like some landmarks so we could start guessing the location.

Yeah I definitely want more, I want the f***ing game now. I'm just saying I at least want a little bit instead of a guy just saying that it's coming out in October.

Point taken. But I don't think R* will be that poor on revealing the content. Its just not like them.

Didn't you just say they did something like that?

CHEW-GUN's photo
CHEW-GUN 20th March, 2007 @ 04:51 - Permalink

oh yeah. In the Manhunt 2 trailer(first one) its a still image with voice over and a shot of the main character. Not much revealing at ALL. They do tell a bit about the story. As far as I remmember, your the main characted in a hospital, and your sister is involved.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 20th March, 2007 @ 10:37 - Permalink

Well remember the official VC trailer? The song in it didn't take part in the game but you saw Tommy doing pretty damn much, like shooting and riding a bike. That was a pretty damn good trailer you know. Yeah man, hopefully GTA IV will last a little longer than 10 seconds, and of course, shows as much as the VC trailer, we'll see man, we'll see, only 9 days left you know.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 20th March, 2007 @ 11:12 - Permalink

that is some cool trailer :coolthumbup:

the characters are moving pretty robotic though :huh:

maybe they didn't completed the game engine yet

then there's a possibility that GTA IV graphic and movement will be even cooler than the trailer!

although this is just my opinion :lol:

Pandora's photo
Pandora 20th March, 2007 @ 16:52 - Permalink

That trailer makes it pretty damn clear that it's going to be Tommy.

Hope GTA IV will be the same.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 20th March, 2007 @ 17:44 - Permalink

Yeah agree man. Well I don't know what you mean that they're moving a little bit robotic, oh well. Yeah man, that was a great trailer you know, we'll see what happens. Alright man, here's also the official trailer of San Andreas and GTA III, both are pretty damn good, and both trailers have songs that took part in the game unlike Vice City. I mean just look at these trailers, they're great, so I'm pretty damn sure the GTA IV trailer will be something great too you know.

2003's photo
2003 20th March, 2007 @ 18:01 - Permalink
Yeah agree man. Well I don't know what you mean that they're moving a little bit robotic, oh well. Yeah man, that was a great trailer you know, we'll see what happens. Alright man, here's also the official trailer of San Andreas and GTA III, both are pretty damn good, and both trailers have songs that took part in the game unlike Vice City. I mean just look at these trailers, they're great, so I'm pretty damn sure the GTA IV trailer will be something great too you know.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 20th March, 2007 @ 18:06 - Permalink

Oh yeah, that's some nice trailers you know (especially the VCS one, love the song), even more proof that the GTA IV trailer will be something amazing. Only nine-fckn-days.

CHEW-GUN's photo
CHEW-GUN 20th March, 2007 @ 19:00 - Permalink

I love the whole nastalgia thats coming back with these trailers. Real good times.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 20th March, 2007 @ 19:02 - Permalink

Yeah, pretty nice but I thought this topic was about GTA4 trailer :)

Pandora's photo
Pandora 20th March, 2007 @ 19:04 - Permalink

Damn... those trailers bring up memory's..

GTA is just genius. You can't really describe it, and no one can thouch it. All those games like driver and stuff, even though they have better graphics, they're just not the same.

Now I really can't wait. I AM forced to buy a 360, for I MUST play it, straight from the start. Not going to wait a damn year for it.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 20th March, 2007 @ 19:09 - Permalink

So almost 8 days `till that magic day -29March 2007.The best trailer was the 1st one of SA,better than other`s GTA trailers...Altough VC was a masterpiece it didn`t had a great trailer.I defenetly want to see in GTA 4 Trailer how the player walks down the street with a rocket launcher and parallel with him in the air it`s a part of the SA trailer should be in GTA 4 trailer is all I wanna say ,but maybe it`ll put other things more interesting.

Someone asked me if I`m from USA,well not,USA is far away (5-6000 km)...Eastern EU is where I live


I just don`t get it how a few days ago I callculated that the trailer countdowm will end at 1:00 (Chris said it`s gonna end at 23:00 GMT-and my time is +2 GMT so it should end at 1 but now it`ll end at 00:00 .The hour here hasn`t changed.Now it`s 9:08 and the trailer shows 09:02:51:16 .The trailer will come 1 hour earlier

CHEW-GUN's photo
CHEW-GUN 20th March, 2007 @ 19:23 - Permalink

I think its even highly possible that GTA IV trailer is the MOST awaited trailer right now. Oooh, i'm all twichy,and exited.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 20th March, 2007 @ 20:01 - Permalink

Probably the release time is EST.

I actually like the GTA III trailer most, what about you guys?

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 20th March, 2007 @ 20:13 - Permalink

Well, I really enjoy all of the trailers, but I gotta agree with you man, the GTA III trailer is probably the best trailer, it brings out more feelings if you know what I mean. The music is beautiful and it was the first game that used 3D graphics in the GTA-series so yeah man, definitely GTA III, a classic man.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 20th March, 2007 @ 20:39 - Permalink

Yeah, and with past trailers R* told us very much and I hope he will do the same with GTA4 :), but then not to much because he will spoil surprise :(

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 20th March, 2007 @ 21:05 - Permalink

Yeah that's right man, not too much you know, but don't worry, I'm sure R* knows what they're doing, and just look at the other trailers, they're great, they didn't reveal too much or anything like that, so sit back, relax and have a good time :) Soon there is only one week until the trailer is out.

ThePunisher's photo
ThePunisher 20th March, 2007 @ 23:48 - Permalink

Cant wait to see it. Its gonna be great.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 21st March, 2007 @ 01:39 - Permalink
I actually like the GTA III trailer most, what about you guys?

The GTA III trailer has a weird ass song but makes me want to buy it since I've actually never played it but since it's so old now, I doubt it's in stores anymore.

