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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. Guns n Roses - Knockin' on heaven's door
  2. welcome back Sky now, the happy days of noobs is coming to an end... get back to work, now!
  3. this must suck, especially for pet owners like me that cop deserves a gruesome punisment
  4. damn, just arrived home from the school, the nurse at the school told me to go home because i had sore eyes.... now its 11:30 and i'm supposed to be home at 4:00 PM. lol lots of time wasted but when i arrived at our house and looked on the mirror, it is completely fine... btw, its nice, i got to do a lot of projects and assignments with fucking exams coming on thursday
  5. Hansui

    OMG! TNF commented on me!

    *drinks coke zero*

    btw, i'm going to my buddy's house to get my usb :)

  6. tbh, i see these Muslims are kinda fanatical (sorry, if i offended others). If you're a really nice person, you should know how to respect other religions.
  7. lol. pretty nice update Chris, even though i don't have any award
  8. yeah, chris82 is right. Church can't save you from hell... it is about hearing the church teachings not about being totally saved from hell, you're the only one who can help you to be saved.
  9. only his comrades Hazer and Johnny Kazuki knows the truth
  10. oh fck!!! i just discovered that the chick is really Raymond who was trying to rape me!! nooo *my virginity ends*
  11. no, the chick you gave me wants to have sex with me first... we'll have a good time for now
  12. lolk. done. the boat ran out of gas and he is now stucked in the middle of damn ocean near flint county
  13. nooo, i'm afraid of heights. maybe i'll just walk
  14. Do we like, need backup? Yes, we have a suspect driving an NRG-500, he has shot all cars that have tried to get him, what do we do? steal a dinghy and then chase him
  15. You think thats gross? Wait 'til I tell you the story of how he fingered Scooby Doo :barf: roarsome!!
  16. Hansui

    lol. slightly

  17. Hansui


    i'm completely happy and fine :D. i found it on google.

  18. lol, these people need to go to space
  19. well Philippines is also diverse, but Christians dominates (like above 90% of the population). we also have some other religions, muslims live in the south (now they are rebelling against the government), buddhist (mostly chinese), and hindus (mostly indian expatriates)... well other religions exist but i dunno much about them
  20. i thought indians are mostly hindus and muslims
  21. the earth is flat... lol these guys need to see images from satellites
  22. yeah, nothing scary... and it is a bit common btw
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