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Everything posted by Damjan

  1. Bump. Well,it's not a car.
  2. ^ is correct < will play CSS v will go to the bathroom
  3. 1. Counter Strike 2. GTA SA 3. Half life 2(and all the episodes) 4. NFS MW 5. all the Peggle's(Deluxe,Nights Deluxe,Extreme)
  4. Here's the Mitsubishi,and here's the subaru.
  5. Bumper(front or rear?) ^ not correct < typing in this silly topic v will be a big noob
  6. No,a random colored BG (same style),and remove that AK guy and replace him with a CS guy.And i want it to say Steam,(like the style of the text already written on it)
  7. Banshee. Where can you find a nightstick in LV?
  8. Thx man,but i need another one.This time it's going to be tougher. I need it to say Steam,but the BG to be like it is(only random color)k?And put a CS guy instead of that AK guy. Will pay 250.
  9. On vista it installs support for multiple cores,XP already has it.
  10. Hey,Tox,could you make me a sig? I want it with a CS 1.6 background(stylish)and write Steam in the middle.Will pay ya 100.
  11. i will grease my butt with butter
  12. Joke: A teacher at school tells the kids to make a model.Little John got a board,a cow shit,and some smaller shits. The next day... John,can you explain this model of yours to me? Ofcourse. The cow shit is the school,the smaller shits are the students. And where are the teachers? I couldn't find that BIG shits.
  14. ...uhhh, that doesn't make any sense. Did you forget a word or something? That might be: "I will accidentally rape the raper of smurfs." or "I will accidentally be the raper of smurfs." On topic: I will post in this topic.
  15. You bumped a 4 month old topic.Bravo.
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