The Vice City trailer went slow but picked up as the trailer went on. That was great.

The San Andreas trailer really got dramatic on the last 20 seconds.

The Liberty City Stories trailer was excellent and really cought me in playing it again. Though, that was the PS2 trailer.

The Vice City Stories trailer was the best in music choice. Not really as dramatic but gained the feel of Vice City again. I need to watch the VCS PS2 trailer and see what it has.

I think the GTA IV trailer might start boring but get dramatic in the last parts of it.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 21st March, 2007 @ 01:51 - Permalink

I'm not expecting too much since Rockstar never released a trailer this early.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 21st March, 2007 @ 05:32 - Permalink

8 days 16 hours 32 minutes....

All the trailers were cool...Here`s my list:

1.GTA San Andreas Trailer -awesome soundtrack "Jungle Fever" by The Chakachas,cool clips....

2.GTA Vice City Stories Trailer-the soundtrack of the trailer fit perfectly with the action inside...

3.GTA III Trailer-cool

4.GTA Vice City Trailer-cool but for a game like VC it could of been better

5.GTA Liberty City Stories Trailer-not to cool

Only more than a week to find out if the GTA 4 Trailer will be better...

Pandora's photo
Pandora 21st March, 2007 @ 06:31 - Permalink
I doubt it's in stores anymore.

It is. For just 15 EUR here. Vice is 10 EUR.

Lolz, when I saw that trailer I wanted to buy it to. It is.. Dramatic. Like a movie.

2003's photo
2003 21st March, 2007 @ 06:59 - Permalink

Yep and gta 4 is going to have some compitition with the up and coming Driver 5. I gess thats compitition.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 21st March, 2007 @ 07:26 - Permalink

*as he prays to god, may you god, please prot GTA4 to the PC, ill spell colour without the u, oh please god i beg you....*

Amen, wheelman101

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 21st March, 2007 @ 13:21 - Permalink

You can buy GTA III on most of the online gaming stores. OGTAM, you got a point there, and yeah man I've been thinking about it too. R* has never released a trailer this early, why? Maybe it's because of the enormous hype? But wasn't the hype for GTA III also pretty damn big? Well I hope it's going to show as much as the past GTA trailers, but we'll see. If this is just a small trailer or something, the next up-coming trailer will probably be the real deal.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 21st March, 2007 @ 13:28 - Permalink

yeah, your probably right GTAPlayer, we shouldn't get our hopes up ^_^

otherwise we will be dissapointed if the trailer wasn't that big <_<

i've been thinking about it too since the first time they were in the news

Grand Theft Auto IV's photo
Grand Theft Auto IV 21st March, 2007 @ 13:29 - Permalink

I can't believe only 8 hours left or around that man I'm so excited, btw while I was checking another web I saw a youtube video it's under videos you have to check it out here's the link:

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 21st March, 2007 @ 13:47 - Permalink

Oh, yeah, I know that, anyway that video is about Edorphin (if I spell it right) witch is expected in GTA4 more about it you can fin somewhere on this forum.

Grand Theft Auto IV's photo
Grand Theft Auto IV 21st March, 2007 @ 14:59 - Permalink

Come on people liven up only 8 days left! :lol::D:D:D:D:D:D

Pandora's photo
Pandora 21st March, 2007 @ 15:53 - Permalink
Yep and gta 4 is going to have some compitition with the up and coming Driver 5. I gess thats compitition.

Are you crazy? GTA IV will have NO competition. NOTHING!

Rockstar has the unbeatable recept for the almight GTA and no matter how hard other people try, it can NOT live up to the GTA series.

Untill now, every GTA release has been awarded to "Game Of The Year". And so will GTA IV.

Go R*!

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 21st March, 2007 @ 15:55 - Permalink

Yeah, that's true R* surprise us every time he do something, and GTA4 will not be an exception.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 21st March, 2007 @ 15:56 - Permalink

Correct.Not even Driver 6 or True Crime 3 or Saints Row 2 not even MAFIA 2 will beat this game.The game of the year 2007 will be GTA 4...

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 21st March, 2007 @ 19:51 - Permalink

Yeah I'm pretty sure GTA IV will be the game of the year, althought I don't know all the games that are coming this year, but GTA IV seems to be the most exciting one and all.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 21st March, 2007 @ 19:55 - Permalink

We are exited because in only 20 days this topics has 244 posts.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 21st March, 2007 @ 19:57 - Permalink

Oh yes, we are indeed VERY excited, at least I am. :) So eight days left huh... Tomorrow there is only 7 days left... Yeah man, we're almost there.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 21st March, 2007 @ 22:57 - Permalink
I can't believe only 8 hours left or around that man I'm so excited, btw while I was checking another web I saw a youtube video it's under videos you have to check it out here's the link:

Ummm, why do you have a Ghost Rider background on a GTAIV fan site?

luburgh's photo
luburgh 22nd March, 2007 @ 01:05 - Permalink

gtaiv's competition for game of the year will be halo 3.

tilly's photo
tilly 22nd March, 2007 @ 01:41 - Permalink

no were talking about this style of gaming. halo three is for one only on xbox 360 and is an fps in space.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 22nd March, 2007 @ 02:41 - Permalink

Doesn't even matter, it'll still kick Halo 3's ass.

tilly's photo
tilly 22nd March, 2007 @ 05:38 - Permalink

not necessarily. halo 3 is gunna get ALOT of people to buy it. GTA4 will most likely win, but we really dont know. it does stand a chance.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd March, 2007 @ 05:44 - Permalink

Finally, the real count down. Just one more week :D

What is GTA's catogorie actually? It's not really a shooter...

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 22nd March, 2007 @ 05:46 - Permalink
not necessarily. halo 3 is gunna get ALOT of people to buy it. GTA4 will most likely win, but we really dont know. it does stand a chance.

