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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. That's pretty cool, I laughed a lot and it made me remember that kid that put a guy on fire because he thought he was a fire mage, lulz.
  2. Great video but you better listen to Llama and Mutu.
  3. Dude, what's your problem with me? You don't even think when you post since you rated my sig and avi differently twice.
  4. hey there, what's up?

  5. I think the review is pretty fair, of course graphics aren't perfect contrary to what some think.
  6. I'm looking for a sig. Details: Theme- Revolver Ocelot Style- give it a vintage look Colour- Maybe a bit redish Thanks in advance.
  7. convince yourself of that, :P

  8. Agreed, I can't even believe I already liked them.
  9. Wow, I'm so fucking hyped, finally we won't have to wait like 6 seconds to change clothes.
  10. Fall Out Boy, they just keep throwing their shit music to our world, I wish they would just go to fucking hell.
  11. Lv 2 8 deaths, how do you pass the second level?
  12. You are right about the damn music, I was almost going to shoot the speakers.
  13. Ivan

    Amazon pre-order

    I want to pre-order MGS4 in Amazon so I wanted to know if they delliver it on the day of the release date or some days after. Cheers.
  14. Ivan

    Tree Man

    Wow, the lounge is full of bizzare shit.
  15. Don't worry, a 10/10 game never is never a disappointment.
  16. I totally agree, it looks good if it's not overdone like DH said.
  17. got this little kitty about 2 months back he was the nicest little kitty, now a pain in my crack This little kitty is a ninja, always stalking my feet This little kitty is a warrior you know what I mean he's an evil little kitty look what he did to my hand tries to get in trouble in any way that he can I could give this cat a toy, but he'd rather have the wrapper and I will always give him water, but he still drinks from the crapper You could lock him in a closet and he just won't care kitty chews on my shoes and he licks my hair always scratching on my favorite chair and jumping on the couch playing in the window sills and tearing through the house He's so full of energy and easily amused kitty will attack anything that moves Causing trouble, starting battles just so he could be a little part of he's a meanest little kitty so we named him sparta Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite Where'd you go are you stalking me? are you under the couch, quite possibly ears laid back so you don't get caught ready to pounce my leg with everything that you got I know you're probably watching me from across the room concentrating contemplating on attacking me soon You're not invisible kitty, I'm gonna find you first Come out come out before I make things worse I've seen where you hide and I know where you've been Hey kitty why don't you give in Even if you try to sneak up on me, I'm prepared Cause I've got my safety gear on and I'm not scared I think I hear a kitty cat under the bed I know your making noises just to mess with my head You can stalk me all you want, but I'm not your pray cause you always seem to find me first, but not today Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight Come on out, I'm gonna get you now I've got 'em cornered and now he's mine He's not gonna get away this time I'll snatch him up fast before he can blink and then... Aw man! He's asleep in the sink What is with this cat? I'm confused He's got a bed, but it's never been used In every waking moment, kitty's out for the fight then [fart] next minute kitty's out like a light How could I let this creature live inside of my home I gotta keep an eye on him when I'm on the phone I'm a little afraid to leave this cat all alone this kitty may destroy everything that I own Look at him now, I kinda feel bad He's the best little cat that I've had and the one big thing I forgot to mention, was that He wasn't fighting, he just wanted attention Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite Hey little sparta what is with all the fight showing love, that's all this kitty does
  18. Pes 2008, Master League with Ajax.
  19. Is this article true? Because there are some grammar mistakes.
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