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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Ocelot owns anyone
  2. Have you tried to clean the disk?
  3. Q W E R T Y U I O P A S D F G H J K L Ç Z X C V B N M
  4. Lol, L-RiC you must be one of the few people that like Linkin Park here.
  5. hey dude, when are you giving me your msn? Later.

  6. Lol, calm down, he has the right to have his opinion. Fallout boys or whatever their name is should end.
  7. Niko: And also to kill Rashon
  8. Yeah and killing a inocent cat really makes you a man, you wanna know what? It only makes you sick.
  9. cats are sweet ? give me a fucking break ! what are you a little girl ? Of course they are sweet you don't have to be a little girl to like them.
  10. I've improved my social life big time in these past 2 years, I used to be really shy and stuff like that and now I'm funny, I hang out with my friends and all that so I could say I have a good social life. I don't have a girlfriend but I could so I guess it's okay.
  11. Ivan


    Yeah, I keep saying it because it's what I think and I can say it as many times as I want. MGS4 is going to be better than IV.
  12. Eagles Of Death Metal - Don't Speak
  13. Ivan


    Yeah, I like it but no chance of beating IV, MGS4 will do the job though.
  14. you may not care but some people take the time to earn the moeny the want to spend it on summat they can see, so take you who cares attitude and stick it where the sun dont shine, hahaha Lol, so maybe you want to make GTA look like Sims and then we can buy furniture and houses! Woot
  15. As Cat Licker said, who cares? I mean, I'm not going to go all psycho just because I can't buy safe houses.
  16. Actually SA has like 10 more missions than IV.
  17. I love the Frank Lampard one.
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