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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. This is one of the biggest reasons that I've given up on nintendo. They think they are so special, that they can take a game that they have never used before, and make their own excusive game in the series. To me, this is just gonna be forgotten like gta advance. If nintendo pulls this SH*T TWICE, it could be the end of the series. Why can't they do this to Saint's Row? They'll probably make it "APROPRIATE". :bashhead::pissedred::thumbsdown:

    That's really stupid logic.

    I don't see why another console can't have a game. It makes it better for those out there who can't afford to buy every console. The people who can only afford a DS are probably shitting bricks right now that they finally get to play a GTA game. I've spend lots of money on consoles and still have them all but other people can't just whip out their wallets and buy it all like I did.

    Those people who never had a system that supported a GTA game probably never cared about the series before but will now get some exposure to it.

  2. Well: 1. Its not fair to place a steriotype on a whole generation, becasue a few people can't help but be pricks

    2. We don't care about education as much, because we learn the same stuff every year. After 9 years at school, I have done 3 topics in history: Tudors, Victorians, and the great fire of london, and they test us so much that it just lose its meaning. Maybee someone should try a new aproach?

    3. The Law. It used to work, but now all the New cops will requisiton a hanging for anyone who speeds 2 mph over the limit, and wont lift a finger to stop a stabbing

    4. Last time I checked I wasnt and 8 year old kid

    You are speaking for yourself. Note that I said not all younger people are bad but a majority are. That also isn't to say that all adults are angels.

    It's pretty stupid that people would not care about education as much based on doing the same things every year. Your education is your future and not caring about it just because you are getting a repeat topic shows how much you don't care about your future. Not sure how school works now but when I was in school, one year would be new stuff, the next year would be stuff we learnt from before the last year, the next year would be new stuff again, etc. (so basically old/new/old/new). It rotated. Just do the work, graduate and further your education with something you like. If it bothers you that much, why don't YOU make a suggestion at your school? Either way, being bored of what you are doing doesn't mean a kid can skip class and be a douchebag.

    Adults tend to be a bit more mature and don't always think so high and mighty of themselves. If you walk into a place where half the people are adults and half are younger people, I can guarantee the younger people wont waste any time judging you because you aren't part of their "clique" whereas the adults will just continue doing what they are doing. For example, I have a gold and black winter RocaWear coat. It's not blinding or anything but it is slightly flashy (I'll take a pic sometime so you see what I mean) so I walked into KFC on Friday and there was a large group of young people, probably from the high school I went to just up the street, and some random adults there. One of the idiot young guys looks over and I heard him say "YO THAT GIRL IS ALL INTO SHINY, HAHAHAHA". Lucky for him, there were a number of other people around. If he didn't have 20 people who would probably jump me, I would have literally walked up to him and either told him off or punched him in the jaw. Not to be cool but to prove a point that these idiots have no idea who they are talking to. One day, his "I think I am cool saying something about someone" attitude will get him killed. He'll say it to the wrong person and they'll pull out a gun or a knife.

    You think different on this subject because you are part of the younger generation. I can guarantee you right now that when you get older, you will think the exact same way other adults do about the younger generation. I was offended, too, when I was young and people bashed us but now I see what they mean. Face it, a large number of the younger population are assholes. They think they can say and do whatever they want and not get touched.

  3. Learning one of the romance languages will significantly help you in understanding the rest, so that's a pretty good idea. Maybe not so much understanding it when it's spoken, but when in France and Canada I could understand most of the French signs and whatnot because I know Spanish. So Italian will surely help you out in more than just Italy!

    You do know that Canadian French isn't real French, right?

  4. When I was really really young, I used to be a big fan of Powerpuff Girls.

    Don't laugh! :angry: :angry: :angry:

    Sailor Moon>>>>>>>>>>Powerpuff Girls.

    I still watch SM (I have it all on DVD) and I couldn't even begin to gie a rat's ass what people thought of me. SM is awesome and I will never grow out of it. I've been watching it for 12 years and don't plan on stopping. I've already planned to have my future daughter(s) watch it. Sweet.

    I joined this forum on one my favourite lover's birthday (besides my husband, lol). If you can guess who he is, you get a cookie. Hope you've been paying attention (he's obviously someone famous but I'm sure it isn't who you are thinking it is).

    In any case, this person owns you AND your family.

  5. It's just an optical illusion. I doubt it has any relation to your IQ until someone can prove it does.

    BTW, it isn't spinning for me, but I've seen it before, and could actively switch the direction of rotation.

    Same here. It goes whichever way I want it to.

  6. Don't u hate it when older people try to put down the youth? You know like when they try to blatantly call us "youngins" as such? I just wanna know from you guys because this generation gap is getting me a bit ticked.

