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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. who the hell is this "JACOB" guy?

    and what hepened to SAMP making it shut down?

    It has not shut down, they have just stopped developing it, You can still play it. Jacob was one of the developers on the SA:MP team, now he has gone bad and released the source code for sa:mp on the internet due to which there were many possibilities of a security threat causing them to temporarily shut it down.

    Its working fine now, Just read the update on their site.

    BTW SA:MP owns MTA :P

  2. Everything other than the text looks really good, The text looks like you have randomly placed it all over just to fill up the space, Although pricedown is a good font try experimenting with other fonts too. Use different effect for it. Also try to use a border for it, the siggy doesn't really look complete without it!

  3. Because whenever anyone had the slightest problem with anyone they made a topic in the war zone and flamed them. This resulted into spamming, one thing led to another and the section had to be removed.

  4. Photoshop and GIMP are applications used to create graphic, although not the same they are very similar and much better than paint. GIMP unlike photoshop is a free application so you don't have to buy it.

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