I don't know one person that is a fan of Halo and not a fan of GTA, but I do know fans of GTA that aren't fans of Halo. GTA seems a lot more popular.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd March, 2007 @ 05:51 - Permalink

Probably Halo 3 will be the runner up.

And then in 2008 GTA IV PC wins :P Happend with San Andreas to.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 22nd March, 2007 @ 07:06 - Permalink

yeah well that will continue to happen as long as rockstar keep making GTA

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 22nd March, 2007 @ 10:54 - Permalink

Seven days left, oh my god, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, this is gonna be a magic week :!: :!: :!:

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 22nd March, 2007 @ 10:55 - Permalink

yeah well about three days after the trailer i leave and go to malaysia YAY ohh i can't wait for both of them

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 22nd March, 2007 @ 12:56 - Permalink

Jace, you're correct man, it's not a shooter you know, it's more like an action/adventure game, know what I'm saying. Anyway, yeah man, it's only one week left, oh man... I'm really looking forward to it :)

Gycu's photo
Gycu 22nd March, 2007 @ 18:48 - Permalink

Hey guys have you noticed that on some GTA 4 Trailer Coundtown sites GTA 4 is rated PEGI+18 ?That means AO rating no?Mistake or reallity?

Try GTA 4 Official Site /france /italy and /spain...

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd March, 2007 @ 18:52 - Permalink

The game isn't finished yet, so they can't rate it.

But there is a good chance it will be AO. But who cares?

Gycu's photo
Gycu 22nd March, 2007 @ 18:55 - Permalink

Theese sites say something else (check the bottom of them)

Probably some morons did this...

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd March, 2007 @ 18:58 - Permalink

No it doesn't mean AO anyway. 18 is the highest rating in the UK and Europe, that's what all the violent games get. In the USA, they have M which is 17, and AO which is 18. Quite what different 12 months age difference makes is beyond me, but you can't really compare EU ratings with US ones is the point I'm making.

Theese sites say something else (check the bottom of them)

Probably some morons did this...

Morons did what? Since when did R* Webmasters localising sites become moronic? Explain wtf you're point is.

You DO realise there are different languages spoken in other countries right... and that they have different rating systems...

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd March, 2007 @ 18:59 - Permalink

Violent games usually get 16+ unless it contains stuff like sex or is really highly agressive. GTA isn't that agressive..

Gycu's photo
Gycu 22nd March, 2007 @ 19:03 - Permalink

Yes I know it`s bulls**t but why did they`ve done this?And why on the german site is normal without any rating?And why in Italy,Spain and France it`s rated PEGI 18+ ?Damn.It`s confusing.

Off-topic"Got that but if you are from US and the game will be PEGI 18+ rated it`s gonna be Mature 17+ in the US?

On-topic:Only 7 days left (one week).

Edit:sorry for calling them morons...Why aren`t all the GTA 4 sites without any rating is whatI don`t get it.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 22nd March, 2007 @ 19:07 - Permalink

Maybe France, Spain and Italy have violent games rated stricter than other countries.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 22nd March, 2007 @ 19:14 - Permalink
Violent games usually get 16+ unless it contains stuff like sex or is really highly agressive. GTA isn't that agressive..

GTA isn't violent I agree, but my friends mother not.

My friend plays GTA SA.

His mother enters the room and saw GTA.

She took DVD broke it and threw it away.

She didn't knot that is playable without DVD. He he.

Chris's photo
Chris 22nd March, 2007 @ 19:15 - Permalink
Yes I know it`s bulls**t but why did they`ve done this?And why on the german site is normal without any rating?And why in Italy,Spain and France it`s rated PEGI 18+ ?Damn.It`s confusing.

Off-topic"Got that but if you are from US and the game will be PEGI 18+ rated it`s gonna be Mature 17+ in the US?

On-topic:Only 7 days left (one week).

No it's not bullshit, nor is it confusing. I don't understand what's so hard to grasp about different countries having different ratings.

USA uses ESRB - They haven't rated the game yet, hence the RP (Rating Pending)

EU uses PEGI - They don't have a higher rating than 18+, and R* know the game will receive this, so they might as well stick that logo on now, plus there is no "rating pending" logo to use either.

Now Germany are an exception because they have incredibly strict laws on violent games, which is strange in comparison to other countries who you'd think would be stricter, but that's probably why they haven't put a logo on that mirror yet.

As long as R* don't go putting sex into the game we can pretty much rest assured that in the USA it will receive an M rating.

Now Gycu, tell me, why are you so concerned over the US rating when you live in Romania, no offence intended, but not only is your country renowned for pirating games and movies, it's in Europe, you guys use the PEGI rating... If you're going to buy the game you'll need to be 18 unless you buy online.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 22nd March, 2007 @ 20:46 - Permalink

Well...That was just a question...

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 23rd March, 2007 @ 10:58 - Permalink

The rating for most GTA'S here is MA15+. Only 6 days and 11 hours YAY.

jack_bauer's photo
jack_bauer 23rd March, 2007 @ 19:16 - Permalink
The rating for most GTA'S here is MA15+. Only 6 days and 11 hours YAY.

minus 9 hours, that would be in only 6 days, and 2 hours!

can't you handle the truth?? :evil:

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 24th March, 2007 @ 00:23 - Permalink

Did anyone recieve this in an E-mail? At the bottom it says "Things will be different"...gets you thinking.

2003's photo
2003 24th March, 2007 @ 00:33 - Permalink

Not me. But thats cool.

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 24th March, 2007 @ 00:34 - Permalink

They're trying to create more hype. And its working.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 24th March, 2007 @ 00:45 - Permalink

OMG, can't wait. Havn't heard about any news besides on AOTS(attack of the show).

