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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/12 in all areas

  1. People like Ted Nugent or my dad should not be impacted by new gun legislation, however, if they are known responsible gun owners, as Nugent might not be considered as such, I'm sure he's owned guns longer then most of you have been on the planet, and though he's very outspoken, he's also intelligent despite what his critics say! haha My dad and brother hunt like many hunters do, they don't go hunting with assault rifles or pistols however, and the call for some armed defense is a logical one as well, though it might sound like trouble added to the mix, the laws regarding gun shows and screening of ANYONE wanting to buy or own a gun is a logical answer I believe. In response to your points, sadly, I believe it is about guns and their intended use, as well as mental issues handled in the USA, or anywhere for that matter, WAR is an ABOMINATION in my eyes for such things, deadly weapons ultimately used to handle disputes, you can live though all that if resolved and solved in a manner without inflicting death, pain, or suffering, though there is always an unseen mental anguish in some capacity, we should always strive for Peace or your life is meaningless I believe, again, I think this is what all humans should do with their time on Earth
    1 point
  2. Just a couple points I'd like to make. First off, yes, let's make it illegal to own guns, because those criminals are such law-abiding citizens... Second off, the issue here is most certainly not guns, but mental disorders and how inappropriately they are being handled in this country. Third off, the 2nd amendment is not about hunters and gun collectors WHAT-SO-EVER. It's about retaining the ability to defend yourself against your own government in case they get out of control.
    1 point
  3. I wasn't going to go over the details of the shooting in Newtown, since it's nearly daily on the news here, and not hard to find online, but I do think what happens next and the idea simply of DESENSITIZATION from outside elements are worthy of a serious discussion, not only gaming at a young age, but the media exposure itself, where violence is often seen on unrestricted TV, and whereas Sex is not, the problem possibly being how sexual content can make one uncomfortable due to it's many contexts, but there's seemingly a hidden shame in being naked, as someone taught religion when young, you can equate that directly to the story of Sin in the Garden of Eden. The earth is certainly infected with Sin I won't ever battle video gaming as a fan myself, but I was raised with some moral care, and I agree, it's really sadly lacking in today's world, and more to the point, the Technicalogical World is FAR DIFFERENT then it was 30 or even 20 YEARS ago! http://www.npr.org/2...control-changes http://www.examiner....ce-and-morality The last link I present doesn't wholly subscribe to my feelings and ideas, but it does for the most part, Imagine Christmas without your family because they were killed for reasons you'll never understand, this is heartbreaking, truly!
    1 point
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