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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. My disco is on the floor- We smoke fags
  2. Been on a Half-life marathon, I passed Half-life, Half-life 2, episode one and I'm currently playing episode 2.
  3. Nice pics and I have seen that gun before, it's called Combat shotgun in fallout 3.
  4. Uh, there's not really any content in th book, you click a button to read it and 1 sec later you get one skill point, sorry.
  5. Ivan

    Yo, how's it going?

  6. I have a board although it's a very crappy one, if I actually start skating for real I might buy a good one. I love the Plan B boards. This shit's insane:
  7. The Zero board is great, I also like the almost board. Been thinking about skating again, some good friends of mine are starting to skate a lot and tried to convince me to do it too, since it's holidays I have a lot of time to skate.
  8. IGN chose MGS4 the best PS3 game of 2008 though.
  9. I don't like Haze but they developed Second sight which was is an awesome underrated game, poor guys.
  10. There's alot at the moment: -Resistance 2 -Motorstorm: Pacific Rift -LittleBigPlanet -Uncharted I could name more but there's better games out such as: -Fallout 3 -Far Cry 2 -Mirror's Edge Just to name a few... OGTAM I will be able to play with you when I get the game at Christmas. You forgot the best one, MGS4 I bought Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty today btw
  11. In Fallout 3, there's a skill book named "Nikola Tesla and you" that you can read
  12. Ivan

    Gay Marriage

    Lol, grow up will you? I see no prob in gay people getting married, I think they should have every rights that straight people have.
  13. I'm still playing Fallout 3, trying to get rich and find all the interesting spots.
  14. Wow, what a shit list, congrats to rockstar anyway.
  15. That's exactly my case, I also "quit" some time ago but I don't usually talk about that with my family since it would upset them.
  16. You could have explained the topic a little better, will you like make walkthroughs for games, or just like a wishlist of games people would like to see?
  17. Maybe, but not as much. The 360 is still worst in that aspect.
  18. Huh? I never heard of those games Oo I know it's not a 360 game but if you ever see it avaible, GET IT. It's really amazing and should be pretty cheap by now.
  19. No, Mass effect isn't an FPS, it's a RPG played on the third person. And unfortunately there isn't really anything out there like Fahrenheit, it's one hell of a great game. Usually the 360 games are more expensive than the PS3 ones, at least that's how it is where I live.
  20. I have Mass effect and it's great. Lots of stuff to do,nice gameplay and a nice story too. I also have Bioshock but I didn't like it much, I do agree it's a great game but just not my type. And Gears is a must buy. It doesn't have a very original story but for a game where its all about gameplay that is understandable.
  21. There are a lot more. Mass effect Gear of War Bioshock Halo 3 Fable 2 Ninja Gaiden 2 Saints Row 2 Then there are more that are also avaible for the PS3 but those are the top exclusives imo.
  22. I never had any probs with updates, I guess I'm just lucky.
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