    (**NOTE: If you're gonna be arse, don't reply. Have a constructed and mature response.)

    I'm not a youth.....but older people can't help but look down on younger people. It happened to me when I was young and now that I am an adult, I see what they see and when you guys get older, you'll be saying that about younger people.

    There are a hell of a lot of young people who just don't give a shit. They cause trouble for no reason at all. I have seen a number of immature young people making fun of random people. You don't see many adults walking around saying OMG LOOK AT HER FACE LOLOLOLOL or THAT GUY LOOKS SO GAY!! A lot of young kids don't give a crap about education or their parents and, no thanks to laws these days, get away with a lot of garbage because the second a parent even raises their hand to their kid, the kid is dialing 911 on their cell. Lack of discipline. That's the problem.

    When I was growing up, my brothers and I got the belt when we stepped out of line. I could NEVER imagine myself being as much of an ass as some young kids these days. You watch those talk shows and, no matter if they are really fake or not, there really are kids like that out there in this world. 8 year old kids telling their parents to F-off. Wow.

    This isn't to say that ALL young people act like idiots but there are a lot who do. It's sad and it makes the good young people look bad.

  7. we've moved to a nicer part of town, but now we are right by a main road, so we don't want to take any chances. We tried to put a collar on my cat, but she managed to get it trapped in her mouth, while trying to get it off, so we cut it off. I suggested we get the cat Microchipped, but mum says she doesnt belive in puting bts of a computer in living things. Any suggestions on how to the cat to wear a collar

    When putting a collar on a cat, to determine if it is too tight, you must be able to put one finger between the collar and the cat's neck. If you can't get your finger in between the cat and the collar (this is the collar ON the cat, by he way), it is too tight (for dogs, you must be able to put two fingers in between the dog's neck and he collar).

    The same thing happened to my cat when she was a kitten. She got it stuck in her mouth and freaked out so I got scratched up as I tried to undo the collar. Cats don't like it but they get used to it pretty quick. Just put it on and let the cat roam around the house with it on so you can watch it and make sure it doesn't hurt itself. It will eventually stop caring about the collar.

    I really don't understand why anyone would want to make their cat an outdoor cat. My dad's cat is an outdoor cat and she gets very dirty and often arrives home with scratches. Outdoor cats have a greater chance of being sick, getting hit by cars and being attacked by dogs/other cats. Outdoor cats typically live 4-5 years. Indoor cats typically live 15-20 years, even a few years beyond 20, depending on how well you take care of it. My cat is an indoor cat. I couldn't imagine having her out there in the dangerous world by herself. Hell no.

  8. why would you guys post pics of yourselves on the internet?

    cuz we're silly. Are you just saying that because you're ugly? :lolbounce:

    I get a real kick out of people like my Aunt who says, you're asking for trouble anyone who let's you post your picture or name and address on the internet. Then her own 17 year old daughter has a MySpace page with her cell phone number available. :wtf: I sell DVD's on my website how else are people going to get me the checks (unless they go through PayPal) but still I am a 14 year old into video distribution, not some lusty busty overweight teen with her cell posted!! :weird:

    Why not post a picture of yourself? Uglier the better!

    I think everyone who posts their pictures knows the risks of doing so. The admin in another forum I moderate found someone on MySpace using my picture so I reported them and they were deleted. I'm pretty sure there are other retards out there using some of my pictures but hey, as long as they aren't doing anything stupid with them and as long as I don't catch them, I don't care. It just means I must look good if they want to use my pictures :)

  9. I'd probably want to meet everyone I've ever gotten into a conversation with on here. Even those I've "fought" with, because forum arguments are never settled and I think we'd be able to settle some things fist face to face.

    A lot of people on here take things that I say the wrong way because they don't know my personality. If you got to know me, you'd understand why I say certain things and find out that I don't like confrontations and try to make the best of things.

    We definitely need to set up a TGTAP gathering some time.

    I know how you feel.

    I can be VERY witty at times and people tend to think the wrong thing. I am also a very honest person. If I think you're annoying, I will tell you to your face that you're annoying (not YOU, lol, just in general). I don't do it to be mean, I just do it because I don't feel the need to lie. If the truth hurts people, that's not my problem.

  10. now i proved that i do have anxiety disorder, because when i'm infront of many people, i would just suddenly feel very nervous and i will blush. this one is one of my biggest problems rightnow, giving me a reason to get a girlfriend now

    Some of you guys don't know what anxiety disorder actually is......being nervous because you are shy is NOT anxiety disorder. It's just simply being shy.

    I've had severe anxiety disorder since I was 16 so almost 10 years now. Missed a lot of school because of it and big crowds are a definate no-no. I've had a few different medications and been to the emergency room 4 or 5 times.

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