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Everything posted by Adriaan

  1. Here is a pic of me and my friends. Oh and I do live in Africa, yes >>>
  2. If it will help turn of the music cause you can get mixed up by it.
  3. Hey isukisuk Im thinking that your girlfriend did tell you this and there is no friend asking you these questions.
  4. Are you playing around with us? Cause it aint funny
  5. Yeah I noticed it changing. I saw a dog with a Ipod once.
  6. More of that is here http://www.3030studios.com
  7. Actualy you can just edit it to the original state and you get to use your original weapon again . But hey lets just say it is a mod, ok?
  8. No it aint a mod cause it was in the game before. You just edit it so it replaces any of your melee weapons.
  9. Yes gtagaming has their forums over at edgeforums. They are part of the edgenetwork you know?
  10. illspirit finally found the hidden skateboard in San Andreas. It's comes as a big surprise because we knew Rockstar had hidden it from us in the PS2 version, however they left it in the PC version for us (probably for the modders). We don't know if they included the animations associated with it, but for now it can be used to replace any melee weapon. Click here to view a larger image(thanks Jordan), and thanks goes to illspirit
  11. In my search for GTA News I found this very interesting article on CNN Money. Aparently Take 2 Interactive(pubishers of GTA) has payed the SEC $7.5 million to stop the investigation into their "accounting practices". Take 2 did not admit or deny that they did anything wrong. Source: CNN Money
  12. MVI if you will read on planetgta you will see that it has been taken with a camera by someone at edgeforums.
  13. This is now good paint work. My friend draw it with pencil then colored it in with MS Paint! Unfortuneatly he doesnt know how ps works, but look at the almost shadows on the dog! >>>>>
  14. Dont ask me, Im trying my best as we speak to get all the info on the game. I will update everything I find out in say the next coming hours. There are rumours that the official site will be updated soon. Someone at R* said that the game looks amazing on the PSP.
  15. <img src="http://www.thegtaplace.com/images/gtalcs/scans/th/opm8.jpg" width="150" height="105" border="1" align="left">In the latest issue of the Official Playstation2 Magazine in the UK they have released the first info about the game. You will play as Tony Cipriani in the year 1998 in Liberty City. The game kicks of where Tony returns to the city after he laid low for a while. Below we outline some of the stuf that we know so far: ► You will be able to drive bikes in the game! ► Rockstar are unsure if they will be able to keep flight in the in game, due to technical limitations. ► You may be able to run your own MP3s off the PSP's MemoryStick Duo. ► Salvatore will be returning in the game and you will be working for him. ► Luigi's club is now run by JD O'Toole, a triad pervert. ► Hidden Packages, Stunt Jumps and Rampages will be hidden in all new locations. ► Some buildings have been altered from 2001's GTA III to better represent the era. ► It looks like Luigi's Club has been renamed to "Paulie's Revue Pad" for the new era. ► Several old faces can be seen including Misty, Joey's girlfriend from GTA3 and Salvatore. Also we got the magazine scans! Twelve screenshots taken direct from the PSP! Click here to view them! Don't forget to check out our missions page where we already have info on 2 of the many missions featured in the game. UPDATE: I just remembered that Tony owned a restaurant on Little Italy(which was later renamed to Saint Mark's due to the game Mafia) in GTA 3. Related: Edgeforums, GTA-PSP.net
  16. <img src="http://gta-psp.net/images/news/rockstarwarehouse_lcs.gif" width="133" height="120" border="1" align="left"> <a href="http://rockstarwarehouse.com/"target="_blank">Rockstarwarehouse.com</a> recently updated their website allowing you to pre-order GTA Liberty City Stories. It is not known yet when the official launch date will be, all that is know is that it will be released shortly after the European launch of the Sony PSP on September 1st. <a href="http://www.rockstargames.com/warehouse/"target="_blank">Click here</a> to pre-order the game from Rockstarwarehouse
  17. Adriaan

    PS3 Linux

    Dont you read what Sony says! Playstation aint a gaming console! Its a super entertainment computer! With the gaming only being a part of the whole system.
  18. Adriaan

    PS3 Linux

    In this recent article it seems that the PS3 will run Linux! Also take this quote for example about the gestures of the Eyetoy gues my Eyetoy will come in handy....
  19. Adriaan


    I just sended Chris my $25 webcash
  20. Uluru who is known for creating the GTA3 and Vice City Garage Editors has already come up with one for GTA San Andreas! The first version only allows you to edit the cars in Los Santos, but Im sure he will be able to create better versions as time goes by. This tool lets you change what cars are stored in your garages, the colour of them and whether they are damage proof. It also lets you lock them in there so everytime you open the garage the cars will be waiting for you. Just remember that if you add a car into a garage that had no cars in it before, will cause your game to freeze. Click here to download.
  21. As promised, we are able to throw the GTA San Andreas PC cheats at you! Thanks to edisoncarter most of the PC cheats are now found. However, most of it are gibberish and doesnt make any sense, but they work! The cheat page is up and we will update it every time new ones become available and when we receive the textual words that makes sense. Links: GTA Forums topic, edisoncarter's cheat page, PC Cheat page
  22. I just got word from a person called Shawn that he just put up his GTA San Andreas Xbox review recently. Click here to view it. From what I have read it's pretty good and worth a read for Xbox fans of the game. Here is a extract: As for the cheats I am trying my best to find out if these cheats are infact correct.
  23. Adriaan

    PS3 Purchase

    Will try my best to get the system the closest to the day it came out. I'm wondering if I should also get the Xbox 360 this Christmas? But I gues it wont be worth it huh?
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