Agreed. It is the responsibility of the owner to provide any backups should the game data gets messed up. You have no choice but to buy the game again if you want to play it legally.
Not much to say, but...
Well, that's all for now, I'll be getting/making some more when I have time... I do accept requests, although only to a certain extent... God Bless and enjoy...
lolz, another spoof advert by yours truly, promoting the Dilettante in the style of, well, you know who she is...
Well, I guess it still needs some touching up and stuff, and oh, and try reading the fine print at the bottom...
God Bless and Happy Easter, everyone...
I mainly play it for kicks, and I admit that although it looks promising, the fact that EA is now doing things wrong and scathing comments from irate gamers, such as from a friend of mine who vowed to boycott Electronic Arts after not being given proper support for his game, made me conclude that Undercover is rubbish.
Yeah, it kinda' revolutionized the series. Shame that EA was overly obsessed with product placement and stuff... Now what if things turned around for the better and R* decided to take over EA?
Welcome aboard, Lab! Oh, and a reminder, your signature is way toooo Xbox huge, don't forget to downsample and/or make the sig smaller per forum rules. God Bless and I hope you enjoy your stay...
LOLZOR! Now that's what I call gangsta...
I'll do my own attempt at this in a few days; as for your shoop, it is quite nice, although it needs some touching up and stuff.