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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. Thank goodness for girls like Rainbow Bear and Chestnut who pose decent, tasteful pictures.

    Kudos to you wonderful ladies.

    Fine i will post my picture just so it;s not considered "spam"


    All females are required to take a picture of themself holding a piece of paper with their name on it or they don't exist.

    You never know what the photo is for, Mpilk. I mean, the recent one I just posted was for a project which required to be in a mirror. It was for some "reflections" of your life or something. And yeah, I know I have another one or two around here, but meh, if it bothers you don't look.

    I wasn't aiming that at you and I said ones with huge white flash annoy me. Your one is good quality and looks nice.

    Edit: Ok, just so everybody knows, when I said "I think it's a bit lame to take photos of yourself at home..." I meant that I thought it was lame to take loads of photos of yourself all serious and trying to act cool in front of the camera.

    For example, somebody who I know on facebook has a photo of himself sitting on a chair with no shirt on, holding a guitar, the most boring expression on his face and wearing sunglasses inside when it's very dark. He was not even playing the guitar as he is looking at his computer screen for the display of the webcam and his hands are not holding any frets in particular.

    If you took the photo to simply show people what you looked like, or to show your new house etc then that is also fine IMO unless it's like something on what I posted above.

    Photos like Sky's, K9 Krew and Stephie 077 are all perfecty fine and I'm sorry if I have insulted anybody, it was not my intention to do so. The reason I said that was after looking at other people's photos on a different page. I have also taken photos of myself at home but I wasn't trying to act cool or impress anybody like other people I've seen have done, I don't care what other people think about me, I just act myself.

    It's lamer to take a generic picture of themself on a skateboard or with a boring expression on their face at a beach.


    There's a picture of me "in my house being serious and trying to act cool."

  2. I just discovered this game (coming out in a few weeks for PS3, out now for PS2) from my friend who can't stop talking about it. If you like to sing in the shower, this game is for you. Use those shower skills and put them to good use! SingStar is basically kareoke. You get two mics (if you want to sing with a friend) and there are four versions of the game" Amped, Rock, Pop and 80's. Each has 30 songs.

    Good thing is, I have a PS3 and the PS2 mics are compatible with it, though the PS3 version of the game will have a new mic.

    I just picked up the 80's one and it's actually fun. This is one of those games that is going to be awesome when everyone is piss drunk. All you have to do is sing on key and sing the correct lyrics. You get points for how well you do. Is this game embarrassing? Hell yes. Is it worth it? Hell yes.

    I'm hoping to pick up the pop one next. The songs on all 4 are actually pretty good. I personally think the pop and 80's versions are the best collections of songs.


  3. Last week my girlfriend thought she was pregnant after we had unprotected sex for the first time, she had the symptons but in the last couple of days she has taken some test and she isn't, but it was just the fear and thought that i could have had a child on my hands at 15. I acted in a really bad way towards my girlfriend about it but she understands. My dad was being a bit of a prick about it, but my mom was kinda excited to think she was going to be a grandmother. It's been a real wake up call to me about unprotected sex.

    Only stupid people have unprotected sex who are not ready for a baby. I highly doubt your stupid so don't do it again. You'll get lucky this time but next time, you never know.

    If you want to know for sure as soon as possible, get her to the doctor and get her a blood test. Her symptoms might be nothing. If she is thinking about "am I pregnant" all the time, her mind will trick her and make her think she has symptoms pertaining to being pregnant. Trust me, it happened to me before, the only difference is that I am in the process of trying to get pregnant and NOT a 15 year old. I had symptoms too but only because I thought about it 24/7.

  4. Your Love Type: INFP


    The Idealist

    In love, you crave a long term, harmonious relationship.

    For you, sex doesn't come quickly - it takes time for you to open up.

    Overall, you are supportive, nurturing, and expressive.

    However, you tend to be shy and protective of your personal space.

    Best matches: ENFJ and ESFJ

    Holy shit. That's scary because that is EXACTLY right.

  5. -women with strollers that walk right in the middle of the sidewalk. Give me a break lady, I'm not going to walk in the street just so you can get by. Share the damn sidewalk.

    -when you open a door to let yourself in (for example, a mall) and people walk out your door as if you are holding it for THEM.

    -people who use their kids as an excuse for anything.

    So much more but I need to get to bed soon.

  6. Stop being rude, it's old now.

    1. It's a traditional Vietnamese outfit.

    2. Actually, I'm not a slutty girl so I wasn't pushing my bust out, I was leaning back because the camera was on a slight angle as I had set it on a wallet to make it a bit higher so I could capture more of the outfit.

    If you can't keep your comments mature outside of the warzone, don't respond.

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