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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/12 in all areas

  1. I give you an A+ on your post. Excellent.
    1 point
  2. My thoughts about piracy... Piracy, I think is important. It just cannot be done away with. Not everyone has the money to buy Photoshop(seriously $699?). Many do not even have the money to buy an original $10 book. But they can however get it very cheaply when it's pirated - same with software. What I am trying to say very clearly is that everyone doesn't have great money, but there are many who have got great talent in them. There are many great innovatives, creatives and revolutionaries out there waiting for there talents to be discovered. But they are going to need tools - software like Photoshop, like Dreamworks, like Final Cut. What makes great people come alive? Education and inspiring books - knowledge. Everyone should have the chance of reading an autobiography of a person like - Steve Jobs or maybe say, Hitler. Everyone doesn't have the money though. Piracy isn't really just about stealing, it's much more. More about education, more about spreading knowledge, more about giving the necessary tools that end up helping those who need them the most. Movies and music too play an important role in spreading knowledge. Piracy acts a way to create opportunities, to give chances to those who need them and in the process maybe even to those who don't. And all that companies get from piracy is loss, right? Wrong. Adobe wouldn't have anywhere near the revenue or installed base it has now if it's stuff(especially Photoshop) wasn't pirated enough. Piracy helps Adobe, it has admitted the fact itself a lot of times. And not just Adobe, it helps a lot of the other companies. Consider reading this article - http://piracy.ssrc.org/adobe-logic/. Really, if you look the other way - Piracy has much, much more advantages than disadvantages. Many famous authors openly support piracy. And they should, it may help millions and billions of people and may help in making the world a better place to be. So, those are just some of my own thoughts. I am welcome to criticism. Why History needs Piracy - http://technologizer...oftware-piracy/
    1 point
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