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Posts posted by YellowJacket

  1. With the high prices of just about everything these day, you can't blame people for this sort of thing. I buy tons of burnt DVDs and sometimes download movies on my computer. I'd rather do that than pay almost $30 for two people just to see a movie in a theater or close to $6 just to rent it. I pay $20 for 6 movies and that includes movies still in theaters.

  2. http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/pop...4&ch=222562

    I really hate people who just don't care about pets. Do you not realize that a pet is part of your family? I have two dogs and a cat and all three of them are pretty much my kids. I spoil them like a mother spoils her child. I cuddle with them at night when I am sleeping. I play with them.

    I just can't believe someone could be such a complete asshole (well, I can, but it wows me every time).

    I hope this cop dies by choking on food one day.

    If I were the pet owner, and if it were GTA, I would have smacked at the cop...seriously... I mean, even if the pet owner is speeding, the cop could've done something at the dog rather than bash on the owner about him going too fast... Some people just don't care about animals... Animal cruelty tipline, anyone? :pissedred:

    The stupid cop also started asking the guy if he were on drugs. What an asshole!

    I think his girlfriend said it perfectly when she stated that the cop wanted to show he was the one with the power.

    I couldn't imagine sitting with my dog in my lap and having it die right there.

  3. When I was in high school, I was the only female in my class who would touch the bugs, lol.

    I have my actor obsessions (Sean Connery + Jet Li = wet) but I don't talk about them 24/7. I'd rather talk about vieo games and movies and religion and other topics that would create a great conversation.

  4. I have a question for the Hindus.....I am told by my friend (she is Sikh) that Hindus are basically supposed to be "pure" (no cheating, very religious, no smoking, etc). Is this true?

    I ask this because there are some Hindu girls at work who sleep around with their managers. I think both girls are utterly disgusting (both are married, by the way) and I hope they get what's coming to them (AIDS, hopefully).

    If what my friend said is right, why would people of this faith resort to doing everything they aren't supposed to? I mean, I know everyone does bad things, regardless of their religion, but I always thought Hindus were a lot more serious about their religion and had hella deep faith.

  5. http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/pop...4&ch=222562

    I really hate people who just don't care about pets. Do you not realize that a pet is part of your family? I have two dogs and a cat and all three of them are pretty much my kids. I spoil them like a mother spoils her child. I cuddle with them at night when I am sleeping. I play with them.

    I just can't believe someone could be such a complete asshole (well, I can, but it wows me every time).

    I hope this cop dies by choking on food one day.

  6. I'm finally starting to get my Halloween costume together (Baroness from GI Joe). I know it's early but October is coming pretty fast (damn, were the hell did July even go?) and I want to be prepared. I hate last minute shit.

    I bought a cool vinyl catsuit and some Cobra decals. The boots wont be hard to find, I already wear glasses, my hair is already black and the weapons and ammo will be easy to come by.

  7. Oh WOW, how I hate this mission!

    The problem I have is not that I die but Bell keeps dying, thus, I have to do this shit all over again.

    Does anyone have any tips? It pissed me off so much that I started playing San Andreas because I'm so sick of this mission.

  8. I have more pictures but they look retarded because I was really tired in some of them. I'll post them up later.

    No offence but you come off as an attention whore. You claim to be "camera shy" yet you post a multitude of pictures. If someone is camra shy, they don't go about posting a bunch of pictures....

    You also give us a "heads up" when you'll be posting more pictures of yourself....just DO IT. You don't have to warn us that you'll be doing it soon.

    Not trying to be mean but it's annoying when someone feels that they have to tell us that they are going to post pictures soon. Just post it when you're ready.

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