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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/11 in all areas

  1. SA catalina > VC HFYST A much higher definition Catalina cut scene model for Vice City. Couldn't expose much more skin like I would normally do because there just was not much to work with in the texture. This is the only SA to VC character model that has had the poly count increased for the entire mesh. Typically I never bother with the hands and feet, and only rework the head once in a while, but this time was an exception. Her body is a bit slimmer, not quite as "chunkified" as the default model, and her face has a bit more of a pleasant expression. Lately I seem to be having some trouble adjusting bone positions and assigning vertex groups so that the joints move properly without a lot of unsightly distortion. As always, I will just have to keep re-re-rigging/assigning until the mesh moves decently I suppose. Other than that I think she looks a lot better.
    1 point
  2. SA csho > VC BFYPR I am not positive, but I believe that this number also had the distinction of being one of Jizzy's "bitches". In the 1970s I think that the default model would have been referred to as a "brick-house". So I did some downsizing and made her more like a "stick-house". The end result is a wee bit thinner than I would have liked, but for the sake of a little diversity I am content to leave it as is. For those who may not know, it is a more involved process than just scaling down vertexes on one or two axis. I would say, in my own opinion, that she is now one of the hottest black female characters from San Andreas.
    1 point
  3. SA bettina > VC ? Okay. I always get a kick out of finding new female models to tinker with and I dug up this gal(?) a couple of days ago from the San Andreas cut scene IMG archive and had no recollection of who she was. Truth be told, I wasn't exactly sure if she is a she, if you know what I mean. The default model is actually kinda scary looking really. Anyway, a quick google search turned up that she is one of Jizzy's bitches from the Pleasure Dome missions. This is another one of those major Masked Marauder Makeovers. Because it is a cut scene model, the mesh was actually very clean and detailed for a change and there was not much texture image editing involved. Probably the biggest challenge was in transforming her from being quite "bottom heavy" and beefy looking to more "top heavy" and trim, if you know what I mean. Had to get those curvy vertexes in the right places, so to speak. She kind of reminds me a lot of one of the Mercedes models from Vice City actually. Too bad that there are only 3 "ladies of the evening" in Vice city because I am going to have a lot to choose from when this mod is finally finished (whenever that is).
    1 point
  4. SA Shfypro > VC wfyg2 Ah yes, this little tasty treat. Pretty much the same mesh as SA Shfypro; however, I can not bring myself to "cheat" and just retexture the same one again so I redid her from scratch. Edited her skirt/pelvis in a slightly different way than I would normally do with end result turning out okay, despite a bit of clipping. All of the usual enhancements but with no texture editing necessary. I had about 3 or 4 unfinished attempts at her but did not want to make the effort to try and salvage any of them, despite the fact that some of them looked pretty damn good. Oh well. Every restart progresses differently and almost always culminates with better results than previous efforts. Her legs ended up a little thin I think, but I have not decided yet if I should try to thicken them up a little or just leave them as they are because they really are not that bad.
    1 point
  5. SA wfyburg > VC burger Quite possibly one of the least cared about females from San Andreas... unless you are starving to death. I felt compelled to replace the food dude in Vice City with her, despite the fact that the audio is all wrong. It's all about the eye appeal anyway, right? The people at Rockstar did a bang up job of making this gal look like she ate more burgers than she sold. I had to thin down the entire body - even her head, hands, and feet. The before and after screen shots are probably the most dramatic makeover pics thus far, even though I have not even increased the poly count yet. Almost all of the bones for this model will have to be repositioned which is always a fun filled task. I am liking the new hair, but I am not sure if it will remain as it is. "Which delicious meal would sir like?" "Ummm, just a minute- I'm not sure. The left one? No, the right one. Geez, I don't know... I'll have both!"
