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Everything posted by JustADummy

  1. At how many points do you become King of San Andreas?
  2. BUMP GTA 2 it's very difficult for me, they could have removed the topdown view, since GTA 2 is 3D (it is, so how the fuck can you see buildings with viewable sides?)
  3. Name differences in Liberty City, comparing with III LC.
  4. A certain part of land? Didn't know... It's because I'm trying to get 100% on my 2nd save.
  5. Whenever I do a Unique Stunt, I always fail. I go with a PCJ, fast, and I don't fall when I land and it says Unique Stunt Failed.
  6. Coolio. I wanna see your skills, I'll send ya some depending of the sig quality. I hope it's high
  7. The physics engine was a bit exagerated, how the fuck we would turn our legs and body like that?
  8. How many courses there are in Bumps & Grinds?
  9. Donald Love is a "candidate" who wants to fight with other candidates, by blowing their papers and vans, plus getting more members.
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