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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/12 in all areas

  1. Since the first GTA V trailer was initially revealed back in November, many users have attempted to recreate it using GTA San Andreas. One of the first to gain popularity was one made by CreativityZone which we posted about last year. The newest effort we have is from GTARLde, check his re-creation out below and let us know what you think. And another one from last year which you may not have seen as we didn't post it at the time, from user coollertmb: [media=] Tell us your thoughts in the forums and let us know if there's any other good remakes we've missed.
    1 point
  2. Also if people are really that paranoid, no matter what browser they use they can just choose to "deny all cookies" in the settings. I don't see why individual websites need to do this on their behalf just because people are lazy.
    1 point
  3. I'm straight but support Gay/Bisexual people. Dude. Okay dude. No. No. No. You must be stupid. ''No Offence'' that's obviously offensive and may drive some members away. At least your in a safe place on this website, in a group called ''banned''
    1 point
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