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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. Just out of curiosity, who got the 16,000th post in this topic????

    Please say who?????

    16,000TH REPLY!!!!



    Why are you angry?????

    I got a double whammy, I made the 800th page and got the 16,000th reply.

    Boo-yah b*tches.

    That should've been my 800th page claim. Ah, well there's always 900. It took exactly two months to get to 800 from 700 so I swear on V-Rock that I'll claim 900 on August 1st!

    hmm, you'l have to get past me to get it.

    Anyway, let's start multi-quoting posts.

    V-Rock will die if you get the 1000th page.

    Continue quoting.


    Just out of curiosity, who got the 16,000th post in this topic????

    Please say who?????

    16,000TH REPLY!!!!



    Why are you angry?????

    I got a double whammy, I made the 800th page and got the 16,000th reply.

    Boo-yah b*tches.

    That should've been my 800th page claim. Ah, well there's always 900. It took exactly two months to get to 800 from 700 so I swear on V-Rock that I'll claim 900 on August 1st!

    hmm, you'l have to get past me to get it.

    Anyway, let's start multi-quoting posts.

    V-Rock will die if you get the 1000th page.

    Continue quoting.


    cos it's fun, and has been done before.

    Something new must be done....!!

  2. Just out of curiosity, who got the 16,000th post in this topic????

    Please say who?????

    16,000TH REPLY!!!!



    Why are you angry?????

    I got a double whammy, I made the 800th page and got the 16,000th reply.

    Boo-yah b*tches.

    That should've been my 800th page claim. Ah, well there's always 900. It took exactly two months to get to 800 from 700 so I swear on V-Rock that I'll claim 900 on August 1st!

    hmm, you'l have to get past me to get it.

    Anyway, let's start multi-quoting posts.

    V-Rock will die if you get the 1000th page.

    Continue quoting.


  3. The background is actually black with brush strokes,, maybe some resolution difference.

    Yes, There will be a banner coming there, not too hot on plain text; I'm thinking of adding some buttons on the outline, I've not decided the banner yet, but I'll probably end up making one up my self, Navigation columns on the right side did get a little messed up but I like the look.

    I try out some text in there tomorrow, This is all done in PS. I still have to learn slicing and how to edit it in dreamveiwer.

    I won't actually be using this, So if anyone is interested and hosting a site or something you can contact me.

    And thanks for the review mate,

  4. Felt like giving web templates a shot (TM site was one of the reasons). TBH this is my second template, the other one was for a blog, but it look real crap, I can post a link if anyones interested!

    This template took me 2-2 1/2 hours to create and still requires bit of work which I can't pin point..., Comments?


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