I'm really intrigued by the Seven Transformation Pack made by Windows X (It makes my XP look like Windows 7). A couple of years ago, I installed his Vista Transformation Pack on my old laptop and my parent's desktop computer and it worked really well. Now I have a feeling that this transformation pack will do good as well. I mean check the pictures at the link above ^^.
However, considering the 2 trials and tribulations I had to go though with my current computer earlier in the year (BSODs caused by a partition error and then a virus 1 month later), I just pray that this doesn't do the same thing. (My super-computer has been acting fine since then.) I know transformation packs mod system files, and I know I'll have to backup my computer if anything should happen. So I ask you: do you think the Seven Transformation Pack is safe for me?
Because I want my computer to stay fresh.