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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Ivan

    Gay Marriage

    You said, "Why have societies' attitudes changed towards some things (class, race, gender) but not others." I was trying to some what make a point. Race and gender are things we can't control and we shouldn't be limited in rights because of that. Homosexuals on the other hand had the choice between being straight or gay. Now I realize that the majority of the people here think that homosexuals don't have a choice and I believe that to an extent, but they have a lot more control over that than people of a certain race and or gender. Society has gotten past the extremely stupid idea that race and gender matter, but they haven't gotten past homosexuality and that's the next step, not saying that looking down on homosexuals isn't stupid. As a society we have to realize that personal choice shouldn't matter if it doesn't effect others. We're all human, so I guess hetero people also have a choice but unlike gay people they have more rights, it's simply not fair.
  2. I also noticed that your sig is advertising something related to Max Payne, are you going to start a website or something like that?

  3. Awesome sig man :)

  4. Yeah. And 800 dollars on GTA? Damn.....
  5. Comet. Great handling and looks awesome too.
  6. Greatest band to ever live. Ever. THIS DOESN'T EXIST. YES IT DOES. Oh wow. I didn't realize both of my quotes were from you. If it does exist then it really shouldn't imo, pop and punk are two very different things and they don't mix well.
  7. You didn't really have to make a topic, just change your way of posting,etc... but yeah good to know you're improving.
  8. I think your post actually explains why you're not up there... Anyway, I voted for Gerard.
  9. He actually has a youtube account and videos of him singing. Check it out:one of his videos RED DRESS
  10. There is no silencer, unless there's some kind of mod for the PC.
  11. Yeah, laughing at other people is awesome! A lot of things piss me off nowadays, pretty much all my classmates with the exception of 2 or 3, people that say the Wii is shit because the games for it don't have super hd graphics, comments on youtube, meh I can't be bothered to list anymore. I was being sarcastic about laughing at other people in case you din't understand
  12. Killzone is just another FPS with fancy graphics, nice gameplay and no story at all. I'd really go for Skate 2.
  13. Awesome cat you have there man :)

  14. Ivan

    Happy birthday dude

  15. I was going to buy a wii last year but I bought a guitar instead and now that my birthday is near( 2th March) I was wondering if it was worth it? I really like some games for the wii that are already out but I think that the 2009 line up isn't very good...
  16. I thought that the bidding was over and Kaka was really coming to Manchester City, guess I was wrong....
  17. Ivan

    skate 2

    I think I'll buy it.
  18. To be a jackass, the song's called "Gonna Leave You" Lol yeah I know, my bad.
  19. I sold that game( Mafia), didn't like it back then. I got bored of Dead Space so now I'm playing Resi 4, way better...
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