I searched for this first, to find any topics. Only one came up, no replies and posted by someone with only 3 posts.
I figured I'd post it since I've been here for a while and didn't just come here to get refferals for my free IPod.
This site really does work, it is NOT A SCAM. As long as you people have known me, I'm pretty sure you can trust me. Click my sig, or, if by the time you see this I've changed it((I do that alot)), the link is below:
Use this link to claim your free IPod, and help me to get mine.
Ok, you may be thinking, "Yeah right, how can they afford to give away free IPods?".
Easy, you notice all the ads and banners on the GTA Place? That's called advertisement, Chris gets paid for that. Same thing applies. You have to complete ONE offer on the site, which advertises for that offer you chose. The people who own that site/business then pays the free gift site. That money goes towards the IPods, which then go towards your house!
Anyways, if you aren't one of those people who believe it's fake because it's on the internet, check it out and help me get my FREE IPod, while attempting to get your own!
EDIT: Wow, everytime I go to this topic, the advertisment changes for a site about free IPods. Please don't go there, I have been registered since October, trying to get my IPod. I'm not trying to beg, but if you are going to do it, please use my link.