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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Lol, he's bullshitting you.
  2. Off topic but who cares! How did she react? BTW it's a very good mod.
  3. No, one can be slightly modded, the other one can be fully modded.
  4. Do you imagine a GTA character that wasn't funny? I don't.
  5. Me: Hi blacks lol at the words censor
  6. That's from those guys, Justice.
  7. Why does it say on the topic's name "AKA Fourth World War"?
  8. where you at?

  9. ^^^^^^^^ Well, in some way it was, not all of it but yeah.
  10. Cover systems aren't nice for first person shooters.. And if it's WWII ( again..) then fuck this game. COD4 is awesome. Do something like that. And they better have DX10 support for PC. That's your opinion. I think it's nice, take R6V for instance.
  11. Damn, what I mean is that a real football player is more worthy then this thugs that can do this tricks. Football's not about tricks, it's about a whole more complex thing.
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