Gycu's photo
Gycu 25th March, 2007 @ 15:45 - Permalink

4 Days 6 hours .I wonder if the trailer will be in high-resolution...Any possibility to be low-res?

Chris's photo
Chris 25th March, 2007 @ 15:56 - Permalink

Probably both I would imagine.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 25th March, 2007 @ 20:45 - Permalink

The 4 day countdown is almost starting.. Woo, I'm going to masturbate open a bottle of champagne while watching the trailer. Just because I'm so thrilled.

I'm serious :P

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 25th March, 2007 @ 21:31 - Permalink

God i hope you dont do the other thing while watching the trailer :D . 4 days, thats like 94 hours :o .

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 25th March, 2007 @ 21:55 - Permalink
God i hope you dont do the other thing while watching the trailer :D . 4 days, thats like 94 hours :o .

Man, I'm about to piss myself because of this...well the pitcher of iced tea isn't helping much. :wacko:

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 26th March, 2007 @ 09:19 - Permalink

3 days and 12 hours..........Its so close i can almost taste it.(2003 if your a real Spongebob Fan you should know where that came from).

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 26th March, 2007 @ 09:55 - Permalink

Heres a thought - what happens if the rockstargames server cant handle the million (or many thousands) trailer viewers? Will it crash?

P.S. It will be 2 AM where i live when the trailer comes out. <_<

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 26th March, 2007 @ 10:11 - Permalink

It probably will crash. And just a random comment but your avator of that cats awesome.

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 26th March, 2007 @ 10:38 - Permalink
It probably will crash. And just a random comment but your avator of that cats awesome.

Thanks man. God i hope it doesent crash... Does anyone remember how things were when SA trailer came out? Was there an SA trailer at all?

But i will wait till 2 AM i think , its worth it.

Jared's photo
Jared 26th March, 2007 @ 10:41 - Permalink

I doubt it, Rockstar are very professional in all regards, they wouldn't leave themselves open for that, you have to remember there a company, they would be sure that that doesn't happen.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 26th March, 2007 @ 13:29 - Permalink
3 days and 12 hours..........Its so close i can almost taste it.(2003 if your a real Spongebob Fan you should know where that came from).

Lol, I do. I always missed a Spongebob player model for Vice City, that would be quite funny.

BTW, I already bought some champagne type of thing. I hope it's going to be worth it :P

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 26th March, 2007 @ 13:41 - Permalink

I think you guys are getting out of hand... Champagne?!? It's only a trailer, wait till you play a bit of the game, then pause and open the bottle!

3 Days, 8 Hours and 20 Minutes!!

Pandora's photo
Pandora 26th March, 2007 @ 13:58 - Permalink

I don't like waiting and like champagne :mellow:

Are you not even a little exited?

TG187's photo
TG187 26th March, 2007 @ 16:27 - Permalink

I am excited. I just calculate the hour and will be released here at 1 a.m. It worth of staying till that hour. Just to say: 3 days and 5 hours and 34 minutes. Cant wait, even if it is a trailer. :D

w33l33's photo
w33l33 26th March, 2007 @ 16:39 - Permalink
I am excited. I just calculate the hour and will be released here at 1 a.m. It worth of staying till that hour. Just to say: 3 days and 5 hours and 34 minutes. Cant wait, even if it is a trailer. :D

damn straight! where do u rate it will be set?

TG187's photo
TG187 26th March, 2007 @ 18:53 - Permalink

Hard answer. It could be in America, Europe... we need to see the trailer. After that i can answer. :thumbsup:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 26th March, 2007 @ 18:59 - Permalink

I just hope it`s not in low-resolution, I`m expecting at least 800x600 or maybe even 1024x768...

BTW Only 3 days 3 hours and 00 minutes 20 seconds...

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 26th March, 2007 @ 19:12 - Permalink

@TG i think it will be 2 AM in Romania when it comes out, im in the same timezone, there was this link somewhere here with cities all over the world and the time when the trailer comes out.

Anyways i do hope that it will be viewable fullscreen, so the details can be seen very good, you know -dogs and wind blowing trees and stuff in the background :thumbsup:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 26th March, 2007 @ 19:20 - Permalink

What 2 AM? I thought it`ll be 00:00(midnight) in Romania... Can someone tell me the hour it`ll be released in London, etc...(GMT 0)?

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 26th March, 2007 @ 19:27 - Permalink

Well Latvia as is Romania is GMT +2 sooo midnight in London i guess.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 26th March, 2007 @ 19:30 - Permalink

Lol.I think I`ll watch the trailer in the morning(I have only 4 hours friday) or maybe I`ll need a clock to wake me up .Wow thoose are gonna be looooooooooong 4 hours at school without seeing the trailer, so I must stay awake.

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 26th March, 2007 @ 19:38 - Permalink

lol i think that this trailer definitely justifys ditching school.

Edit: after 2h and 19 mins it will be precisely 3 days, so wait these 2h and 19 mins and watch the clock were you live.This way you will know what time after 3 days it will come out.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 26th March, 2007 @ 19:41 - Permalink
lol i think that this trailer definitely justifys ditching school.

I'm seriously thinking about it. :D

Red_91's photo
Red_91 26th March, 2007 @ 20:00 - Permalink
lol i think that this trailer definitely justifys ditching school.

I'm seriously thinking about it. :D

Im not going to see the trailer until 15 hours latr because it might just crash

Pandora's photo
Pandora 26th March, 2007 @ 20:21 - Permalink

So now tell me when GMT, cause that time is in EST.

Chris's photo
Chris 26th March, 2007 @ 21:05 - Permalink

In the UK the trailer will still air at 11PM. I made an error earlier when I suggested the times would all move forward an hour, sorry for misguiding some of you who read that. For other countries in Europe, just work out how many hours ahead of the UK you are.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 27th March, 2007 @ 01:21 - Permalink

Where on the TV will it air?

ed: And what time will it show in Northern California(U.S. Pacific)?

