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Everything posted by Dr.Dbl-Gee

  1. Oh hehe thats the Sunshine Autos! i put like a little village with new models around it
  2. Thanks for comments guys I have new screenshots of Little Havana Beta 0.5! For more screenshots visit: www.GtaVcDblGee.ucoz.com! To create a cool FREE webpage visit: Ucoz.com (before i used freewebs but this is better and more simple)
  3. No no you can play it from any stage of the game your in. Since it doesnt have new IPLs and IDEs you don't have to start new game to play. Its pretty easy to install to (no editing GTA_VC.DAT and adding models to Img Tool).
  4. Sup guys! This time i have no more problems! A few months ago i finished my Little Haiti 1994 map mod. I think it turned out pretty nice so i started working on Havana and i might change the whole of vc. But that might take me longer because unlike in my Little Haiti 1994 mod im not using only ingame objects (im adding IDEs & IPLs) and that might take a while. Anyways check out my Little Haiti 1994 mod and you can also see some screenshots of the Havana mod too. Heres a short description and story to Little Haiti 1994: Little Haiti in 1983 was known as the ghetto of vice city but things start to change. 1994 as vice city grows in size, Little Haiti becomes one of the Perfect place for tourists and drug dealers. Soon new neighbourhoods and houses start to appear but however not everything is perfect yet, It will take minumum 5 years to clean up all the leftover mess and crime in little haiti. NEW FEATURES: * Completely new little haiti * New parks and neighbourhoods * Over 70 new buildings and 4 construction sites * Helipad (always a must) * Highway under construction with ramps * part of the leftover ghetto * Over 25 billboards added You can download my map here or on my site: www.gtavcdblgee.ucoz.com And check out some screenshots: http://gtavcdblgee.ucoz.com/photo/ Thanks hope you like it
  5. yea but i know how to do it now! thanks anyway
  6. Hehe thats pretty easy as long as you use objects in the game WITHOUT editing your GTA_VC.dat file. If you want custom models into it you need to edit that file. As long as you just want to move things around and duplicate you will not have to do that. Download moomapper and ask somebody on how to use it. Its pretty easy.
  7. whenever i make my own IPL and IDE on moomapper and add the reference to the GTA_VC.DAT it always crashes while loading. Also when i download new maps and replace my GTA_VC.DAT with the one in the download the game always crashes. So whenever i replace the original one vc screws up. if i remove the IPL, IDE, COL that i added from the GTA_VC.DAT it works again! WTF IS UP WITH IT!? I adjusted all limits and paths are all correct
  8. I build a model using scetchup of a hospital... i read alot of tutorials on how to put it into zmodeler but by me it doesnt save as a 3ds max model... there are only scetchup formats. it would be great if someone who knows how to do it would texture it and put it into dff format so it could go right in the game... if anybody would like to help me i attached the model here. thx hope some1 helps out!
  9. You might want permission from the authors if you're going to include them in a group mod. Just a thought. Plus you'll have to credit them all in the readme or w/e, it's tactless otherwise. And advertising? Meh, it's borderline. damn... you have a point. Ill try to solve this problem but i dont think it will be too much of a problem. But thank you anyway.
  10. Thats great! just tell us what you wanna do. Join our site and there we can discuss our progress. There might be a little problem with our site cuz the registration is in russian. ill just tell u the fields in order and just fill them in in our site ( ill give u the regestration link: http://corruptedfuture.3dn.ru/index/3-0-0 ) Here are the fields in order, fill 'em in on da site: 1st field: Логин - login name* 2nd field: Пароль - password* 3rd field: Пароль (подтверждение) - confirm password* 4th field: Полное имя - Full name* 5th field: E-mail адрес - E-mail adress* 6th field: Домашняя страница - homepage (optional) Then just registrate by clicking <регистрация> if any questions feel free to ask 7th field: ICQ (optional) 8th field: Дата рождения - Birth date (optional) 9th field: Ваш пол - gender (optional) 10th field: F**k it, u dont need it 11th field: Avatar (www.adress) 12th field: Код - security code*
  11. To make the Vice City Corrupted Future Mod sounded as a good idea to us, but to make this possible we still need help in : scripting, moddeling ( as many members as possible ). We already have 3 members : 2 mappers and 1 audio editor. We need help in creating new buildings more than moddeling cars, because we can download them from sites anyway, we already have a few models, but to create original vehicles would be alot better. We already did some work and we can soon publish the first beta version of our mod, without scripting but with a new map, new vehicles, weapons and audio. We are happy to welcome any new members to our team. If you are interested visit: http://www.corruptedfuture.3dn.ru.our site is in Russian and English. We have a few screenshots of our mod on our site and i posted a few here. Also you can contact me by my email: [email protected] hope you join us, thank you
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