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Spaz The Great

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Everything posted by Spaz The Great

  1. I was going to say no, but then you said cool. I envy anyone with the money too run a site. I'm broke.
  2. too much information((for my ears, that is ))
  3. Who, exactly are you over there?
  4. Chris ((In case you don't understand, that is directed at Chris and Kokan.... )) I'm having too much fun over you two.
  5. Exactly. Confusion... Disbelief.... Envy.... My work here is done....
  6. If YOU weren't such an insecure dumbass, YOU'D know I wasn't talking to YOU. BTW, what was all that "correct grammar" stuff about?
  7. I say, it's based in New York, they want it too be realistic... USE THE BLUE CARS. I'm seriously surprised R* didn't use them just because they wanted too.
  8. You need long hair like me. My hair is sexy, and I bet it'd be sexy on you too.
  9. 1. We know our shit, don't come here bullshitting about us not playing the game, the ONLY one I haven't played it London, fag. And that's cause I can't get my hands on it((The only place that holds it is Gamestop, and the only way to get it is with parents permission, and I never have money when one of my parents go with me)). 2. Don't double post, it is against the forum rules. 3. Welcome too the forums and have a nice day, asswipe.
  10. Isn't it though? But now I have my credit card which means I can get things online! w00t w00t!
  11. Yep, I saw a picture of Chris.... I can't remember what he looks like though. ^This is me in the photo shoot I was in, promoting my new movie. And here is my kittay kait. Sorry, I have no recent REAL pics of me, I'd have to get some((well, they exist but most are on my sis's camera and computer)).
  12. Damn, my random German quote kills yours. Mine says "Victory is Pancakes".
  13. EBay has about 16 pages of PSP's, ganes, and accessories. The buy-nows didn't get cheaper then 300 dollars. The cheapest I saw((swear too god)) was 35 dollars starting bid, and 30 dollars shipping. They only accepted PayPal, and the bid had like 8 hours left((meaning that bid was going to go up too about 200 before it ended)).
  14. Ditto, though I have no clue what he said. I actually like those forums if you get more members. And more categories and forums.
  15. Then tell me what I said.... Because I have style like that. I didn't say you only like GTA, "The first Official Non-Official TGTAP Couple." TGTAP is the initials for The GTA Place. I like saying 'T-G-TAP" better then 'T-G-P'. Maybe it's just me. Or maybe I'll start a new fashion in when people are talking about The GTA Place. EDIT: LMFAO, I started the quote with
  16. Why are you talking in a different language? SIEG IST PFANNKUCHEN! 'SIG' 'Ist' 'Fan-ku-shin'. I think that's the proper way to pronounce that. It's one of the only things I know in German.
  17. Ah, we already know it's bullshit without reading it. God I hate people like that. I was watching something on G-4 Tech TV about violent games. The Grand Theft Auto Series one first place as the most controversial game.... Shizzy.
  18. Want to seriously know how I knew? Because I'm Spaz and I know these things...... No, I AM being serious. I just have a tendency to know these things.
  19. I got this from GTAWH, ALOT of fun this is. I post an image, the next person makes a slight change to it. Then the next person does the same. Every few people((maybe about every 3-4)) should put the picture INTO another picture((I.E. The picture is a car, the could put the picture of the car in an AutoTrader magazine)). I'll start us off.
  20. Eh, I got bored, what can you say? I'll fancy you two up something real nice when I get the chance((another words, when I feel like it )).
  21. Give it up everybody, you know you want too, to Chris and Kokane((tell me if there is a name you'd rather go by)). Kokane is a lucky girl, need I say why? Chris is even luckier, he found a hot girl who like GTA..... need I say more? Come on, clap people, this is need for celebration.
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