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 27th March, 2007 @ 02:59 - Permalink

2 days left well 1 day if you don't count today

TG187's photo
TG187 27th March, 2007 @ 04:32 - Permalink

Yep, 2 days and 17 hours and some minutes. :D I really cant wait to see it. I will stay till the countdown reach 0 days, hours and minutes, even if it will be at 12 AM, or at 1 AM. It's worth staying. B)

Artur's photo
Artur 27th March, 2007 @ 04:43 - Permalink

Yeah I would do the same, but lucky me I have it right after school. :D Can't wait either man, so close!

Edit: Oh Nate I think you live in the same timezone as me so it's either at 3 or 4 p.m.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 27th March, 2007 @ 08:30 - Permalink

Alright man, 2 damn days left, it's almost here, can't wait. I've never been this excited for a trailer, never.

rav0001's photo
rav0001 27th March, 2007 @ 08:33 - Permalink

OMFG ,only 13hr 27mins and 43secods until ONE DAY LEFT...AAAAAAAAAAAAAA i cant wait!!!! :bashhead:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 27th March, 2007 @ 12:25 - Permalink
Yep, 2 days and 17 hours and some minutes. :D I really cant wait to see it. I will stay till the countdown reach 0 days, hours and minutes, even if it will be at 12 AM, or at 1 AM. It's worth staying. B)

Bad news TG, I heard that in our country it`ll be at 1 or 2:00, not at midnight as I told you before...

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 27th March, 2007 @ 14:00 - Permalink

guys, can i ask you some questions? when the trailer comes out, is it downloadable, or is it like youtube?

if it is, is there a rerun of the trailer, or we can watch any other time?

because, if it's 12:00 midnight on america, it would be 12:00 at noon in my country, which means i'm still in school

did someone know about this????

if the trailer comes out when i'm in school, it's worth nothing if it's not downladable or "watch for free' kind of thing, tihs kinda makes me curious :'(

Pandora's photo
Pandora 27th March, 2007 @ 14:54 - Permalink

That's 12 O'clock at night :o

Let's hope my mom falls asleep before that time...

How should I sleep knowing people have already watched the trailer and I not. It will drive me crazy.

Artur's photo
Artur 28th March, 2007 @ 01:31 - Permalink
guys, can i ask you some questions? when the trailer comes out, is it downloadable, or is it like youtube?

if it is, is there a rerun of the trailer, or we can watch any other time?

because, if it's 12:00 midnight on america, it would be 12:00 at noon in my country, which means i'm still in school

did someone know about this????

if the trailer comes out when i'm in school, it's worth nothing if it's not downladable or "watch for free' kind of thing, tihs kinda makes me curious :'(

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's going to be rewatchable. Because think of all the other people who missed it, it will be thousands of people and just because they had school. So don't worry man. It'd be really stupid if it was shown at one time only. By the next day someone will post it on YouTube anyway. Wow it's almost here guys! :D

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 28th March, 2007 @ 02:39 - Permalink

Little less than 2 days now...crazy how time flies. This trailer is gonna be epic. Make sure you guys keep your eye out for something similar to the Great Wall of China. ;) If it is based in "Tokyo, China" you think Rockstar would make a spoof of the Great Wall? Wonder what they'd call it...Maybe something as simple as "The Great Wall of R*", "R*" instead of "Rockstar"....hmmmm. Maybe they'll flip it around and make it "The Tiny Wall of China" never know.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 28th March, 2007 @ 03:58 - Permalink
Yeah I would do the same, but lucky me I have it right after school. :D Can't wait either man, so close!

Edit: Oh Nate I think you live in the same timezone as me so it's either at 3 or 4 p.m.

Yay, but even if I don't see it I'll go check out YouTube, I know it'll be there and if its not go check out R*.com or a an official GTA website.

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 28th March, 2007 @ 06:05 - Permalink

Only 1 day and 15 hours.

Artur's photo
Artur 28th March, 2007 @ 06:30 - Permalink

Wow, I'm just gonna try to forget it before I die of thinking about it. I bet the forums will be super busy after like 5 minutes after it's realease. There will be new threads about theories and stuff. Can't believe it's so close now.

TG187's photo
TG187 28th March, 2007 @ 06:35 - Permalink

Cant wait. I should stop thinking about it, but I cant! The forum will be very very busy after the release.... 1 day...

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 28th March, 2007 @ 06:44 - Permalink

Here's a look into our future...ENJOY!

NOTE: Youtube f***ed up the quality...sorry. :(

Artur's photo
Artur 28th March, 2007 @ 06:47 - Permalink

Aww, you're evil aren't you? Tormenting us with that repetitive clicking sound, just like R* :P

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 28th March, 2007 @ 06:52 - Permalink

It would have been better if you were able to see the countdown. It's the last 10 seconds.

Artur's photo
Artur 28th March, 2007 @ 07:03 - Permalink

Yeah I could tell but the numbers were all blurry like you said cause of YouTube. Nice editing. I bet I'll be saying deja vu when I actually see this for real. Anyway, I'm heading off to sleep so see ya later man.

Grand Theft Koll's photo
Grand Theft Koll 28th March, 2007 @ 09:05 - Permalink

Ow yeah, tomorrow is my birthday and guess what........

My finest birthday present is not given to me before my birthday ends.... 00.00 h. Midnight tomorrow, there just teasing me... f*ckin'R*

Ow well, I hope for them it's gonna be a hell of a trailer...

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 28th March, 2007 @ 11:35 - Permalink

Man i wish I had that tv channel, I will definitely be watching on the last hour, the countdown ends at 1 in the morning for me on a Thursday, yes no school the next day! I probably won't get to sleep for ages!

