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Everything posted by Hansui

  1. I thought advertising is prohibited in this forums? and based on what Bear said, seems that the trend is becoming popular nowadays
  2. standing? I never had those circumstances, well I have no clue why they are acting like that. Don't worry you'll be used to it later
  3. Seriously, fucking retarded woman, but as long as she's happy with it, then enjoy her life
  4. I don't know what are you exactly talking about, but AI in San Andreas is apparently not good though. There are some instances when you're having a gang war, the enemy gang members instead run away outside the territory but actually they are chasing you, and as you can observe, most of the gang members just ran along the sidewalks and barely go to the main road itself. So I think the problem you're talking about is normal.
  5. Thanks, that would do. But I was wondering... how about my career percentage? If I chose a mission from the link, would it be automatic that all other missions before that are finished? yeah, all other missions before that are already finished (but I dunno if the Zero's missions are finished)
  6. retards, I lol'd at the one with a bucket on his head
  7. your sig got a point :)

  8. well, there's a website where you can download the mission you want to finish here is the link, I believe that the name of the mission you're talking about is "Learning to Fly"
  9. yeah I think its fake, they didn't even showed her pussy, and it seems that no one sought help of more experienced persons (e.g. nurses/doctors) who can handle the situation
  10. It's fake? Oh damn, I just wasted my statement of sympathy towards her.
  11. yeah, that was bad, I feel sorry for her. Teenage pregnancy is not that good.
  12. well I have some on my laptop, might post them soon
  13. yeah, that's why I awe my knowledge on html to our teacher who taught us to make a website through notepad. btw, can you even code your webpage through Photoshop?
  14. maraming salamat pre! :)

  15. Chris82 is right, you don't have to depend always on a program in making a website, I think it is still better if you code it yourself. But if you feel lazy enough though, use a program. MS Frontpage is kinda sick though, some of my CSS codes were not recognized or I just misplaced the codes.
  16. well, I never experienced being despised by an older person when I was a kid. My parents always tell me that I am very quiet and never becomes hyperactive as a kid... that's why I never understood those morons @WRX: if i had cousin like that, that would be cool. I would train her to become a future professional GTA gamer!
  17. Well, I never met any kids like that one, that's horrible. I'm impatient towards them, even though I am normally calm and quite reserved person.
  18. ^ virgin < virgin v semi-virgin
  19. I easily get annoyed with kids especially those arrogant, hyperactive and those who try to act tough. I have this one nephew who constantly tries to snatch my cap and I was annoyed to the point that I pushed him to the ground in front of his family and after that, he stopped and later he migrated to America. That's why I will never become a pedophile
  20. ROFLzorz L-Ric, that's epic and yeah, Super Hyphy, why don't you just ask your mom about it.
  21. avi : 7 sig : 8 (hey, that's Chris' old sig!) person : 7 - I don't know you much, but I think you're quite fine
  22. yes, the asshole the girls piss on another hole... according to my female classmate who told me about it some years ago
  23. Ur right! But I didn't realize they were having some coffee together. R U sure they're not having hot coffee? Oh c'mon, I think everyone who played that game already imagined that they are having hot coffee. @Nate : yeah!
  24. 1964 Chevrolet Impala SS convertible I like lowriders
  25. um, I think Catalina also mentioned Claude's name on her prank call to CJ near the end of the storyline. And they're having some coffee
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