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Spaz The Great

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Everything posted by Spaz The Great

  1. Wow, I thought I'd never see that stuff again. Check this out. Talk about LEGENDARY.
  2. Gotta love Toothe Paste For Dinner! New Word: Batman
  3. Spaz made you a cake. You have three choices. The hologram cake: The Transparent cake: The invisible cake((this is really an image)):
  4. You know it. Though it MIGHT be cool to change the last one, maybe PWN or Awesome, you know? But keeping it "The Great" is cool, because then we can start one Great clan!
  5. And of course you ONLY say that because SA is out. When it wasn't out, you probably thought they were the greatest thing. n00b
  6. My CJ looks cooler. I think I posted my "rides" already.
  7. I guess I should start stunting on film. Just don't feel like hooking up my PS2 right now.
  8. I can't wait until game systems are chips you install in your brain or something. I'm going to have a system overload. Damn, no screens on the game yet? Must.... see... SCREENS.
  9. What a conspiracycoincidence. Happy birthday Smartboy!
  10. Same goes back to you, though. The hard part would be finding something we disagree on.
  11. Delete a useless member so we can get a screenshot. Wowee. Look what I found on my desktop.
  12. I think rapes and kidnaps will bring them more shit than it's worth. Is that really a big deal?
  13. Did no one mention the Cock Rock? The giant cock formation near the abandoned air strip? And what about a sky door? A long way above the clucking bell in Fort Carson, there is a yellow entrance marker, as seen in the game by an enterable building. Weird things happening when people use the Unlimited Jetpack Height cheat and go up to the marker, reminiscent of an LSD trip. The marker is the exit from Cluckin' Bell's interior.
  14. Oops. Haha. Stewie is t3h great. BTW, MVI why did you start a new topic?
  15. I have a pimped perennial. It's pimp.
  16. The holding hands one took a bit more work. But basically I just grab two exact pictures with me in two different areas an paste them together. It's funny how much you would spend on effects like this at a portrait studio.
  17. Sorry, have to bump, because otherwise no one will see my new pictures. OMG! SPAZ IS T3H G4Y WITH HIMSELF! You really don't know how much fun this is. Or how easy this is.
  18. Please.... Stop uploading images to the site. New word: Horns
  19. Nothing/nothing. But normally it's something like: sandwich/soda
  20. Outkast((BTW, Ratchet and Clank are way better)) Chicken or Turkey?
  21. Wow, you say lovers yet you are a gangsta? Hmm, contradiction? Even though this one has been done before. Ratchet and Clank or Jakk and Daxter?
  22. The street sweeper is awesome. If only two people could fit in it.
  23. You send me those MegaCon pictures. Or post them in the MegaCon topic. :HINT HINT: Here is another picture.
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