Ryder Johnson
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Everything posted by Ryder Johnson
If a big comet hit us dust would be everywhere block the sun and earth would go into a another ice age . better hope that doesnt happend
K9 this is a forum, Am i not allowed to post in a forum which it is made for?The last post was only in august before i posted and it seems like an intresting topic.
I love Squirtle and Cyndaquil.If you could please help me find pictures of squirtle for my counter strike spray?
yea lets all go to florida and invade my privacy!lol jk id like to live in sa ganton i might see the game or CJ rofl.vc no i already live in florida (daytona beach no worries about the beach) lc is too poor(poverty) and omg YAY ZE HOOD I ARE T3H WANKSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i didnt say it was the actualy moon it could be dust on the lens that picture is really UKNOWN unless he himself took the pictures...and from Florida the moon doesn't look so big.
yes....and the moon isnt that big 0.o....is it?
i never said i knew everything but i know alot about planets i spend about 50% of my time in school reading about them but i never said all of you are idoits i said are some of you.and for planet x we wouldnt be able to see it if i only saw mars 1 time in my life.also if you look at the picture it looks like the moon or somthing proably the camra
are some of you guyys idoits?a supernova is when the sun dies it EXPLODES not shrinks EXPLDOES.and to the person who posted pictures of planet X...soooo fake if planet x was that far out we wouldn't be able to see it our human eye is not that of a telescope...i cant believe some of you guys believe some of this stuff...LAUNCH A NUKE AT PLANET X YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!Rofl.PS3 Player, You play soccer and football stuff on a GAME?LOL.IF YOU LIKE SPORTS GAMES SO MUCH WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING THEM IN REAL LIFE?!It's ALOT better then passing a football with a button.who knows maybe you'll get enough money to buy a X-box 360 and xbox live since it costs money with BETTER geatures and more ACTION games then sitting at home pressing a button to pass a football.lol.....
I DONT AGREE WITH THE SAINTS ROW!!!!!i would be so lost without saint's row(it looked that good to get a 360 lol)
told ya!lol
1.Sony bought saint's row, or the rights to it, so saints row 2 is a PS3 exclusive. Fail 2. Sony's online gaming is free....Fail 3.Meh, matter of opinion, no critique required. And don't say i'm a fanboy of the PS3.. i'm not... i do, and always will prefer the PC... It's just.. i don't lke any iterations of the xbox.... And nintendo Pwns all. And sega Pwns all but nintendo (still have the master system, bitches!) EDIT: RJ, do you actually own a 360? Uh...... 1.Saints Row is still coming out on 360.Not a fail or win... 2.Free gaming is kinda cheap and 360 online gameplay is better....$50 for 1 year?Better for a system that doesn't copy Wii's motion sensing or 360's "connect" button....
1.Sony bought saint's row, or the rights to it, so saints row 2 is a PS3 exclusive. Fail 2. Sony's online gaming is free....Fail 3.Meh, matter of opinion, no critique required. And don't say i'm a fanboy of the PS3.. i'm not... i do, and always will prefer the PC... It's just.. i don't lke any iterations of the xbox.... And nintendo Pwns all. And sega Pwns all but nintendo (still have the master system, bitches!) EDIT: RJ, do you actually own a 360? Yea i actually own a 360, Why? I like killing random people with 9mm, tec-9, pimpcane shotgun(best weapon in the Saint's Row!)and m4... But Saint's Row is coming out on 360 too so I don't care about ps3 i've never liked sony(cept there TVs)all because 1 incident
(I don't have good grammar so please to yell at me) I like Xbox360 because, 1. It has Saint Row and GTA4 coming out soon for it. 2. Xbox Live looks awsome and fun because, you can message your friends with it.(need a router ) 3.The controller fits perfectly into my hands and the controls are very easy+ the arcade games are fun. This ends my conclusion of why i love Xbox360(I like Xbox and Wii too)
dude kinder gardners get girlfriends at my school...
guess my last name starts with d and ends with s
shock gadgets!!!xD
plz poost more storys i find them intresting but i will tell u 1 story i had One day we had just moved in to our new condo(in 2003) i ate french fries late at night and tried to sleep on our air matress but for some strange reason i couldnt sleep...there was a blue aura ish thing beyound the door way and i got scared as (censored) and i kept hearing stuff like pots and pans falling and i was feelin presure like somone was beating me up so i fell asleep due to pressure(knock out)..when i woke up there was blood all over me...i was scared of this place ever sibce...always feel likr somones watching me...
william?hah i think that wat it is
mre pics of me yay!
the docks? who is tommy vercetti?(DONT SAY THE MAIN CHARACTER IN VC!!!!)
does wearing a bandana and sin city look rich?!
no im in 06 maxima
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