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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. Not to be an ass but I think anyone who asks to be nominated shouldn't get a nomination.

    The awards are for people who get noticed for whatever category they are nominated for by their fellow members. If you haven't been nominated, it's because you've done nothing to actually get nominated and it's stupid to try to get people to put you up for an award just because you asked.

  2. I don't know why the idea of a tough female is still such an issue. We already have tons of kick ass chicks in games so I don't find it a shock and awe situation if they make a female the lead.

  3. Well, I was playing MK VS DC Universe but my manager wanted to borrow it so I let him. I could see in his eyes how badly he wanted to play it, lol. Anyways, I have some classic downloaded games on my wii that I have been playing until I get off my ass and buy Twilight Princess.

  4. Fucking blows, doesn't it? Apparently in some state black people were lining the doors not letting Republicans or whites in. TALK ABOUT RACISM.

    I'm unhappy about the election. However, he still needs to make it to January. Most of my friends don't think he'll make it. I mean, before he was even elected there was already an attempted assassination.

    I read today that Donovan McNabb decided to register to vote for the first time once he heard a black man could be the next President. Wow, racist much? Yet who calls these people out? No one.

    You see all these black celebrities promoting Obama but did they even pay attention to the election or did they just endorse him because of his skin colour? Pretty sure it all had to do with his skin colour.

  5. You don't have to apologise for anything. You have just as much rights to voice your opinion as anyone else here does. It's a discussion forum. Not everyone will agree with everyone else and we are all free to say what we think.

    I find it pretty pathetic that people are making fun of you and editing your pictures just because of your opinion. It shows how immature and stupid those people are.

  6. In physical jobs, I can understand why women could get treated differently than men, but for anything else I don't really see why.

    It's for the old way of thinking that women should be at home, barefoot and pregnant.

    I don't get how women get offended by that. I would love to live my life at home, barefoot and pregnant, instead of working.

  7. I don't get how some of you missed the non-seriousness of Harwood's post. Did you fail to see the emoticon at the end? I'm sure he didn't literally mean "pack your bags and get the fuck out" but there really is no need to complain about something that you really have no control over. If that's the way things are, that's the way things are. I wouldn't be happy about doing the same job as a man and being paid less but I wouldn't bother bitching about it. I'd be happy enough to make enough money to pay my bills and live comfortably.

  8. The thing that pissed me off was being told today "you don't like Obama because he is black". Wow, so I guess that I MUST like him just because of his skin colour? Yes, I wanted McCain to win, but it had nothing to do with skin colour. I didn't see the election as black vs white. I saw two people in a Presidential race. No colours, just people.

    The funny thing is, if someone didn't want Obama to win and they were white, they were automatically labelled as a racist yet every single black person at my job was jumping for joy and chanting OBAMA, OBAMA, yet no one turned around and called them racists for not wanting McCain to win.

    What a world we live in.

  9. Good example but it probably is literally the ONLY industry in which that happens.

    I get paid more than a number of guys at my job and I also have a higher position than them.

    As for rights, I think it's bullshit when women try to push rights when it comes to certain things, like playing in a men's league. Most women are much smaller and more fragile than guys are. It's not our fault, we were just made that way, so it pisses me off when some woman complains that they wont let her in a men's league when the men would bash her into the boards and break every bone in her body.

    I also think it's bullshit how a woman can beat a guy up and no one says anything but when a man hits a woman, he's the ultimate asshole. No one should hit, period. It doesn't make it right to hit just because it's a woman doing it. In my opinion, if some bitch is going to hit a guy, she deserves what she gets.

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  10. I don't smoke, never have, never will. My Grandpa died from it and I never got to meet him. Sucks.

    My husband smokes.....around 5 or 6 cigs per day but he doesn't smoke the whole cigarette because he's trying to quit.

  11. source

    all i can say to this is WTF...

    one thats totally wrong etc

    but two, i didnt think girls could get pregnant til like puberty (at least 12)...great boyfriend..not

    i dunno what to say, the world and people in it are so sick/twisted sometimes...

    Actually, puberty is hitting girls earlier and earlier nowadays. I hit it when I was 10 and that was 15 years ago so yeah, think about how different things are now.

    The foods that people eat these days is affecting a lot of things, including puberty. Why do you think there are 12 year old girls out there with huge boobs? Kids are also taller. A lot of my friends' kids at work are taller than they are and they're kids aren't even teens yet.

    You can barely tell how old a kid is now. A lot of them look much older than they are.

  12. Umm..

    Do we need a topic on this?

    Not really. Just wanted to know why there was only me and Bronco on. :blink:

    Because no one else was on.

    What type of question is that?


    My opinion on the matter is that there really isn't much to talk about....I mean, it's a GTA forum and there really isn't much GTA stuff to talk about right now...CW doesn't seem to be making many people excited and most us have probably finished GTA 4 by now so there isn't anything left to discuss.

  13. Ok? I don't think you see what I'm getting at. I'll make an example: Remember when the first Rayman came out? Rayman was the shit back then. Especial when they made sequals like The Great Escape. But then Nintendo has to be a bitch, and get their own exclusive title. We will call this title Raving Rabids. Ever since raving rabids came out, I've looked at rayman like a joke.(End of example) By doing this with other games, Nintendo is raping the gaming industry. Now they are going to do the same with gta. I've seen the screenshots, and it looks like an old top down gta. More people are gonna start looking at gta like a joke and it will ruin gta. I'm tired of seeing game after game ruined because of Nintendo. Now do you get my point? I know that it's not Nintendo who makes the games, but I dought that these game companies are willingly offering to make exclusive titles for Nintendo. So is this better LOGIC for you?

    No offence but you really have no idea what you are talking about.

    First off, how many times have you heard something being an "exclusive" yet it pops up on other consoles? I am pretty sure that Resident Evil 4, for example, was listed as an exclusive yet now it's on a few other consoles. Don't ever let the term exclusive fool you. Nothing is ever exclusive.

    Second, CW pretty much looks like the original GTA so how is Nintendo "raping" it? If anything, they are bringing it back to it's original state.

    You just seem to be a Nintendo hater who's just ranting about the console for the mere fact that you dislike it as opposed to actually thinking the company is doing anything to ruin a series. If you think a certain sequel sucks, go blame the actual game company (Capcom, etc), not Nintendo.

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