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killa killer

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Everything posted by killa killer

  1. I don't understand what you want to do cause all you posts contradict each other. 1.if your replacing a car you need to make or have the dff & txd files. to make any car an offfroad one download a handling editor. 2. you can't add amore cars, the script dosn't alow it.
  2. did you actually draw it blue like that? might sound stupid but i did it once making my holden garage. also it might have something to do with lighting. i.e bihind the door instead of being black it's blue.
  3. dickhead, if people din't like you in the other forum and proved everything you say wrong why is it going to be any different in here.
  4. K, that's a bit more technicle than sami. 1. have you got the IMG tool? (get it if you don't) 2.search for the name in th gta3 archive (san andreas\modles) 3 replace it and rebuild it.
  5. i watched the 2nd traler today and during the fire fight when he's in the car, it gets shot in the windscreen and indervidual bullet holes apear. what do you guy think is, 4 or 5 bullet holes coming up when you shoot the windscreen just gonna be like the other gtas' and just be a change in texture or do you think the holes are only gonna come up where you shoot it?
  6. you could have searched it on this forum before making a new topic, cause just about everyone except the people who bought it like a week after the game came out asks this question. first download the downgrader. run it then mod it.
  7. get a handling editor or notepad and change the collision multiplier to 0.00
  8. you'd be surprised everyone that i know that race only do it to make themselves look big.
  9. you guys must be running un modded games in here so i was wondering what you favourite un modded car is? mines the buffalo because it's fast enogh without skidding everywhere and it looks a bit like a corvette.
  10. If any of you guys are from australia. have you seen the new ad for making people slow down by saying that their dicks are piss small. i can't wait to see them on real tv all ive seen them on is a curent afffiar. everytime they come on my cuz'z leave the room.
  11. can we end this here by saying that only the phone booth and graffiti in the grave yard ar the wierd stuff. BTW where is the phone booth?
  12. nah, that problem is easily fixed i canged the center of gravity to 0,0,199999.09. wich means it has to actually be on it's side before it will flip, and it dosn't do wheelies but the arc of jumps gets shortened slightly.
  13. the veyron is on gtainside.com (cars\bugatti)
  14. you cockhead, you photoshoped that. you can tell from the "dishes". thats the ship from particle.txd. 2 there isn't a light at the top of the stairs. don't post something unless it's real!
  15. her, this is my drift handling. it's not realistic but it's fun, you can stay sideways for ages. 1600.0 4166.4 2.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 70 0.57 0.98 0.54 5 340.0 70.0 2.0 R P 8.17 0.52 1 52.0 1.2 0.15 0.0 0.30 -0.10 0.45 0.25 0.3 0.52 19000 40000000 4 0 0 0
  16. oh, ok just wonderin. as I said before it was on every computer, any way problem fixed
  17. no, i only found tgtap about two months ago and everytime i went on it on any computer only every few times it would load. but now it always loads in a few secs
  18. I don't know why people drive so fast. 1. it screws with your fuel efficiency. 2. you can die. 3. your not such a cool dude while your girlfriends screaming at you to slow down. 4. you can go to jail. 5. your car dosn't look so good after a 150 km/h collision with a brick wall When i get my car im going to drive at the speed limit as much as possible, anyway i don't need to speed on the road. my friend owns a race car and i can go 300km/h any time i want.
  19. does it have a modded handling file, cause last night when i was modding my VL berlina to make it look more like a pro strock the susspesion was to low and it scraped along the ground.
  20. I acutually found a site devoted to sticking australian cars in gta.(can't remeber the name though), apart from that how about the efijy? and a good tank to replace the rino
  21. I was wondering if you guys had made any changes to the site apart from the downloads section, cause up until about two weeks ago everytime i loaded tgtap sometimes it wouldn't load. then i would have to refresh it a couple of times and then finaly it would load.
  22. that's realy easy. i jumped los santos from las venturas in a sabre by changing the engin acceleration to 600 and the top speed to 600. I'd do it again and post the video but i don't know how to save replays.
  23. mabe i'm not trying to critise you here though, but would you like to land on a runway full of at-400s' and another thing where would they go? the airport would get too congested. good idea overall you would get more planes in the air and it would be more realistic, and it would be fun to soot down an at-400 midair.
  24. dunno i guess someone there rushed the job and put the wrong name in, but who really cares as long as the right colour comes up. i just used them as a guide line instead of counting the colours ingame i just went for the one that sounded right.
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