    1 point
  6. This poor gal was the subject of the thread: "WTF is this is? who the fuck is this ped??" There are actually two of these buried in the IMG archive that are practically identical to each other. About all that I can figure is that she was a beta model, an abandoned character, or a test model; perhaps all of the above. Needless to say, she was nothing short of a mangled mess. I had attempted to redo this model a few times back in my less experienced days of 3D model editing, but I did not have what it took to make her salvageable. I have now successfully resurrected her from obscurity and given her pretty much an extreme makeover. I can not think of anything that I did NOT redo with this character. The most distinct difference between the new model and the default one is that I chose to retexture her clothes and turn that mumu looking thing into a short skirt and top. Unfortunately the new areas of skin look sort of plain and flat, and she does not have a belly button yet, but I still like it better than before. What exactly I will do with her I am not yet sure. VC jzgirla > VC ?
    1 point
  7. SA hfypro > VC HFYMD This little number did not need as much of a radical overhaul as some of the others did. Just skimpied up her clothes a bit, curvied up her curves slightly, and tidied up the mesh. Did not notice until now that she probably has the most revealing "southern exposure" that I have done so far. Gots to keep things... interesting I guess.
    1 point
  8. SA vwfypro > VC wfypr This is one that I do not think that I ever uploaded anywhere, partially because that fur coat thing was a pain in the ass to work with and partially because I was never sure what to do with her to make her a bit more sexy. Gave this little number a bit more exposure up front. Smoothed out the lumpiness in the model. Turned out fairly well I think, but have not tried her out in the game yet.
    1 point
  9. VC Cut Scene Mercedes > ? Okay, maybe it was THIS cut scene model of Mercedes that had the vertex grouping/bone alignment all screwed up; I can not remember. Either way, they have both been re-redone. The default model was another example of the folks at R* thinking that belly buttons and boobs are only three inches apart. Well, maybe sometimes they ARE, but not with my models. Redid that circus tent skirt of hers, redid her hair, added that '80s style hanging belt thing, skimpified her clothes a bit, gave her a much higher polygon count (default: 138Kb, mine: 744Kb), smoothed the faces, repositioned the bones, and opened her mouth ever so slightly. Did some retexturing and remapping, like her funked up eyebrows, and probably some other things that I can not remember. I am really glad that I was able to pick up wherever I had left off and salvage this one.
    1 point
  10. VC Cut Scene Mercedes 2 > VC ? Dug up this high definition ultra-mega super-duper curvaceous overhaul of a cut-scene Mercedes model. Not sure if I should include this one with this mod or with a different one. I am thinking that this model is shapely enough to rival Candy Suxxx. This model has had EVERYTHING redone. I abandoned it for a while because I thought that I overdid it with subdividing the faces and her upper body did not twist around very nicely without making a mess. Now that I am brave enough to reposition bones and joints without screwing up the entire mesh she is much much better now. If I remember correctly, I gave her different a different skin texture from another model. Unfortunately her face does not match the greatest, I will still work at that. I really want to remove the darker colors that make her look like she has five o'clock shadow or something. Her dress is shorter, skimpier, and it looks like she put it on with a paint roller. It really hugs her form I guess. Redid her hair to appear a bit more... well, less like a mushroom cap or something. Spiked her heels a bit more. I believe that I touched up the texture as well; such as her lips, eyebrows, fingernails, stockings, and some other things. Yup, a lot work to overhaul a Mercedes.
    1 point
  11. SA HFYBE > VC hfybe Probably the most famous... basketballs in GTA, until IV at least. She is always one of the first characters that I attempt to convert for some reason. Anyway the default model has her with kind of a tank ass in my opinion and not a very trim waist. Plus her right boob is kind of deflated on one side. So I chopped it off, duplicated and mirrored the left one, and replaced it. Never liked the two ponytail thing either, although I am sure that they have... uses. Put her shades on her bikini top string as kind of an attention grabbing thing, although sporting pumpkins that big she probably does not need it - especially with the CWIs that I added.
    1 point
  12. SA Shfypro > VC hfypr Always liked this model, but she was a mess... especially her clothes. Her waistline was not exactly very shapely either. Her skirt is now more like a tight mini-mini skirt.
    1 point
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