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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. Corpex you have to on the forums for atleast one month and have a minimum of 100 non spam posts to be eligible to join the gang, We can put you on reserve but first I'll have to consult the other gang members. Be a good member, it will help when we are making the decision of accepting you!

  2. You'll have to wait for a bit, don't worry even though its not moving its uploading; Still if your not sure get one of those applications which show you how much your uploading/downloading. Try compressing the video to around 35-40 is your using a slow internet connection.

  3. Youtube take time to upload videos, it depends on your connection speed and the size of the video, It takes me around 30-40 mins to upload an 80mb file. Wait and in sometime it will be uploaded, I don't think there a loading box, just an animation going in a circle(I'm not sure, its been some time since I upoaded anything). The C:document....gta.wmv is just the path to the video, it depends on where you have saved the video which you want to upload.

  4. After the third time he re-built I got a can of cheap spray paint & a lighter. :evil: He never came back after that.

    lol It works with Deo's too, Weird how I was Just watching Martin mystery and it was an episode were the dude changes into a spider!

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