1 Day, 10 Hours and 24 Minutes!

Nate10's photo
Nate10 28th March, 2007 @ 14:57 - Permalink
Wow, I'm just gonna try to forget it before I die of thinking about it. I bet the forums will be super busy after like 5 minutes after it's realease. There will be new threads about theories and stuff. Can't believe it's so close now.

Exactly! A bunch of new theories are comin on the way lol. But OGM, I think we have a topic of that in the news section, it goes for like 2 minutes and something. Man, OMG I wonder how "different" it's gonna be like they've sorta said. I'd laugh if it's basically the same.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 04:51 - Permalink

Just to say: Only 17 hours till the trailer will appear. Cant wait that long! :D

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 05:41 - Permalink

Just 16 hours (and 20 minutes) now.

Somehow all this countdown stuff makes me think about new year..

R*, don't disappoint us :) Wouldn't like thinking "was this trailer really worth the exitement" after seeing it..

Artur's photo
Artur 29th March, 2007 @ 05:45 - Permalink

Haha, yeah this trailer is probably the most hyped GTA one ever. I can't wait to coem back from school tomorrow! Don't worry Jace, I don't think it will be a disappointment at all. :)

Anthony.'s photo
Anthony. 29th March, 2007 @ 11:11 - Permalink

Just 10 hours and 49 minutes

Dave1's photo
Dave1 29th March, 2007 @ 11:24 - Permalink

Only 6 hours left!! It should be playing by the time i get home from school.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 29th March, 2007 @ 11:47 - Permalink

OMG 10 hours, 12 minutes and 40 seconds left

Jared's photo
Jared 29th March, 2007 @ 11:47 - Permalink

Anyone else noticing an error on the site? For me it keeps redirecting to, possibly the page that will contain the trailer? Maybe my timezone on my PC is playing up or something, not sure, anyone else getting this error?

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 29th March, 2007 @ 12:46 - Permalink

Yeah, there is error on that link for me too, but if you find that same link on R* official site it will work.

9 hours left, man, I can't waaaaaaaaaaait!!! :lol:

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 13:00 - Permalink

Haha f***, did you say 9 hours? Great man :D Man I feel like dancing :P

TM™'s photo
TM™ 29th March, 2007 @ 14:32 - Permalink

7 hours left till it's released, Man I'm gonna miss it since In 7 hours, I'll be asleep :( Well I guess I'll watch it tommorow.

2003's photo
2003 29th March, 2007 @ 14:33 - Permalink
3 days and 12 hours..........Its so close i can almost taste it.(2003 if your a real Spongebob Fan you should know where that came from).

That came from the episode hwere SpongeBob thinks he upset the giant Clam. But i'm going to wtach this trailer over and Over again.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 29th March, 2007 @ 14:52 - Permalink

Waa, I be riding the bus home when it airs. Well, my TV will be on all day so I can see it another time, and I'll e on the internet

Nate10's photo
Nate10 29th March, 2007 @ 14:52 - Permalink

Waa, I be riding the bus home when it airs. Well, my TV will be on all day so I can see it another time, and I'll e on the internet

Nate10's photo
Nate10 29th March, 2007 @ 14:52 - Permalink

Waa, I be riding the bus home when it airs. Well, my TV will be on all day so I can see it another time, and I'll e on the internet

Artur's photo
Artur 29th March, 2007 @ 14:57 - Permalink

Yeah I'm going to school soon too. I'll be in volleyball for an hour and a half today and our school ends early on Thursdays (at 2) so I'll be home by around 3:45 or 4 so I can watch it as soon as I get home!

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 15:00 - Permalink

I'll stay up untill I've seen it. Probably make a fight deliberetly so I don't have to go to bed/sleep.

@Jared: How'd you get there? Does index.html redirect to that?

Artur's photo
Artur 29th March, 2007 @ 15:06 - Permalink

Hah, yeah isn't it going to be at midnight over there Jace? I would do the same thing if I were in your position. :) Ahh, it's so close now!!

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 15:17 - Permalink

Yep, 12 PM Midnight. Don't even know if that means the release is on thursday or fryday..

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 29th March, 2007 @ 15:52 - Permalink

6 hours left, man.

Does anyone knows how to make "internet" party!!! :lol:

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 15:52 - Permalink

Just to say again: Only 6 hours remain. I will stay till 1 am when it will be, even if tommorow I have school. Cant wait and cant miss this!

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 15:53 - Permalink
Yep, 12 PM Midnight. Don't even know if that means the release is on thursday or fryday..

That would be Friday but anyway the trailer is 11 PM for us Ukers he he he.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 29th March, 2007 @ 15:54 - Permalink
Anyone else noticing an error on the site? For me it keeps redirecting to, possibly the page that will contain the trailer? Maybe my timezone on my PC is playing up or something, not sure, anyone else getting this error?

Well I'm not getting it.. Just try closing the internet down and re-opening it.

6 Hours and 5 Minutes!

Gycu's photo
Gycu 29th March, 2007 @ 17:29 - Permalink
Anyone else noticing an error on the site? For me it keeps redirecting to, possibly the page that will contain the trailer? Maybe my timezone on my PC is playing up or something, not sure, anyone else getting this error?

Maybe you should set your PC clock, the same thing happened to me after setting my clock 2080,March 29 :), I think it appears if your clock is after the trailer will released (like 30 March,1 April)....

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 18:17 - Permalink

It said still 3 months and a few days for me cause my mom had fiddled with the clock time :P

OMG, Just 4 Hours left! Damn it, I really can't wait any longer.

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 18:23 - Permalink

3 more hours and some minutes for me,finally its here,well almost,LoL

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 18:25 - Permalink

It's a world wide release mate. That means you to have to wait 3:35 untill the realease. That's the prob Jared is having with timezones.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 19:21 - Permalink

Yeah man, 00:00 is a new day of 24 hours you know, so it's a Friday. Oh man, the trailer is almost here... Damn! Oh man! I think I'm gonna... I dont know man, so damn excited.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 20:32 - Permalink

Ok, so now are only 1 hour and 27 minutes. So close, I will stay till 1 am..... cant wait! :lolbounce:

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 20:34 - Permalink

What about people in Australia, they'll have to miss it.

