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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. Well in matte you don't get those annoying reflection which you get on a glossy screen of everything behind you, Like anti glare. Also I think matte screens are more durable but they appear a bit dull!

    Thats a good laptop you have there.

  2. Darn thats terrible, He stabbed him and cut his head off. The rest of those passenger will be having nightmares for weeks. It is kinda scary that the person sitting next to you is mentally unstable and may just kill you.

    @L-ric: The cams probably just record the passengers entering/exiting the bus. Well thats how they do it here may be different in Canada.

  3. Foo fighters - Kung foo fightin

    Everybody was kung fu fightin'

    Those kids were fast as lightin'

    In fact it was a little bit frightin'

    But they fought with expert timin'

    There were funky china men

    From funky china town

    They were choping them up

    They were choping them down

    It's an ancient chinese art

    And everybody knew their part

    From a faintin' to a snif

    And a kicking from the hip

    Everybody was kung fu fightin'

    Those kids were fast as lightin'

    In fact it was a little bit frightin'

    But they fought with expert timin'

    There was funky Militin

    And little Sammy Chow

    He said: Here comes the big boss

    Let's get it on

    He took a vaul and made a stand

    Staring swaing with the hand

    But emotion made me skip

    Now into a brand new trip

    Everybody was kung fu fightin'

    Those kids were fast as lightin'

    In fact it was a little bit frightin'

    But they fought with expert timin'

  4. Blink-182 - Fuck A Dog

    I Wanna Fuck A Dog In The Ass

    He Wants to fuck a dog in the ass

    I wanna fuck a dog

    That's right kids

    I tried to fuck your mom in the ass

    tried to fuck your dad in the ass

    could only find the dog

    and it's ass

    We Wanna fuck a dog in the ass

    We wanna fuck a dog in the ass

    We wanna fuck a dog

    I Tried to fuck a fuckin' pirate in the ass

    Ar, me and me first mate ya scurvy cur

    Tried to fuck a fuckin' pirate

    But I found the dog

    Ar, that was no pirate man, that was thy own sister.

    (It's a Mexican pirate)

    We wanna fuck a dog in the ass

    We wanna fuck a dog in the ass

    Wanna fuck a fuckin' dog

    Fuck you!

  5. Extract the zip/rar file on your desktop and place the .exe file(the trainer) in you Gta 3 folder, For the teleporter to work you have to first startup the game, then minimize it and open the teleporter option. Thee should be some preset locations along with the trainer, Check the folder were you extracted it and load those files. Now select the place you want to teleport to and maximize your game.

    I may be wrong, Its been a while since I've played Gta3.

  6. @Woozie: Nice Idea, I'll try out some gta Chick.

    @Ice: Photoshop CS3, And lol no I'm not producing them, just the designing part.

    @Gta Don: I know where you sleep.

    @L-ric: Yeah! I'll be doing something like that.

    Keep them Suggestions coming!

  7. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Yeah I was considering putting in the members name or Something of that sort on the back of it! Keep up the suggestions, I'll try to work them in into the next version!

    @Wrx: Yea I'll try something of that sort@

  8. Something I made


    The Back verion of it is a bit scratchy cause I had to convert the front side template yo look like its the back side. Comments?

    The text looks a bit messy in the reduced version

    >>High Quality

    I'll be making few more, Soon!

  9. No one really knows wheter its 3D or 2D but by the time its going to be released knowing R* by the time it releases most of you guys who are thinking that it is going to suck will be wanting to play like sex. The first time I heard that GTA4 will be for Liberty City I thought it is going to suck but know I'll probably be getting a 360 if it is not announced for PC by the end of next month.

    Since when are 2D games old; well they're old, but since when do they suck? Sometimes, even these days, I pop in Super Mario 3 and enjoy that more than TF2. 3D games are too technical a lot of the time, and it's good to go back to the old days and jump on some goombas.

    xD, It is relaxing to take a break from 3d games and how a go at some 2D's in a while!

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