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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. @Butters PERENNIAL where can you find a NRG on LS?
  2. gutom na ako... gusto kong kumain... meron namang pancit dito... pero tamad ako i want to learn Greek too XD
  3. ^ confused? < not confused v member
  4. Abandoned Airstrip/Verdant Meadows how many gangs are there in San Andreas?
  5. Much like those Filipino remakes of popular foreign drama/buddy/romance series like Ugly Betty and Marimar - they often end up more or less like half-baked or cheesier than the originals... it is because general Filipino population loves lesser creativity and don't criticize much, they just accept the fact that Filipino movies and shows would never improve... @Earthbound : yeah, stereotypical movies of Hollywood... although quite few are good to watch
  6. i think the idea for new changes are good and seems that would help the site to boost in activity. i like it. and i also like a new skin (although i always wanted the Orange and Grey skin back when i joined here)
  7. i occasionally watched the original Three Stooges when i was a kid, but i just don't like the idea of remaking a new one, remakes and sequels generally don't make good results.
  8. Cypress Hill - Insane in the brain my favorite rap!!
  9. if the kid was abused, then he is right, but he still needs to be imprisoned... he still committed a crime
  10. San Andreas, lots of features... you'll enjoy it the best GTA for me so far i haven't played GTA IV, but i know someone in my neighborhood already played it, its nice according to him.
  11. welcome Earthbound, i see you joined before me, i hope you'll enjoy your stay here and stick around
  12. enjoy your stay there dude ... and don't forget to post some pics if you want...
  13. oh yeah, and you're going to the terrorist base

  14. Hansui

    o hai ther dood :)

  15. i support McCain tbh, i'm not a racist or what, but based on what i heard before, McCain's policies are much better than Obama's, but Obama's charisma just beat McCain.
  16. ^ lolz, that was so funny on-topic : sorry, i don't have a car and it is not my priority rightnow... gasoline prices is getting higher almost every week
  17. Really? I never get any spam in Gmail (well, none in my inbox, that is, sure I get a lot in the spam section but those are all filtered and deleted automatically, I never evne see them). I used Hotmail for a long time and then moved to Gmail and I must say, Gmail is waaaaaayyyy better. Plus, I prefer Google because they don't try to put all this crap on me like Microsoft does (I don't want to use Windows Live or MSN Messenger or any of your junk, Microsoft!) yeah, i get spams in my gmail account but goes to spam section, not directly to inbox. Most of them are emails from people telling me to invest on them or any crap they are saying to me, other spams are actually from free online games which i don't play generally... i'm kinda tired of deleting this spams btw. yeah, like most of you guys, again, i will say gmail is better than hotmail.
  18. yeah, thats what i don't like in gmail... i get spams almost every two days... unlike in hotmail in which i never got any spam
  19. ^ i thought that hand gesture is restricted only to asians... but meh, nice pic btw
  20. gmail is much easier to use, but i use both emails extensively compared to my yahoo mail.
  21. You're welcome... I'm always here to help you guys... Buksan mo Friendster mo, nag-reply ako sa comment mo... andun naman ako parati eh ... salamat ulit thanks again dude.
  22. i love the game in ur sig. (not VC online)

    reminds me of good ol' memories =)

  23. yeah, i don't even play baseball. Its not popular here in my country... but if it is called "world series" they should include teams from other countries aside from USA...
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