I'm suppossed to do work now (no, not school. Some payed work) but I just can't concentrate. This trailer is going to reveal so much about GTA IV. Untill now we don't have any info about the actualy game you know.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 29th March, 2007 @ 20:36 - Permalink

I'm so happy I live in this timezone right now. :lol: Can't wait until 6:00 (EST).

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 20:37 - Permalink

Bastard :tongue:


I have to wait untill mid-night, I'm going to get 5 hours sleep or less.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 20:39 - Permalink

Tomorrow I have school, but I dont care. I will stay till 1 am and watch it. After that I will be the first to post the first comment about it. :bleh:

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 20:41 - Permalink

Chris will beat you to that, I'm sure.

LMAO, this place is suddenly so active :o

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 20:43 - Permalink

I will beat him at the post. :innocent: Just watch..... Active forum is now. :lolbounce:

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 20:44 - Permalink

1 more hour,YAY!

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 20:44 - Permalink

Let's hope we get lot's of new active members tonight.

Anyway, back to my work now. Otherwise I can't see the trailer later.

Dave1's photo
Dave1 29th March, 2007 @ 20:46 - Permalink

I Can't wait for this thing to air, it shall be interesting.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 20:49 - Permalink

Not long to go just over 1 hour

This topic is damn active atm

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 20:56 - Permalink

Does any know how long its going to be?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 20:57 - Permalink
Does any know how long its going to be?

No one knows how long it will be but I hop it is between 1 and 2 minutes, this way it doesn't give too little or too much information and keeps on our toes.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 21:00 - Permalink

It should be more bigger, about 5 minutes will be good. Only 1 hour!

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 21:01 - Permalink

Well only one hour left :D

Chris's photo
Chris 29th March, 2007 @ 21:02 - Permalink

I'm going to *guess* that it will be 2 minutes 30 seconds...

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 21:02 - Permalink
Does any know how long its going to be?

No one knows how long it will be but I hop it is between 1 and 2 minutes, this way it doesn't give too little or too much information and keeps on our toes.

True I also hope they give us the location.
Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:02 - Permalink

No not 5 minutes too long in my opinion

look how many people are active on this topic only -

ps3 player, GTAPlayer, HCK George, Andrew91, Rashon125, QuickDeath, Ðãvë´, Jace

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 29th March, 2007 @ 21:02 - Permalink
It should be more bigger, about 5 minutes will be good. Only 1 hour!

Though no trailer has ever been that long. I expect 45-90 seconds.

Jared's photo
Jared 29th March, 2007 @ 21:04 - Permalink
@Jared: How'd you get there? Does index.html redirect to that?

Yep, the flash animation doesn't load the page just sits there for a minute then redirects to that link.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:05 - Permalink
It should be more bigger, about 5 minutes will be good. Only 1 hour!

Though no trailer has ever been that long. I expect 45-90 seconds.

I couldn't agree more, 5 minutes would give far too much information away, Rockstar will want to keep it simple and steady.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 21:06 - Permalink

Ok, so 5 minutes is too long. I will say 2 minutes or 3. But we will see.... 52 minutes till the trailer!

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 21:09 - Permalink

Yeah! It's almost here! :coolthumbup:

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 21:10 - Permalink

Chaos!Some people are having trouble with the site.My friend just called me up also,but thats weird he only lives down my strret.And im doing fine.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 29th March, 2007 @ 21:12 - Permalink

With all this hype, I'm surprised that the most members online in one day hasn't been broken yet.

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 29th March, 2007 @ 21:13 - Permalink

I think it will be between 2 and 3 min and it probably will NOT be in-game vid, maybe 2nd trailer will. I think the things we will know after watching it are - where it is set, main char, storyline. IMO we wont see the real GTA4 GFX in it.

See you after 46 min when the world will be different.

Chris's photo
Chris 29th March, 2007 @ 21:13 - Permalink

It almost has actually, still a couple of hours to go before the day ends for me anyway :)

45 mins to go to trailer now.

chris82's photo
chris82 29th March, 2007 @ 21:16 - Permalink

Funny, because as I mentioned in this topic, the countdown has run out for me. I've tried in both Firefox and IE. Cleared my cache, etc...

And the timer appears to be client clock based because on I also get

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 29th March, 2007 @ 21:24 - Permalink
With all this hype, I'm surprised that the most members online in one day hasn't been broken yet.

I spoke too soon, it's broken now. With the amount of members that'll potentially join and log in for this moment, the amount of members online total for one day won't be broken ever... or at least until the release of GTA IV.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:27 - Permalink
With all this hype, I'm surprised that the most members online in one day hasn't been broken yet.

I spoke too soon, it's broken now. With the amount of members that'll potentially join and log in for this moment, the amount of members online total for one day won't be broken ever... or at least until the release of GTA IV.

This is very good news for TGTAP, anyway Chris82 how come there is not timer for you, I have got a timer and it says 34 mins ..........

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:30 - Permalink

Do you guys think it will be on the Xbox Live Marketplace?

Noru's photo
Noru 29th March, 2007 @ 21:31 - Permalink

29 mins now. I can't wait to see this

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 21:32 - Permalink

They have not announced nothing Andrew,but they did have the Halo 3 trailer there.

I just went into the and it said server to busy suckers.Thats why I prefer

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 29th March, 2007 @ 21:35 - Permalink
I just went into the and it said server to busy suckers.

