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Everything posted by Damjan

  1. Just keep staring at the pic.Concentrate on the women. If you see this lady turning clockwise you are using the right side of your brain. If you see it the other way, you are using the left side of your brain. Some people do see both ways, but most people see it only one way. If you try to see it the other way and if you do see, your IQ is above 160 which is almost a genius. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. BOTH DIRECTIONS CAN BE SEEN.
  2. Sry for making this harder for you,but as for an excuse you'll get 150 right away.
  3. I can DL,dunno what's the problem.Tryed logging out?That helps sometimes.
  4. I'll rip it now,thanks! Just kidding. Nice tut,may come in handy for the noobz which are on another forum. Kidding again. It may help me a bit .
  5. Wooowowo,no crack here.You can't discuss that here.
  6. Hapyy birthday,@NDY(21), Tallow(20), Tallow2(20), BigB15243(19), Evan Fett(19), CHEW-GUN(18), Wes Allen(16), Vercetti Thug(16). Have a good one.
  7. Lol,Don! :D

    Anyway TM™,i'm asking you for your msn?

    Cuz it writes down there ask me.

  8. Title says all,in this topic you can talk on your own language(since there is no forum for this)
  9. Da,odi kod gde si instalirao VC,vidis onaj folder mp3?tamo turi te pesne,no NIKAKO ne brisi taj .txt.pozz.
  10. Let me talk on Serbian. Gde si turio fajlove?To treba sa SAMI ili ovaj IMG Tool Sa SAMI samo treba da nadjes zip ili folder kud si otpakovao fajlove.Sa IMG tool,objasnit cu ti posle.Sad moram ici,pozz.
  11. Can you make me a sig with the effects on your IV sig(not the orange one). and with σαмε αкα ωεε† on it?Just remove the IV and Niko.Can you do it pls?Will pay 100 for it.
  12. Damn,couldn't you get a 9600GT?On 9500 the gamez will be ShiT.(no seriously). And Vista sucks hard.
  13. Wow,didn't saw this topic.So,in school i am,the teacher is a bout to ask me(i know that)but we don't give a fuck and we play SA.
  14. The last 8th grade which ended last year,broke that shit.So,no blocking=free pr0n
  15. Lol,for me it says Ghost,but it's black.
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