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Posts posted by EvoLuTioN

  1. OMG Its the arch enemy of the internet community T3h NooB, thank God I didn't go blind after reading that post. Forst of all the game has already been released on the 360 and Ps3, so the most they would alter is the graphics, There will be no change in the story line or the available features for the Pc version. Most of the stuff you have mentioned in there is already added in to the game.

    Trains have been drivable and there have been Cycles since San Andreas, Only the Parachute part has been removed from GTA4. If you want races play Gt or NFS or some other racing game.

    And beleive me there have been thousands of wishes on every other site, do you think Rockstar is going to be able to complete each and everyone of them?

    If you want to Wish any thing for the next GTA go HERE

  2. Actually it doesn't really matter what position your on, Its all pretty much the atm. Only if your the gang heads and the Don goes inactive/banned/dies...etc with out any notice or anything then the gang is transferred to you!

  3. I'm ET's kid and I'm blue, you might think its lulzy not putting blue in there? I'm going to call daddy he's going to fuck you Eeeee Teeee!

    Note:er.... :ph34r: Junior ET and EvoZ are completely different individuals and their views on these subjects may vary

  4. I didn't know people know people wanted to meet me *blush blush* I should come around here more often.

    Some of the guys I want to meet!

    Chris (Hawtness)

    Thomas (Dude....One of the few mature members I know around here and a cool guy)

    Rockstarrem (Has a chair)

    Spider vice (Fun guy...Total Awsumness when pissed)

    Dirthy Hairy (Sleeps naked)

    GTA Don (Has a baseball bat)

    Rainbow Six (SA:MP buddies)

    TNF (Fun guy...Haven't had much of a chat, but is cool)

    Woozie (ungay reasons)

    Noondle (Cool guy...likes noodles)

    I'll update the list, gotta go piss now!

  5. Agreed. While waiting for your pic to load I was expecting to see a Bus which was of shorter length than your typical city bus... but no, just some kid with a KFC bucket on his head.

    If your name was KFCBucketHead then yes you'd be living up to your name :)


    @ JayD: There


    What do I get now?

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