Well, that's since there are over 2,000 members/guests on that forum now so of course their server would end up being slow.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 29th March, 2007 @ 21:38 - Permalink

Amazing.Only 20 minutes left and the world will change.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 29th March, 2007 @ 21:39 - Permalink


Noru's photo
Noru 29th March, 2007 @ 21:41 - Permalink

I can't wait. I want to know where its going to be based

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 21:44 - Permalink

My heart is starting to beat really fast, shit even my fingers are shivering, I'm so damn excited!

Bryan.RO's photo
Bryan.RO 29th March, 2007 @ 21:45 - Permalink

I have 14 more minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris's photo
Chris 29th March, 2007 @ 21:46 - Permalink

Yes Bryan you don't need to post that in EVERY GTA4 topic, we're all excited but please don't spam. ;)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 29th March, 2007 @ 21:48 - Permalink


It all comes down to this!

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:48 - Permalink

2 minutes to go and less than a thousand seconds bring on the trailer.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 21:49 - Permalink

Alright man! 10 minutes left! :o:D

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:50 - Permalink
Alright man! 10 minutes left! :o:D

Holy moley less than 500 seconds Im so excited and happy to be at my computer right now.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 21:50 - Permalink

Alright, about 8 minutes. I really cant wait now!

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:53 - Permalink

Alright so is everyone watching the trailer from the Rockstar site?

Yellowcard's photo
Yellowcard 29th March, 2007 @ 21:53 - Permalink

Cheerio all & TG. I dont see the countdown, keep me informed ^^

Noru's photo
Noru 29th March, 2007 @ 21:54 - Permalink

its at 6 mins now, almost there

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 21:54 - Permalink

Yeah I am :) Shit man... Only five-fckn minutes! :D

Gycu's photo
Gycu 29th March, 2007 @ 21:54 - Permalink

6 Minutes left.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:54 - Permalink
Cheerio all & TG. I dont see the countdown, keep me informed ^^

Well mate 5 minutes to go and thats 300 seconds and counting ...........

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 21:56 - Permalink

OMG my hearth is bumping really fast and I cant feel my legs *Doctor!*3 more minutes.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 21:56 - Permalink

The stupid server doesn't work!!!

WTF, someone help.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 21:57 - Permalink

1 minute guys! Cant wait! I cant resist till that.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:57 - Permalink
The stupid server doesn't work!!!

WTF, someone help.

Well try to delete all the cookies and other internet stuff

1 minutes 30 seconds yessssssss

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 21:58 - Permalink

Haha yeah man! Only 1 minute left! YEAH ARE YOU READY FOR THE BIG EXPLOSION!

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 21:59 - Permalink

1 minute this is my last post yessssssss

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 29th March, 2007 @ 21:59 - Permalink

The site still isn't working. Only 1 minute left.

2003's photo
2003 29th March, 2007 @ 21:59 - Permalink

Its not working for me.

Noru's photo
Noru 29th March, 2007 @ 21:59 - Permalink

so many people on one topic. seconds from now it will start

Busby's photo
Busby 29th March, 2007 @ 21:59 - Permalink

just seconds left

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 29th March, 2007 @ 22:00 - Permalink


LOL * goes 2 youtube like crazy.....

HCK George's photo
HCK George 29th March, 2007 @ 22:00 - Permalink

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Its here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 22:00 - Permalink

trailer not working fo rme

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 22:00 - Permalink

The church bell is going. So that must be it. Chris, please help us and get it online as quick as possible.

TG187's photo
TG187 29th March, 2007 @ 22:01 - Permalink

Not working for me! Nice, i like this!

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 22:01 - Permalink

Damn, it's not working...

Noru's photo
Noru 29th March, 2007 @ 22:01 - Permalink
trailer not working fo rme
I got an error. Oh well
Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 29th March, 2007 @ 22:01 - Permalink


Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th March, 2007 @ 22:02 - Permalink
Damn, it's not working...

It aint working for me either I hate this great.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 29th March, 2007 @ 22:02 - Permalink

Yeeeehah.I`m really nervous right now.I`m ready but The Page Cannot Be displayed.F**k.I love you all guys.I love you GTAPlayer,I love you TG187 I love you all...

Yellowcard's photo
Yellowcard 29th March, 2007 @ 22:03 - Permalink

The page is not loading due overload of y'all, no worries though - we all spent the big moment together and we'll all see it soon ^.^

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 22:04 - Permalink

Haha yeah same here Gycu :D

Pandora's photo
Pandora 29th March, 2007 @ 22:05 - Permalink

We are f***in up their server togherter with another few thousand people :P

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 29th March, 2007 @ 22:08 - Permalink

More like few million, im pissed.........

Amy's photo
Amy 29th March, 2007 @ 22:13 - Permalink

Yeah, damn I will just keep hitting reload lol. if it takes all night.

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 29th March, 2007 @ 22:15 - Permalink

f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** this is the one thing i wanted to see and it dosen't f***ing work

Yellowcard's photo
Yellowcard 29th March, 2007 @ 22:19 - Permalink

I think ill go to sleep >_> Also, plz plz plz do your part and dont click refresh every second. The less you do that, the sooner you'll see the trailer ;)

Gycu's photo
Gycu 29th March, 2007 @ 22:20 - Permalink

WTF?I`m sleepy, me and my only GTA mate are pissed.GTA4 site ain`t working.Porbably I`m gonna go to sleep.

All I can see is black on the GTA4 site.My friend went to sleep.

GTAF`s server ain`t working for more than 30 minutes.

Most user online:Today.

Tomorrow I will be a happy man,hopely they`ll fix the problem.I`m going to sleep now.Goodnight fellas.

GTAPlayer's photo
GTAPlayer 29th March, 2007 @ 22:22 - Permalink


Amy's photo
Amy 29th March, 2007 @ 22:23 - Permalink

Yep yep, looks as thou we will have to wait I guess. Shoulda seen it coming.

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