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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. Would you be angry with your "man" if he didn't find you attractive, but was attracted to your personallity and blah blah blah? Just wondering.

    Hell no! I love him no matter what and I am not shallow enough to think that looks are everything. Him thinking I am attractive is a bonus and the fact that I don't have to parade around a GTA forum posting pictures of myself posing as if it's a forum full of adults (because, as you probably know, a lot of posters here are younger guys and it's pretty low to post pictures of yourself posing like a hooker) and I'm the forum attention whore shows that I have self respect, which most of the females here have. I am all about personality and have said it many times so I wouldn't care really why he loved me, as long as he did.

    One day, when some of you get into serious, deep, long lasting relationships, you will realize, if you haven't already, that looks don't always come as high on the list if "musts" as you think. There is more to loving someone than just looks. It's the whole package.

    I don't know why this suddenly turned into a discussion about my relationship but okay...anyways.....good luck everyone! GO BEAR! :)

  2. Making it just a huge joke wouldn't be fair either because then YellowJacket and Kokane wouldn't win due to the "gay" jokes.

    LOL, puns are fun.

    I don't care about winning in a forum (besides, Rainbow Bear is the hottest because of both her looks AND her personality, not to mention that she doesn't have to post slutty pictures to get noticed but instead uses her intelligent posts to get noticed!) I am just entering for fun! First, second, third or even no votes at all, I don't care, it doesn't make me an ugly person to not be voted for in a GTA forum. I have a man and as long as he thinks I am attractive, I don't care about being hot in a forum. :)

  3. One thing about hottest member, I find it unfair that just because two of us girls entered, we can't participate. I think hottest member shouldn't be divided into hottest girl and hottest guy but instead just choose the two hottest members in general. Doesn't have to go based on gender.

    Meh, that's what I think, anyways. I think it's more fair than disqualifying us just because no other girls joined in.

  4. Well, this may hurt someone's emotions or such, but here it goes..
    what if someone travels a lot

    Probably they don't possess a nationality as per we know the meaning...I don't say they're refugees and stuff; but they actually don't reside anywhere much and so they are not belonging to particular nation, I think thats why you are giving importance to birth place in such cases.

    Nothing wrong, after all its your opinion.

    Everyone has a nationality. I am sure if you ask that person what their nationality is, they will give where they were born. That is why I think going by birthplace makes more sense.

    Everyone uses either one or the other as their answer, I was just wondering what the people here chose as their definition :)

  5. Who cares how long a person has been here? Just welcome the guy and get on with life. Throwing out the whole U R A NOOB garbage is lame and is no way to welcome someone.

    Hope that made your penis grow even more, osiris :)

  6. ^ Some people agree but I think that living somewhere shouldn't determine what you are. Besides, what if someone travels a lot? They stay in some cities for years and then move on. Does that mean they have no nationality because they don't live in a certain place for a long time? That is one reason why I think it makes more sense to consider yourself whatever nationality you are based on where you were born.

    Pulling a random name out of my head, Russell Crowe lives and works in America yet is still defined as Australian.

  7. I got into this discussion and wondered what you guys would have to say.

    Some people go by where they live. I don't. I get called a Canadian a lot (not that there is anything wrong with it :) ) but I consider myself American because that is where I am originally from. Yes, I live in Canada but I do not have Canadian blood in me at all. I have American, English and Ukrainian blood.

    How do you guys define yourselves? Do you consider yourself a certain nationality based on where you live or where you were born?

  8. Inventory Control Specialist, plus on midnight shift, I get to work as a shipping specialist and I get to tell people what to do and be n charge (besides the manager). That part rocks. I make $17 an hour.

  9. Did you really have to pick up the argument again? I already clearly said that I was talking about other kind of photos and that nobody on here has posted such photos. I was on myspace and its infected with the things.

    If your that pissed off about it then I'll go and find an example.

    Yes because it was a retarded comment, considering just about everyone here does it.

    If you want it to finish, stop answering everyone. Anyways, don't take it too seriously, I just thought it was offensive to the people who do that sort of thing but whateva, we're all friends now.

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